Quiz 1 Perception Flashcards
What is Perception?
Process in which agents interpret and organize sensation to produce a meaningful experience
From a cognitive science perspective it means turning information from one form into new meaningful representations
Typical Modalities = Senses
Physical Signal=Perceptual modality
Air vibrations (sound)=hearing (audition) echolocation
Physical Pressure=Haptics (touch) Moisture is actually felt by changes in temperature
Chemicals=taste and olfaction (smell)
Body position-kinaesthetic/proprioception (body part-static_
Atypical=senses in bowel, stomach, pain receptors, heat receptors, etc. need to throw up
Intromission Theory
Visual perception is from rays of light reflected from objects into eyes
Extramission theory
Has been disproved-rays light from eye combined with light from world allows us to see
Lens, muscles either side focus
Rods/cones on retina-Rods light sensitive detect motion-peripheral, directs vision
Cone - respond to short wave lengths-blue, medium-green, Long wave lengths-red
Sensitive to colour and detail
Depth Perception
Size-know how big things are
Perspective-things farther away-smaller
Occlusion-one thing in front of another
Texture-gradients, shading, saturation-closer things more saturated/strong vivid, further away more blue/less saturated
Multiple Images-motion and Perceptual infinity-binoculars vision - looks the same out of each eye-focus doesn’t change
Brain - Dorsal and Ventral Stream
Dorsal (top back - think dorsal fin on shark) - where pathway associated with motion, object location, control of eyes and arms
Ventral - What pathway - associated with recognition and object representation - also associated with long term memory
Pandemonium model of perception
Demons (units) - does thing on it’s own - looks for segment - perceptual detection and cognitive identification of a stimulus - letter perception, one vertical line, one curved line
Template matching perception
Incoming information is compared to stored template to find match - ie what is animal, it is a dog stored in long term memory from seeing previously
Example - face recognition
Audition - Hearing
Outer ear - pina - reflects sound into canal - detects location
Tympanic membrane - ear drum - vibrates air - connects to bone - neurons
Crystals move in cochlea - gives orientation of head - if crystal rocks move and get stuck causes vertigo
Bio sonar - sends out sound, determines spatial info from echo
Make sound - echo determines location - bats use effectively
Haptics - Touch
Sensors in skin
Active perception - Haptics, vision
Critical for manipulation of objects ie finding keys in bag without looking
Olfaction - smell
Detection of chemicals - no clear energy continuum as there is for light and sound waves
Some similar chemicals smell different and vice versa
Most of what we taste is smell - runny nose causes loss of food taste
Taste is limited
Animals use to communicate territory, fertility, ie ant pheromone traces
Gestation - taste
Chemical receptors in taste buds last for 1-2 weeks - wear out then are replaced
Salty, sour/bitter, sweet, umami (cheese, mushrooms, msg)
Pain receptors react to spicy foods
Experience of food is complex, feel, temperature, taste, smell, pain
Kinaesthesia, proprioception and vestibular system
How you know where body part is and how it is moving
Sensor in inner ear and muscles
Phantom limb
Motion sickness and vestibular system
Perception of hunger, need for digestive elimination, heart rate, need to sneeze, breathe, cough, etc.
Optical illusions
Eye perceives things next to each other appear to move