Quiz 2 Development - Single Cell To Adult Flashcards
Language development
U shaped curve
Went - goed - went
Universal language theory
Memorized - learned past tense goal - went
Learned ‘went’ is the exception to the rule
Mind has switches that get sent when you learn a language as a child
Critical Stage 3-5
Child learns/adds 2-4 new words per day to productive vocal and 2x that for understanding
They learn words they didn’t hear that day - how is this possible
Your web of knowledge makes other things make sense ie Sesame st adult joke clicks in adulthood
Developmental stages
Jean Piaget
Developmental stages
Birth - 2yrs - sensorimotor
2 - 6yrs - preoperational
7 - 11yrs - concrete operational
11 - death - formal operational
Usually after 1 year will give up searching for object
Sensorimotor stage - birth to 2 yrs
Simple reflex action - symbolic processing
Progress seen on 3 fronts -
- adapting to and exploring environment -focus on intentional behaviour
- understanding objects - object permanence
- using symbols - waving, gesturing
Preoperational Stage - 2-6 yrs
Thinks everyone knows something - egocentrism - difficulty in seeing world from another’s viewpoint
Centration - narrow focused thought ie only one part of problem doesn’t recognize water in glass as same due to change in glass height
Use of symbols to represent objects and events
Concrete operational stage 7-11 yrs
Mental operations to solve problems and reason ie induction - feather breaking glass - Problems with abstract thought and hypothetical thought
Formal operational stage - 11 yrs and up
Can apply mental operations to abstract entities
Abstract and hypothetical thinking
Piaget’s lasting contributions
Started cognitive developmental studies
Constructive - children are active participants in their own development
Counterintuitive discoveries - puzzles that other scientists needed to solve
Problems with Piagentian theories -
- underestimates infants-overestimates adolescents
- vague on processes and change mechanisms
- stages are not that clear cut
- underestimated social and cultural influences
Lev Vygotsky
Focus on cultural and social
Intersubjectivity - shared understanding among participants of an activity
Guided participation - cognitive growth results from kids involvement in structured activities with others who are more skilled
Zone of proximal - the difference between what a child can do alone from with help
Scaffolding - teaching style that matches amount of assistance to needs
Private speech - comments not directed to others but practicing to do on their own - children talk out loud to nobody in particular
Inner speech - thought - internalized private speech servicing same function - verbal thoughts vs thought in visual
How to study babies?
Part of development is losing synapse connections existing at birth
Babies are born with more brain synapses than needed - reduction by what is used/important ie recognize human face vs different lemur - pruning
Babies notice change but if bored did not learn yet
Marshmallow test
Kids who passsed were good at distracting themselves and turned out to be more successful in later life
Related to discounting the future criticisms of test -
- can be interpreted wrong
-low social economic status - shows less will power but is really learned to take what you can get now or you might not get another one equates to lack of trust not lack of willpower
Information processing strategies - kids improve in the following ways
- better inhibitory and executive functioning vs having fun, desires, etc.
- increased automatic processing - kids are still learning
- increased speed of processing
-kids get better at strategies as working memory increases
Core knowledge theories
Distinctive domains of knowledge - some are learned early
Explains why child learns language but not calculus early - child doesn’t need to be taught language - it happens
Against the general intelligence approach to development and cognition
Suggestions - language, objects, people, living things
Looking paradigm - watch baby to see when they get bored
Core knowledge theories - objects
4.5 mth old - have object permanence - objects move in continuous path - objects can’t move through other objects
Core knowledge theory - living things
12 mths - 5 yrs - can tell difference between animate and inanimate objects
Growth - doesn’t think plants are alive until 7-8 yrs
Internal parts - humans have fingers, toes, etc.
Illness - rock doesn’t heal but bunny does
Core knowledge theory - people
Naive psychology - eats fast means is hungry
2-5 yrs - theory of mind - understand how others feel/think
3-5 yrs - false belief
Brain development
Your DNA information fits on a DVD -not that big
Cells migrate to where they should be - based on 3 axes - up/down, left/right, forward/backward - axes is determined by proteins - cells decide where to be and make connection
Neurons make connections not in DNA - even twins with same DNA have different brains
Variation not well described by genes of environment - happens on its own
Can’t measure well