Quiz #3 - Birth related procedures Flashcards
What is the purpose of an amniotomy?
Enables internal electronic fetal heart monitoring - done usually with induction of labor
What are risks of an amniotomy?
Prolapse/compression of umbilical cord, risk for infection because of ROM, abruptio placentae (?)
When would induction and augmentation be indicated?
Fetal compromise, SROM, postterm delivery, chorioamnionitis, HTN, fetal death
When would induction and augmentation be contraindicated?
Placenta previa, vasa previa, abnormal presentation, umbilical cord prolapse, previous uterine surgery, non-reassuring FHR
How can we do cervical ripening?
For induction - medical with prostaglandins or mechanical with a transcervical catheter, laminaria
Nursing actions after amniotomy?
Vaginal exam, make sure FHR is still tracking (might see decels or variables)
Why oxytocin for induction?
Causes uterus to contract - diluted in isotonic solution & given as secondary infusion
What should we note about amniotic fluid?
TACO (time, amount, color, odor)
How to recognize tachysystole?
Contractions with no breaks in between
What is an external cephalic version?
If baby is not head down, they change position from breech or transverse to cephalic - done w/ ultrasound
What is an internal version?
Sometimes used to change second twin position after first twin is born
What complications could happen with a version?
Umbilical cord could wrap around fetus
What is operative vaginal birth?
Traction applied to fetal head. Forceps used less than vacuum. Also during c-section to pull baby through incision.
What trauma can occur to mother with operative delivery?
Laceration or hematoma
What trauma can occur to fetus with operative delivery?
Ecchymosis, lacerations, abrasions, facial nerve injury, intracranial hemorrhage
What is an episiotomy?
Incision of perineum just before birth
What are indications of an episiotomy?
Fetal shoulder dystocia, forceps/vacuum birth, fetus in occiput posterior positio
Cesarean birth rates have increased due to what?
Obesity, increased induction rate, delayed childbearing (later years)
What are risks that come from C-section?
Infection, blood loss, resp distress in fetus (fluid NOT being squeezed out of lungs)
What can happened after a VBAC? (vaginal birth after casarean)
Some mom’s feel inadequate after c-section. Low transverse uterine incisions reduce risk of rupture.
Latent phase of labor (cm)
Active phase of labor (cm)
Transition phase of labor (cm)
Pushing phase of labor (considered 2nd stage)
When are pregnant women tested for group B strep?
36-37 weeks
1 in __ pregnant women carry GBS in their body.
How can we prevent most early-onset GBS disease in newborns?
Giving pregnant women antibiotics in labor. Cannot get antibiotics before labor.