Midterm Flashcards
In relation to the contrast between spanish america and post independence brazil, Spanish america has what kind of government?
Monarchy, nominally replaced by republic with constitution (democracy, federalism, popular soverignty)
In relation to the contrast between spanish america and post independence brazil, Brazil had what kind of government?
Monarchy nominally replaced by constitutional monarchy (Less drastic changes)
In relation to brazil they weere the last country to abolish?
Which latin american country has the last war of independence?
What country was the least militarized country until the 18`30s?
Why was Brazil never reaally militarized pre and post independence?
Not enough time to militarize during pre independence, and no need to post independence
In relation to continuity of indegenious labor of independence, what is Pongo?
Unpaid labor
In relation to continuity of indegenious labor of independence, what is Mitaje?
Unpaid or lowly paid labor. Communties had to send small groups every now and then to complete labor such as building of infrastructure
In relation to continuity of indegenious labor of independence, what is Advanced payment?
Mechanism used to put indeginious folks in debt and making them pay it off through forced or coercered labor
In relation to continuity of indegenious labor of independence, what did colonialist repay the indians with?
they repaid them by converting them to catholicsism and they sae yhis as an advantage or helping them out in exchange for their unpaid labor and land
Are conservatives or Liberals more likiely to embrace: Less free market economics, Increased influence fro the church, and Supported trade guilds and corporatism?
Are conservatives or Liberals more likiely to embrace: Individualism, more free market economics, reduced influence of catholic church, and the opposition of trade guilds?
Why do liberals oppose trade guilds?
because artisans and tade guilds could charge fixed rates and that went against free mrket economics
What are some factors that influenced Caudillos?
Political instability
initial wars of independence giving status to caudillos or army generals
force, charisma and patronage made them appealing to people
In relation to the means caudillos used to exercise power, how did they use charisma?
used charisma of being macho and masculine to form alliances
In relation to the means caudillos used to exercise power, how did they use Force?
They used force with their armies henchmen etc to influence their overal goals andf get what they wanted- loans, political representation
In relation to the means caudillos used to exercise power, how did they use Patronage?
Distribution of benefits in exchange for political support; no clear distinction between caudillo’s personal property and public funds
In relation to the means caudillos used to exercise power, how did they use, Republican Rhetoric?
Partciapation in election, to demonstrate, charisma, patronage and force
found ways to justify actions as legal
stuffed ballot boxes to rig elections
In relation to the continuity of black slavery after independence what year was slavery abolished in Mexico?
In relation to the continuity of black slavery after independence what year was slavery abolished in Bolivia?
In relation to the continuity of black slavery after independence what year was slavery abolished in colombia and ecuador?
In relation to the continuity of black slavery after independence what year was slavery abolished in venezuela and peru ?
In relation to the continuity of black slavery after independence what year was slavery abolished in puerto rico ?
In relation to the continuity of black slavery after independence what year was slavery abolished in cuba?
What country was the last to abolish slavery?
Why did brazil keep black slaves the longest?
large number of sugar plantations that heavily relied on slave labor from africa
What was a different name for cattle ranchers?
What does it mean to say that cattle ranchers were priveleged workers?
although they didnt make a lot of money they were mobile and had a lot of freedom
What did catte ranchers maily raise?
Livestocks on irrigated plains
What were estancia owners called?
What products were important to cattle ranchers?
Beef jerky, hides, tallow
What is another name for cowboys
Gauchos(argentina uraguay southrn brazil)
llaneros (colombia venezuela
charros (mexico)
what were the charros a sybol of?
machismo and romanticized masculinity
Where was the rio de la plata?
River/bay between uruguay and argentina
In relation to Rosas rise and fall from power, He was the son of a?
wealthy land owner, and he was considered lazy so his parents kicked him out
In relation to Rosas rise and fall from power, When his parents kicked him out what did he become?
A gaucho and after saving enough money started his own cattke ranch
In relation to Rosas rise and fall from power, When his dad died what happened?
He inherited his land
In relation to Rosas rise and fall from power, in 1829 he was elected as?
Govenor of bueno aries
In relation to Rosas rise and fall from power, why was he liked so much?
He had the mentality of cowboys and he had wealth so he was liked by all
he was close to gauchos
had conservative support: cattle ranchers, catholic church
In relation to Rosas rise and fall from power, he enacted use of force intimidation asscinantions. and what were his henchmens names?
La mazorca
In relation to Rosas rise and fall from power, Peopl ewore what color ribbon toshow their support for him?
In relation to Rosas rise and fall from power, he ruled without what?
A constitution
In relation to Rosas rise and fall from power, with the declining power of cattle ranchers what became important?
Sheep ranching an agriculture
In relation to Rosas rise and fall from power, Who ousted rosas in 1852?
In relation to santa annas role in post independence mexico, , when did santa anna come in?
Between 1833-50 during extreme political instability and factionalism, presidency cabged 30 times
In relation to santa annas role in post independence mexico How many times was he elected president?
In relation to santa annas role in post independence mexico, what was the importance of texas independence (1835-36)
Began as us settlers uprising against centralism, abolitionism and rising taxes
el almo and golid
In relation to santa annas role in post independence mexico when was he captured? what happened?
1836- forced to sign government granting texas their independence (shortly after us annexed texas)
In relation to santa annas role in post independence mexico What was the Pastry war?
French govt tries to get mexican govt to pay back loans
In relation to santa annas role in post independence mexico, While at war santa anna lost what body part and paraded it?
What were the causes of the mexican american ewar?
Manifest destiny ideology of US, anexxation of texas
Mexican factionalism
Treaty of guadalupe hidalgo
What is Manifest destiny ideology?
People in us had divine right to teritory or were better than everyone else because of their religion
What is the annexation of texas?
problems with perpetuatiion of slvry-
What is Mexican factionalism?
Disruption and instabilityy within the government at the time
In 1846, james k polk sent 5 armies into mexico and slaughtered them to proceed with annexation and acusition of texas? t o f?
What was the treaty of guadalupe hidalgo?
Treaty that resuted in mexico losing half of their territory
In relation to coffee production in Brazil, brazil had a stable economy due to?
dependence on plantation economy
In relation to coffee production in Brazil, coffee was one of the?
Largest exports
In relation to coffee production in Brazil, they had a reliance on what for production?
Black slavery. 1 million slaves
Why was slavery abolished in brazil?
because of war with venezuela which drafted slaves, as a result coffee production became less important
What is nationalism?
The state should embody a national community united by ethbnicity religion language common culture and history
What did nationalism play a role in?
Caudillo success
Nationalism helped gain supoort for?
What is Positivism?
European and us ideology presumably based on science
What did positivists state?
Order and peace were necesary for progress and modernization
What is Progress/ Moernity?
Material Improvement and overall change
What is an example of modernity?
Tains, industry, etc
What is Moderniation?
The impact of progress.
/ modernity on the economy society politics and culture
What are some techonological examples of modernity?
Steam engines telegraphgaslighting barbed wire refigerated shipping
What did technology increase?
Exports and geowth of revenues both public and private
In relation to modernity and modernization who gained a greater amount of wealth?
elite factions
What did Modernity and modernization result in more dependence on?
Euripe and us for resources
What is Marterial modernixztion?
In “The President” - urban expansion; experience of traveling by train; experience of watching movies or “moving pictures”; experience of looking at photographs; circulation of mass-produced newspa pers.
What is Dependence theory?
Unequal economic relationshio had negative effects fostering economic and political dependence
What is this an example of “By nature of being a primary good economy they were at the mercy of foreign demand more so than if they could manufacture their own goods using these raw materials
Dependence theory
What is Diffusionist theory?
Foreign capital, technology, values, immigrants to latin america were positive rather than negative invention and industrilization spread out promotion change and prosperity
What are some of the charecteristics of the femal carecters from TORN FROM THE NEST?
All women have stron morality
indians tolrate abusebut are willing to learn
whute women stick up for indians
mato de turner believes in structural functionalism- everyone has a placd in society, best not to disrupt hierarchy
What were matto de turners primary idas on education?
Only theough education will indian people occupy a superior level and achieve genuine modernity
education as a cultural vehicle of modernization
lack of education =immorality
all of positive charecters posses education
In relation to the early 20th century political tactics or practces in central america as presented in the preseident, citizens had no role in?
decision making
In relation to the early 20th century political tactics or practces in central america as presented in the preseident, the government controlled the role of the media using principles such as use of?
Mass survei=llience, regulaiton of free speech and criticism, and widespred fear of totlitarian regime
In relation to the early 20th century political tactics or practces in central america as presented in the preseident, The system tried to weaken societu through the use of?
Secret police intimidation, murder rumors and forced silence
In relation to the early 20th century political tactics or practces in central america as presented in the preseident, there was no rule of?
In relation to the early 20th century political tactics or practces in central america as presented in the preseident, what are some notable acts deployed
patronage arbitary vilence, arbitrary detention and political imprisionment, intimidationm flattery, secrecy, spying, assisnation torture, humiliation
In relation to the early 20th century political patterns or arrangements in central america as presented in the preseident, Who ruled?
men, specifically president who orchestrated corruption behind closed doors
In relation to the early 20th century political patterns or arrangements in central america as presented in the preseident, The oppression faced in asturias imanginary country portrays the domination and injustice that plagued latin america for years and is now affecting its culture? t o f?
In relation to the early 20th century political patterns or arrangements in central america as presented in the preseident, What were the main charecteristics meantioned?
weak governmental institutions;
Judiciary’s lack of independence from the Executive branch;
use of the military and police for partisan political purposes;
rigged elections.
Facade of democratic re-election of President