Quiz #3 Flashcards
What is Ethnic Nationalism
A form of nationalism wherin the “nation” is defined in terms of ethnicity
What is the central theme of ethnic nationalism?
Nations are defined by a shared heritage which includes a common language, faith, and ethnic ancestery
Ethnic nationalism is not just based on pilitics but based on ?
Histor and eethnic composition
What revolution inspired ethnic nationalism?
Mexican reolution
Do same conditions of ethnic nationalism exsist across latin america?Y
Yes, even though mex rev started it it was a universal udeology
In relation to events related to ethnic nationalism, what was, Mestizaje?
Assimilation, and westernixzation oif indiands, and afro decendents would lead to racil and cultural mizing, cultural hipogenity
In relation to events related to ethnic nationalism, what was, Official Indegimiso?
Promoting assimilation and westernization of indians, protecting them from abuses, perseerving some features,
What features did the government not pick to keep in relation to official indegemiso/?
The ones that would threaten the government
In relation to events related to ethnic nationalism, what was, Economic nationalism?
National economic priorities above privae ones (domestic and foreign) and free market
In relation to events related to ethnic nationalism, what was, expanded oppurtunities?
No questioning of heriarchical society
In relation to the Mexican constituion of 1917 what did State ownership of all natura; resources state?
Private companies could lease these resurces
State ownership of natural resources was article #? in the mexican constitution in 1917?
What else did article 27 of the mexican constituion of 1917 state in relation to private land?
It is not sacred if intrests of people are better served govt will confiscate property and redistribute
Was article 27 about productivity?
no, more about giving the most good
In relation to the mexican consitution of 1917 what was the agrarian reform?
Confiscation of private land (which was illegally taken in most cases) and redistribution to peasants including idigeious peoples
In relation the the exican consitution of 1917 what did the “confiscation of religious property” entail?
Religion was no longer allowed in education, preists nuns had to register, no foreign religious workers, not allowed to wear religious colothes in public
Was the not allowing to wear religious clothes in public heavily enforced
no, but it did create a catholic rebellion
In relation to the mexican consitution of 1917 hoiw was it pro labor?
Creating of unions and authorized employee strikes
The mexican coinstitution of 1917 also provided universal ___ ___?
Free education
Is it still free today (universal free education, mecixan cinstitution)?
Still free but quality of educationmay not be goofd in some cases
What is the cosmic race and who piosited it?
Vasconcelos, 1925- mixed race is best because it trancends
In 1933 Freyre pusited the term racial democracy, what is a racial democracy?
Brazilian was the best race because of being mixed. he though brazil was moving towatrds a society without racism
What is economic nationalism
Putting national economic priorities above private company priorities. people over profit
In relation to the effects of the 1929 crash in the us, and how it effected latin america, what were the 4 major effects?
A decreased demand for latin american expirts
high unemployment
lower revenues (could not oimport much)
concern over internal unrest- social problem
In relation to the 1929 crash wat were the reactions to the crash?
Economic nationalism and classic populaism
The ___ reacted with economic nationals, and the US put ____ over profit
economic, people
What is ISI?
Import substitution industrialization
What is Import substitution industrialization?
Protectionism, state subsidies for domestic products
propoganda encouraged consumption of domestic consumption
control over resources
What was ISI geared towards?
Replacing imports
How ling was ISI influential for?
until 1980s
In relation to classic populism what were some of the main teneants of it?
- ________ and anti communism
- action on ____ question
- _____ _____ systems
- Institutionalized _______ (patronage)
- Labor ___
- Nationalism
- Social
- Social security
- Assenstentialism
- Labor codes
In relation to some classic examples of classic pipulism, who was getuilo vargas?
Getuillo Vargas (brazil 1930-45 estada novo
In relation to some classic examples of classic pipulism, who was Lazaro Cardenas?
(Mexico 1934-40) cardenismo
In relation to some classic examples of classic pipulism, who was Juan Peron
(Argentina 1946055) Peronismo
Whayt is
- Estado novo
- Cardenismo
- Peronismo-
-All had military support: close relationship with labor they encouraged isi patronage and antin communism
Populist leaders benefitted from?
US Good neighbor policy
What is assenttialism?
Institutionlized patronage
What does social democracy stem from?
Stems from Social Justice (fair distribution of wealth opportunities, and privileges + support for free market economics)
Social democracy is representative democracy with?
Social justice
What is scoscial jsutice?
Fair distribution of wealth, opputunities, and privleges
What is the National security foctrine?
Us govt ideology promoted among latin america govts
What does the national security doctrine state
LA Is in a permentnat war with communist forces and faces risk of indirect soviet attack through internal subversion
What does the National Security doctrine promte?
Counter insurgency
What is counter insugergency?
In order to succeed states need resources and willingness to make all necesarrty sacrafices
What are sacrafices in this context?
Vioating human rights to get rid of communism
What does modernization theory state?
Entailed economic development, expansion of middle class and democratic stability
Effcts of poverty on favelados ad depicte din child of the dark?
Carolina senses that she lives in a system that conspires against the poor . Inflationn is rampant and prices for basic necesities such as rice and flour can be absurd
People hungry having too many chldren
When carolina watches a factory owner dump rotted food near favela she considers it an act of blantant ?
(Politics and favedelos as portrayed in chld of the dark) Carolina takes evry oppurtunity she can get to?
Participate in brazils political system
(Politics and favedelos as portrayed in chld of the dark) Carolina is dissappointed in brqzils government because?
It favors the affluent and supresses the poor
(Politics and favedelos as portrayed in chld of the dark) Carolina thinks that adhemar is ____ and wants to punish poor
(Politics and favedelos as portrayed in chld of the dark) Corruption in all politicians from plice to congress. The people of fa vela have?
No influence
(Politics and favedelos as portrayed in chld of the dark) Carolina accuses those in power for being blind to?
Needs of the poor, compared the president of braxil for being like a bird in a gilded cage
(Social Beliefs and proactices of the Favedelos) These favelas are mostly mud huts made of ?
Trash they find
(Politics and favedelos as portrayed in chld of the dark) Reside in ?
Hills where citizens are completely impovershed
(Politics and favedelos as portrayed in chld of the dark) Police officers take brives incessentantly breaking law with no regard for?
Peoples well being
(Politics and favedelos as portrayed in chld of the dark) The governemtn does not take care of the people and their needs t o f?