Quiz 3 - Cognitive Science And Music Flashcards
Is Music a part of Humanity
Music is found in all cultures - it is universal
Involves many aspects of cognition especially perception, creativity and emotion
Music generation requires training - association and interfaces
How is music used in culture?
Social bonding
Emotional regulation
Mother-infant interaction
Aesthetic experiences - fun
Did we evolve to have music?
Two views
1st view - music is not evolved - in terms of survival and reproduction it is useless
Stephen Pinker - music is a by product of other things ie motor control - physical activity ie dance - sensitivity to speech - cries/laughs/sighs
Auditory cheesecake - it is not needed but ingredients are crucial to survival
Super normal stimulus byproduct
Support for music is evolved - ancient - 42,000 BCE found ivory pipes - cross cultural - triggers emotion
Evidence against evolved music - music does not predict mating success - studied 10k twins - no effect on number of sex partners, age of 1st intercourse or number of offspring
What is Darwin’s sexual selection theory?
Music is like a peacocks tail - it is used to attract mates along with dancing
It is a signal of intelligence, health, etc.
Bird songs are used in courtship
What is Robin Dunbar’s social bonding theory?
social bonding replaced grooming
Used to form alliances
Synchronized movement releases endorphins
Listening releases opioids/endorphins that make us happy - also staton in and dopamine
What is the Coalition signaling theory?
Theory of Hagen and Bryant - sing together - evolved from coordinated territorial defence signals - mated birds sing together to protect territory - coyotes howl at periphery only as a pack never alone
What is the relationship between music and language?
P600 (peak in electrical brain activity) measured on EEG for synthetic violations - Pat play in park should be Pat plays in the park
P600 also found for chord violations without music training
Suggests that P600 is not language specific
High and Low Pitches
Why pitches considered high or low is due to sound wave length and frequency
When it reaches the ear sound is impacted
Why is upward motion associated with goodness - sounds beautiful - extract from our daily life
Verb direction - being in the heavens - on top of the clouds
High and low pitches in other languages
We experience it based on our language
Ie Farsi - thin and thick
Manna - small and large
Emotion on a 2D space
Ignores tenderness, playfulness, anxiety
Ie fast music to working out
Low notes - scary, intimidating, anxiety
High notes - marching, happier, friendly
Sad music
Low pitches - dissonance (lack of harmony) - slow temp - minor key
Sad speech is in minor key
Music memory
Music memory and language are in different places in the brain
A cellist lost memory following illness but retain music memory
Music and language
Turning speech into song - listening to recording - after 11 repetitions of the same identical recording, participants heard an individual and a chorus
Continued listening to identical musical phrase you understand meaning
When you focus on the sound it seems to change
We round sound up - individual seems like a chorus
Hearing lyrics on piano - know song you hear the words/lyrics not sung - synthesized speech
Music affects video perception - scary or sad vs happy or beautiful