Quiz 3 [CH 11 + 12] Flashcards
conditioning exercise
activities that maximize performance while minimizing the possibility of injury
therapeautic exercise
exercises used in a rehabilitation program
in the athletic setting, who assumes the primary responsibility of the rehab program
ATs + PTs
what is the goal for the injured athlete
to return to activity as quickly + safely as possible
basic components + goals of a rehab program- providing correct first aid + controlling swelling
-how the injury is managed initially has a significant impact on the course of the rehab process
-to control + significantly reduce swelling, follow the POLICE principle
basic components + goals of a rehab program- reducing pain
-acute pain can be effectively controlled by the POLICE principle
-therapeautic modalities can be used such as electrical stimulation
basic components + goals of a rehab program- restoring full ROM
-injury to a joint is followed by a loss of motion (resistance of muscle + its tendon to stretch & contracture of the ligaments + capsule)
-dynamic, static, + PNF stretching activities can be used to improve flexibility
basic components + goals of a rehab program- re-establishing core stability
-essential to developing functional strength
-core functions to dynamically stabilize the entire kinetic chain during functional movements
-commonly performed early in the rehab stages when a joint is immobilized
-useful when moving through full ROM may make the injury worse
progressive resistance exercise
uses isotonic (concentric + eccentric) contractions to build strength
-generally used in the later stages for diagnostic purposes
-helpful in return to play decisions
-incorporated into later stages
-restores an athlete’s ability to produce dynamic movements with power
basic components + goals of a rehab program- re-establishing neuromuscular control
-the mind’s attempt to teach the body conscious control of a specific movement
-following injury, the CNS “forgets” how to put the information together
basic components + goals of a rehab program- regaining balance
failure to address balance problems may predispose the athlete to reinjury
basic components + goals of a rehab program- maintaining cardiorespiratory fitness
-the single most neglected component of a rehab program
-pool activities + cycling can positively stress the cardiorespiratory system
basic components + goals of a rehab program- functional progressions
-involve a series of gradually progressive activities to prepare the individual to return to sport
-every new activity introduced should be carefully monitored
-if an activity doesn’t produce additional pain or swelling, the level should be advanced
basic components + goals of a rehab program- functional testing
-involves performance of a single maximal effort to give some idea of how close an athlete is to a full return to activity
-ex: agility drills, side stepping, vertical jumps, hopping, etc.
ice packs
most often used for minimizing swelling for pain immediately following an injury
hot packs
most often used after swelling has decreased to increase blood flow
how long should ice be used post-injury before using heat
ice should be used for at least 72 hours post-injury before using heat
increase tissue temperature
-not much research to show that this works
pain relief
light therapy
can be used for jet lag to help with sleep
electric current + sound waves to push drugs into skin
criteria for return to play
often means the athlete is fully reconditioned + has achieved:
-full ROM
-neuromuscular control
-cardiovascular fitness
-sport specific functional skills
who makes the final return to play decision
-team physician
-requires input from AT, PT, athlete, +/or coach
besides the physical well-being, the athlete must also have gained full ____ to return to their sport
athletes deal with injury ____
-some may view injury as disatrous
-some may view it as an opportunity to show courage
severity of injury determines ____
length of rehabilitation
short term
less than 4 weeks