Quiz 1 - Learning, Memory And Representation Flashcards
How does the human mind work?
Senses interpret things, commit to memory/knowledge, mind initiates action
What is disembodied software?
Artificial intelligence makes recommendations ie Amazon
What is distributed cognition?
How information processing is dispersed across people and their workplace, their technologies and their social organization and how information processing evolves over time. It provides a framework and method to examine the interactions between people and objects thereby highlighting the complex interdependencies between people and objects.
What is perception?
Perceptual or concrete thinking is perception - the interpretation of sensation according to one’s experience.
What is cognition?
Cognition includes all conscious and unconscious processes by which knowledge is accumulated, such as perceiving, conceiving, recognizing and reasoning.
What is cognition?
Cognition is a term for the mental processes that take place in the brain, including thinking, attention, language, learning, memory and perception.
Examples of representations stored in memory?
Human Brain - long and short term memory
Software - databases, symbols
Distributed Systems - paper, brain, disk, environment manipulation
Explain how cognition is manipulation of representations
Perceived by the eye to be # 3 - patterns of light - neurones send signals for processing patterns of light which generates memories/beliefs - ability to alter 3 to 8 as fav number - manipulation of representations
Sensory memory
Rewritten every few seconds
Echoing memory - memory from sounds you hear held briefly
Iconic memory - stores visual images briefly
Working memory - stores information long enough until utilized ie remember address while driving - holds information while solving a problem
Short term memory
Temporary store of experiences (May turn into long term memory)
Hippocampus transfers short term memory to long term memory
Basal ganglia stores knowledge about procedural functions ie walking
Long term memory
Stored forever during sleep - may be difficult to retreive
Long Term Memory breakdown
Declarative - semantic = fact, episodic = what happened to you
Non declarative - implicit/procedural knowledge = know by repetition ie PIN number
Cognitive science metaphor
Mind is software
Brain is hardware
How memories get in your head and change
Purpose is to change for better action in the future
Learning habituation
First time you hear a loud noise you jump, second time you hear the same loud noise your reaction is not as strong
Learning sensitization
First time you might not feel something very much but after repetition you become more sensitive to it ie vibration of phone message
Learning classical conditioning
Two unrelated stimuli become associated ie dog gets excited by bell ringing as food is provided
Operant conditioning
Changing behaviour because of reinforcement
Encouraging behaviour- positive reinforcement-reward for behaviour, negative reinforcement-removes reinforcement by taking away ie take away chlorine eye sting by wearing goggles
Diminishing behaviour-positive punishment-unwanted outcome as a result of behaviour ie burning fingers touching hot stove, negative punishment-extinction-allowance cut off for stealing
Positive=Present, Negative=Remove, Reinforce=make more likely, Punish=make less likely
Learning Practice
Do again and again - uses reinforcement and punishment to hone skill - become habitual or instinct, fast, unconscious - can be automated ie walking, tie shoes, drive
Learning imprinting
Time sensitive learning - Canada goose learns biggest thing it sees immediately after birth is it’s mother
Learning observational
Watch someone else do something
Cultural learning - men stand legs apart-women legs together
Learn by seeing others-not taught
Learning testimony
Learn by reading or taught by someone
Learning mentorship
Learn from others and teach others-more than observational ie cooking
Learn over Human History
Genetic-when an environment change slowly-adapt to changes in environment ie natural disasters
Cultural - imitation - learns itself when environment changes quickly
Content Bias - imitate best idea
Prestige Bias - imitate most successful
Conformist Bias - imitate most common/most popular way of doing something
Individual - figures out on your own
Interdisciplinary Fields in Cognitive Science
Cognitive Psychology
Artificial Intelligence