quiz 1 final deck Flashcards
In relation to Broad population chaqnges in latin America: How much population loss was there from pre conquest to post conquest in central mexico
10 - 25 mil to 1 mil post conquest
In relation to Broad population chaqnges in latin America: How much population loss was there from pre conquest to post conquest in Chiapas?
275,000 to 53,000 post conquest
In relation to Broad population chaqnges in latin America: How much population loss was there from pre conquest to post conquest in Guatemnala
2 mil to 128,000
In relation to Broad population chaqnges in latin America: How much population loss was there from pre conquest to post conquest in El Salvador?
700-800,000 to 70,000
In relation to Broad population chaqnges in latin America: How much population loss was there from pre conquest to post conquest in Honduras
800,000 to 48,000
In relation to Broad population chaqnges in latin America: How much population loss was there from pre conquest to post conquest in Nicaragua?
826,000 to 61,000
In relation to Broad population chaqnges in latin America: How much population loss was there from pre conquest to post conquest in Costa Rica?
400,000 to 1,000
In relation to Broad population chaqnges in latin America: How much population loss was there from pre conquest to post conquest in Colombia?
4 mil to 1.26 mil
In relation to Broad population chaqnges in latin America: How much population loss was there from pre conquest to post conquest in Equador?
1.5 mil to 217,000
In relation to Broad population chaqnges in latin America: How much population loss was there from pre conquest to post conquest in PERU?
9 MIL to 620,000
In relation to Broad population chaqnges in latin America: How much population loss was there from pre conquest to post conquest in Valeey of Lima Peru?
204,000 to 2,000
In relation to Broad population chaqnges in latin America: How many slave imports were there made to brazil?
3.6 million
In relation to Factors that attracted Mexicans to the US during the 20th century, according to Winn.: ___ wages was one reason?
Higher wages
In relation to Factors that attracted Mexicans to the US during the 20th century, according to Winn. US Agricultural growers provided what?
Free transportation and advancements on wages
In relation to Factors that attracted Mexicans to the US during the 20th century, according to Winn.: During ww2 what program brought in mexican workers? how many? and what occupation were most of them in?
Bracero program, 50,000, agricultural
In relation to Factors that attracted Mexicans to the US during the 20th century, according to Winn.: Some crossed the boarder to…?
Make a profit and return home with it
In relation to the Origins of Cuban immigration to the US in the second half of the 20th century, as explained by Winn.: when did the bulk of cuban immigrants arrive?
After 1959
In relation to the Origins of Cuban immigration to the US in the second half of the 20th century, as explained by Winn.: Most exiles mogration was shaped by POLITICAL or Economic proccesses>
Political events
In relation to the Origins of Cuban immigration to the US in the second half of the 20th century, as explained by Winn.: 20th century cuban emigration began with the early days of ______ revolution from 1959-63.
In relation to the Origins of Cuban immigration to the US in the second half of the 20th century, as explained by Winn.: During castros regime during 1959-63 how many cuban immigrants fled to us because they could not live in a communist regime?
In relation to the Origins of Cuban immigration to the US in the second half of the 20th century, as explained by Winn.: A major contributor was the failure of the BAY OF PIGS IN APRIL 1961 which was?
us efforts to oust castro that culminated in missle crissis of october 1962
In relation to the Origins of Cuban immigration to the US in the second half of the 20th century, as explained by Winn. What did the missle crisis of 1962 lead to in relation to cuban immigrants?
led half a million immigrants coming to us in two decades that followerd
In relation to the Origins of Cuban immigration to the US in the second half of the 20th century, as explained by Winn. When was the last wave of cuban immigrants and how many?
1980, 125,000, from the mariel
In relation to Characteristics of Cuban community in Miami, as described by Winn.:: The enthnic enclaves of these communities were comprised of ?
Lawyers doctors and proffessionals
Characteristics of Cuban community in Miami, as described by Winn.: The cuban american communities had the means to help refugees _____ mobility? and maimi was the ___nd largest cuban community in us
Upward, 2nd
Why did cuban communities have the means for upward mobility?
Large amount of entrepernuers and busniessmen
In the early years cuban immigrants were focused on garnering _______ power and persuading the _______ political narrative to overthrow ________ ______
Economic, national, castro’s cuba
As cubans numbers increased in miami they became more involved in what?
Local politics
In relation to the Role of culture for Puerto Rican migrants to New York City, according to Winn.: When did puerto rico become apart of the us and why?
during spanish american wars of 1898
Role of culture for Puerto Rican migrants to New York City, according to Winn.: Puerto rican men had jobs in? and puerto rican women had jobs in?
Men= factories, resteraunts and hotels
women= seamstess and domestics
Role of culture for Puerto Rican migrants to New York City, according to Winn.: what economic role did Puerto ricans fill in a rapidly expanding north eastern economy?
Low wage labor sector
Role of culture for Puerto Rican migrants to New York City, according to Winn.: In NY IN 1950 puerto ricans accounted for ___% and in 1980 ____%
80, 40
Role of culture for Puerto Rican migrants to New York City, according to Winn.: What were the charecteristics of the neighborhoods they inhabited?
Decaying, and previously occupied by other immigrants before them?
Role of culture for Puerto Rican migrants to New York City, according to Winn.: By 1980 NY had become the _____ Puerto rican city
Puerto ricans in the face of poverty and blight did what with their culture?
Clung to it as a sort of identity and pride
In puerto rican communities what kind of classical music was harvested here?
Afro carribiean folk music -bomba
In pyerto rican communities in the midst of violence, fires, gang violence, destruction of neighborhoods, desolationg and decaying environments, the community fought back and combated this desolation by
Plnting community gardens
Puerto ricans had a deep connection to their culture this was shown in their connection to food such as ____ and ____ and their music which was _____
Rice and beans, plena
Urban blight, decay and poor living conditions and social conditions combined with musical traditions in puerto rican neighborhoods gave rise to a new musical tradition in the neighborhoods known as?
hip hop
What were the broad Economic causes of independence in Latin America?
Long-lasting limits on international trade, actual inability to trade with colonies after 1797, increased taxes
What were the broad Social causes of independence in Latin America?
Royal favoritism toward Peninsulars, resented by Criollos - Haitian Revolution (1791-1804) and Great Andean Rebellion (1780-1782) caused elite fear
What were the broad Ideological causes of independence in Latin America?
Enlightenment (efficient govt, reduced Church’s influence) - US and French Revolutions (greater representation, legal equality, popular sovereignty
In relation to Political crises in the Spamish and Portuguese empires, what country invaded both countries causing upheaveal?
France- led by napoleon bonaparte around 1807-1808
When did french emeror napoleon invade porugal and spain?
French emperor Napoleon I invaded Portugal (1807) and Spain (1808)
When France invaded portugal where did the portuguese king go? spanish king?
Portuguese king escaped to Brazil – Spanish king captured & forced to resign
Who did napoleon replace the spanish king with?`
Joeseph bonaparte
Stance of non-Indians (Criollos and Mestizos) toward Hidalgo’s rebellion
Non-Indians, gave little support to hidalgos rebellion because of the fear of their loss of power and status in society that the Indians instilled in them but also the rampant violence that the Indians enacted on the criollos and mestizos. This gave way to little help or solidarity from criollos or mestizos
Advance payment, according to Matto de Turner
In the novel, we see rich merchants “depositing” an “advance payment” of a sum of money at indigenous peoples’ houses. One year later, they’d come back for 500 lbs. of Alpaca wool at prices that always heavily favored the merchants. If the native people didn’t have the wool, they had to pay back the “advance payment” at usurious interest rates. The system relied on power and the threat of violence.
What did the advance payment system rely on?
Power and the threat of violence
Following the argument of the novel, what opinion did Matto de Turner have about the Catholic clergy? Why?
She portrays the village priests as abusive, corrupt, and a part of the oppressive establishment along with the governor and other local government officials.
What does the book’s title “Torn from the Nest” refer to?
Encomienda service drew both men and women temporarily away from their home villages with men working in mining, construction and agriculture and women serving as cooks, maids, and wet nurses in encomenderos’ households. Exploitation of indeginious labor
In relation to political crises in portugal and spain, when spanish people resisted french invasion gov’t councils in pan called on what?
Counstitutional congresses 1812-14
In relation to Political crises in portugual and spanish empires, there was a division within the coloinial elite in latin americas between which groups?
Penisulars, and criollos
What was the impact opf racial divisions on venezeulan indeopendence?
Because there was a larger black population there was more ambivalence to give political power and participation to lower classes and the cost of criollos like bolivar who thought they might lose there power
What is the timeline of the impact of racial divisions on venezeulan independence?
1810: criollo council led by bolivar
1811: dec of independence- hesitance to grant political power to low classes
1812: patriot defeat
1814: bolivar arrived in Colombia
1816: back to VEN
gained support of lower classes llaneros free blacks and slaves
Bolivar defeated royalists in boyaca 1819 and carabobo in 1822
In relation to venezeulan independence Once bolivar finally gained support of the lopwer classes where did he defeat the royalist ion 1819 and 1822?
boyaca- 1819
carabobo- 1822
What happened on Puerto rican flag day in 1992
Puerto ricans took over flag day in july 4 in 1992, to highlight their both being american and puerto rican, and called themselves new yorickans