Final Exam Flashcards
In relation to Land concentration in Latin America, who was land heavily owned by?
In relation to Land concentration in Latin America, With the elites owning a majority of the land it made it very difficult for who to work their way out of poverty?
Lower classes
In relation to Land concentration in Latin America, lots of land was ?
foreign owned
In relation to Land concentration in Latin America, There was a widespread call for land reform by?
The lower classes
In relation to the conditions or factors that led to the Mexican revolution, the recession in 1907 and 1908 did what?
Bankrupted many businesses- millions of workers unemployed- foreign owners gained more ocntrol over economy
In relation to the conditions or factors that led to the Mexican revolution, _______ workers was one cause because of?
discontented: wages and conditions
In relation to the conditions or factors that led to the Mexican revolution, declining standards of living led to?
workers strikes
In relation to the conditions or factors that led to the Mexican revolution, many foreign _______ was also a factor
In relation to the conditions or factors that led to the Mexican revolution, the catholic war did what?
Clsoed doors
In relation to the conditions or factors that led to the Mexican revolution, there were criticisms of ?
US imperialism and oligarchic landholding rule
In relation to the conditions or factors that led to the Mexican revolution, there was discontent about limited _____ and economic _____
democray, disparity
In relation to the conditions or factors that led to the Mexican revolution, there was apartial influence of?
socialism- some thought prvate kand was not sacraed
In relation to the conditions or factors that led to the Mexican revolution, What is the definition of revolution?
Social movement charecterized by broad participation, violence and radical change
In relation to the conditions or factors that led to the Mexican revolution, what happened in the first phase of the revilution?
Began as rebellion against dictatio diaz
In relation to the conditions or factors that led to the Mexican revolution, what happened in the second phase pof revolution?
Economic nationalism, ethnic nationalism, anti clericalism, and national revoolutionary party reforms
In relation to racial democracy in brazil, Who posited this?
Gilberto Freyeres
In relation to racial democracy in brazil, what did gilberto freyre posit?
Brazil had escaped racism and discrimination
argued since relationship between masters and slaves were so close this pprev ented strict racial categories from rforming
In relation to racial democracy in brazil, Freyre stated three racial groups had come together in lowland brazil during the colonial era and bought physica and cultural charecteristics suited for life on the plantations, what were the three?
Portuguese, africans and ameriindians
In relation to racial democracy in brazil, What did Freyre mention about portuguese individuals?
Brought a genius for organization and enterprise and founded cities
In relation to racial democracy in brazil, what did freyre say about africans and ameriindians?
Needed no special adaptation to climate
In relation to racial democracy in brazil, what is a racial democracy?
Distinctions of race were blurred, this guy posited that racism no loinger exsisted because of the mestiaje but that wa largely a myth
In relation to racial democracy in brazil, Freyre believed theat brazil had the best?
race- the mixed race
Who did freyre think brazil was better than because they were mixed rce?
In relation to the contrast between the Good Neighbor policy and US policy during the cold war,, what was the Good neighbor policy?
The united states would no longer intervene militarialy in the internal affairs of neighboring nations regardless of who’s intrests were at stake. (fdr)
What were the two major reasons for the good neighbor policy?
econmics- allowed us to revise trade relation with latin american nations to boost us economy
Military alliance- counter the growth of axis powers, us looked to protect south america
In relation to the good neighbor policy
us citizens had to obey?
laws of the countries where the resided
In relation to good neighborh polcy how long did the nonintervention policy hold steady until?
The good neighbor policy made it so the us would no longer answer calls to?
Supportone or another side or efcen to supervise electins in the area
In relation to the us policy during the cold war, what was a threat to the US?
In relation to the us policy during the cold war, what did the US Fear about communism?
that it would infiltrate from the south
In relation to the us policy during the cold war, what did the fear of cimmunist intervention from the south (latin america) cause us to do?
Where and when did US interven in latin america during cold war?
Guatemala 1954 and cuba in 1961
In relation to the us cold war policy the CIA secretly intervened in guatameala in 1954 and overthrew?
The president
In relation to US’S cold war policy, cuba’s governemnt was abcked by?
soviet union
Because cubas gov was backed by soviet union the use subesequently did what?
Unsucessfully tried to subvert revolution through bay of pigs invasion by cuban exiles
What was the result of the failed bay of pigs operation?
Castro got soviet unionto place nuclear missles in cuba to defend the country against countinued threats fro US
Were the missles eventually removed?
Where else were there CIA Subversins?
Chille and Nicaragua
In relation to conditions or factors that led to Guatemalan decade of spring, there was a bad concentration of?
In relation to conditions or factors that led to Guatemalan decade of spring,2% of population owned how much land?
In relation to conditions or factors that led to Guatemalan decade of spring, there was lots of land owned by who?
In relation to conditions or factors that led to Guatemalan decade of spring, UFC had lots of?
Politial power
In relation to conditions or factors that led to Guatemalan decade of spring, one major cause was the conservative removal of ?
Dictatory Jorge Ubico
In relation to conditions or factors that led to Guatemalan decade of spring, Jorge Ubico was?
Very corrupt
In relation to conditions or factors that led to Guatemalan decade of spring, Who did Jorge Ubico have close ties to?
In relation to conditions or factors that led to Guatemalan decade of spring, The third major cause was?
Social aspect
In relation to conditions or factors that led to Guatemalan decade of spring, what social aspects contributed to thsh?
Low literacy
Unfair Laws for workers without their own land
landowners freey punished workers
In relation to conditions or factors that led to Guatemalan decade of spring, in relation to unfair laws for workers without their own land, workers had to serve?
100 days unpaid labor per yer and if they refused they could be executed or inprisoned by land owners
In relation to Reforms introduced during the Gutemalan Decade of Spring, there was an uprising i june 1944 by?
Student Labor groups
In relation to Reforms introduced during the Gutemalan Decade of Spring, In 1944 who removes Ubico and what happens as a result?
Military, progressive military comes into power
In relation to Reforms introduced during the Gutemalan Decade of Spring, what happened in March of 1945?
JJ Arevalo elected
In relation to Reforms introduced during the Gutemalan Decade of Spring, What happened as a result of the election of JJ avarelo?
New constoitution economic nationalism
abolished unpaid work
alows literate men and women to vote
political tolerance
In relation to Reforms introduced during the Gutemalan Decade of Spring, Who was elected in 1951?
In relation to Reforms introduced during the Gutemalan Decade of Spring, what happened as the result of the election of Arbenz?
Agrarian reform
In relation to Reforms introduced during the Gutemalan Decade of Spring, What was the agrarian reform?
Confiscated uncultivated land from private companies and redistributed to pesants
In relation to Reforms introduced during the Gutemalan Decade of Spring, in relation to agriarian reform, companies like UFC wouldn’t?
Use all land depending oin current market
In relation to Reforms introduced during the Gutemalan Decade of Spring, in relation to agriarian reform, Private companies were supposed to be ?
paid for the land the gov took, but only what they declared on taxes, which was lower than actual value
In relation to Reforms introduced during the Gutemalan Decade of Spring, in relation to agriarian reform, UFC had to give up how mucvh of their lan?
42% and against their wishes
In relation to Reforms introduced during the Gutemalan Decade of Spring, in relation to agriarian reform, as a resut of this land taing away from ufc what were the consequences?
UFC and Cia began to conspire against Arbenz
did the UFC nd CIA win?
Yes, they got arbenz to resign and put armas in power- agrarian reform reversed
In relation to the UFC: Economic and Political aspects, ufc had ____ revenue of guatemalan gov
double- therefore lots of political power
In relation to the UFC: Economic and Political aspects, UFC had relations with corrupt dictatorship of
Jorge ubico`
Considerable abuses to the native populations, cruel working conditions and disrespect for sustainable land practices = unpopular with local populations. Essentially monopolized and stripped land of resources, This describes?
The inited fruit company
In 1899 the creation of UFC came to symbolize what in latin america?
Widespread penetration and dominance of central america by foreigners
In relation to conditions or factors that led to bolivian revolution, What were the econimoic conditions?
Predominantly rural and agricultural
Mining tin
Chaco war
6% of population owned 80% of land
In relation to conditions or factors that led to bolivian revolution, wat was the importance of the mining tin?
Most important ecoomic activity
3 families owneed 80 % of mining production
In relation to conditions or factors that led to bolivian revolution, What was the Chacoa war?
Bolivia war v paraguay and lost oil deposits to paraguay
In relation to conditions or factors that led to bolivian revolution, 6% of population owned how much land in bolivia?
In relation to conditions or factors that led to bolivian revolution, Middle class did what?
Believed in economic nationalism so created there own political part: National Revolutionary movement
In relation to conditions or factors that led to bolivian revolution, What political party did middle class make?
National Revolutionary Movement
In relation to conditions or factors that led to bolivian revolution, The Ntional Rev Party was against?
La Rosca
In relation to conditions or factors that led to bolivian revolution, The Ntional Rev Party in 195q did what?
NRM PAZ ESTENSSORO wins election
Agrarian reform and moining deoligarchirization
In relation to conditions or factors that led to bolivian revolution, and The Ntional Rev Party was the elite cool with agriagrian reform and mining de oligarchization?
no- So ther military (pro elite) come and take power
In relation to conditions or factors that led to bolivian revolution, what happened in 1952?
Revolution against military dictatorship
In relation to conditions or factors that led to bolivian revolution, an 1952 revolution how long did it last?
3 days
In relation to conditions or factors that led to bolivian revolution, an 1952 revolution Esternsorro does what?
Regains power and comes back to create` reforms
In relation to the consequences of Bolivian Revolution, the revolution happened without?
US intervention- acheived goals in a way that would appease US
In relation to the consequences of Bolivian Revolution, Military dictatorship was?
defeated, Estenssoro coes vack and creates reforms
In relation to the consequences of Bolivian Revolution, What were Estenssoros reforms?
Universial suffarage
Nationalization of tin inddustry
Pesants take land force gov to agrarian reform
reorganization of militray
careful cinstructive engagement with US GOOV
In relation to the consequences of Bolivian Revolution, And estenssors reforms what did nationalization of tin industry entail?
Pays off la rosca for their land- 80% of land
In relation to the consequences of Bolivian Revolution, and reforms what does it mean when pesants take land? how much was erdistrivuted was compensation given?
22% more land redistributred to pesnant s and compensatio given to fprmers owners to avoids us intervention
In relation to US influence in Cuba, US had close relationship wirh ?
In relation to US influence in Cuba us’sc close relationship with cuba was because it was a prtal to america due to ?
Closeness and exports
In relation to US influence in Cuba, What were the main exports
taaccoo coffee sugar and poineapples
In relation to US influence in Cuba, what was the main industry in cuba?
In relation to US influence in Cuba what indistries were growing?
industrialization and manufacturing
In relation to US influence in Cuba, Us had control over?
Cuban economy
In relation to US’s control over cuban economy
__% of people were employed by us firms
___% of sygar production controlled by US copanies
In relation ro US’S control of cuban economy what dies infrastructure entail?
US investmnet sin railroads and tourism
Us’s involvement in tourmism shady dealings often?
offended cubans
In relation to Fidel castros political and military tactics, in his early life his father was from ____ and comes to cuba as a soldier and stays
In relation to Fidel castros political and military tactics, Castro had an early invovement in politics with ?
University politics
In relation to Fidel castros political and military tactics, castro was taught at a young age thatr spanish culture was ____ to US culture
What is the word that describes spanish culture being better than us culture
In relation to Fidel castros political and military tactics, What happened on July 26 1953:
Rebels failed assult on mincada barracks
In relation to Fidel castros political and military tactics, what were the results of the failed assult on moncada barrakc in 1953?
Half of students were captured and killed 8 killed during atack
In relation to Fidel castros political and military tactics, what was the reason for attack of moncada barracks/
were trying to capture weapons to use against at the time dictator bautista
In relation to Fidel castros political and military tactics, as a result of the failed assult on Moncada, fidel and raou his brother were spared and exiled to mexico where they met?
che guevara
Che Guevera coined the term Foquismo, what is Foquismo?
A theory under which revolutions were possible through guerrilla warfare when stemmin from a foco (rural poor location and in a country with poverty and social inequality
A theory under which revolutions were possible through guerrilla warfare when stemmin from a foco (rural poor location and in a country with poverty and social inequality DESCRIBES WHAT?
In relation to Fidel castros political and military tactics, Castro was trained in?
Guerrilla warfare
In relation to Fidel castros political and military tactics, 80+ troops go to eastern cuba at one point because poor of the country are more?
Dissarisfied and its easier to get them on gurillea side
also bautista had fewer troops on eastern side
In relation to castros time in eastern cuba, they struggled at first with nearly haflf the army being?
In relation to castros time in eastern cuba castro made connections with?
10 other dissedent groups
Castro formed groupo called?
Revolutionary ictorate
What was Castro effective at?
What aer some ways Castro used propoganda?
Would give international interviews (including NYT) & had photos taken. Also organized radio broadcasts
Castro’s revolution started to later on get supoort from?
Pesants and middle class
Csstro plus soldier would atack?
Sugar plantations
What would hapone when castro attacked sugar plantations?
destroy macheinery and crops but give tools to poor= pesant support
Eventualy some of Baustistas troops were unmotivated and
deserted him
in 1958 castro organizes meetinf of 11 grouos of rev dictorate and they all decide what?
Castro would be leader
Castro posed as moderate but was actuall
Anti us and anti cuban military
What were Castros and Rev Dictorates goals?
Liberty democracy and social justice
Later 1958n US Pressure bautrists to resign, refuses and does what>
Holds a fake election
January 1 1959 Bautista is removed bu?
US and cuban ,ilitary
After bautista is taken out of rule in cuba who becomes new leader in 1959 in cuba?
Military cuban but decide castro should be temp prime minister
What happens as a result of Castro being temp prime minister
Agrarian reform- un loves
Castro begins invlvement with USSR
Why does castro engage with USSR?
They can provide cheap oil to cuba
What does the us and uk think about castros involvement with sovet union?
Freak out
refineries owned by us and uk refuese to process societ oil
us reduces sugar quot( Hw much sugar people can by\uy
How does Castro retaliate against US and UK?
No more US OR UK assets in cuba
In dec of 1961 castro claims he is A ?
What is the Alliance for Progress?
Implemented by JFK supposed to imporve us lantin american re;ation as well as to help latin america evlop
In relation to alliance for progress, it was also suppoosed to be a ?
safegaurd against spread of cimmunism
In relation to alliance for progress, US provided financial aid bu t also exprcted LA to heavily?
Pitch in
In relation to alliance for progress, JFK wanted to spread his idea of ?
Modernization theory to LA
In relation to alliance for progress, US opened a large number of?
Car plants in LA IN the 1960s
What were the Alliance for progresses goals?
Economic development (redistribution)
social reform
Political stability
In relation to alliance for progress, what were social reforms
Limited land redistribution more pubic ed, growth of middle class
In relation to alliance for progress, what was political stability?
More rpresentativene democracy
What are the necessarry conditions for foquisomo?
Poverty political discontent andf social inequality
What was an Urban Gurilla
Charles Marighella (Brazil): better to start rebellions in more populated urban areas; accompanied with general discontent and guerilla provocation
When was urban guirrlaa introduced and what happened?
1968 Marghellia killed in 69. Failure
In relation to Salvadoran Dictatorship and Catholic Clergy, Catholic preists believed in what?
Liberation theology
What is Liberation theology?
Interprettion of catholicism that opposed any form of oppression
What does liberation theology favor?
Poor and decisions that were made in regard tio them
Why was liberation theology differnt than in the past?
Because church used to side with elites not ppoor
As a result of this liberation theology many preists were?
Killed bc siume supported gurillas
What was a major solgan aimed at harming preistys?
be a patriot kill a preist
What major preist was killed in slavador as a rult?
Archbnishop Oscar Romro
In relation to Somoza rule in Nicaragua, who was it supported by?
In relation to Somoza rule in Nicaragua, it was a ?
In relation to Somoza rule in Nicaragua, who were main leaders?
A. somoza garcia
Luis somoza
A somoza D
In relation to Somoza rule in Nicaragua, Sandistas overthrew in?
1978-79 and took power
In relation to Somoza rule in Nicaragua, how mnay people died fighting sandistas?= and somozas?
In relation to the chillean way to socialism, chille originially had a ?
Democraticallty elected gov
In relation to the chillean way to socialism who was elected president and was a docialst politician?
Salvadorr allende
In relation to the chillean way to socialismwhat did salvadoir allende believ ein?
Social reforms in democratic system
In relation to the chillean way to socialism who was salvador allende the leader of
Popular unity aliance
In relation to the chillean way to socialism allende Planned to do what?
Confisctae us companies such as IT&T and various copper and mining companies
In relation to the chillean way to socialism there was a CIA sponsored coup in 1973 led by
GEN augosto Pinochety
In relation to the chillean way to socialism what happened to Allende as a result of coup
Refused to leave power but was later killed during the coup
In relation tot he role of catholic church in the favelas according to child of the dark, Brother Luiz was?
A clergyman from local catholic church
In relation tot he role of catholic church in the favelas according to child of the dark Brother luiz does what
comes to favela to offer aid and religious instruction but vcarolina thinks he is blindn to the needs of poor
She castigates clergymen for preaching sermons that are not only out of touch with the favela but may in fact be harmful. For example, one sermon advised favelados to have more children. Throughout the diary, Carolina repeatedly calls attention to the responsibility that those in power have shirked. In that sense, her diary acts as a corrective to the neglect that the favela has endured for so many years. (spark notes)
Due to Carolinas mother having two illibgetimatye children she was exculted from?
Catjolic church
What were the expressions of religioisity in the favelas according to child of the dark>
People often argued about religion
Carolina often thanks God for the little she does have
The thought of God and Jesus coming to resurrect and make things better comforts her
Comparisons of Bible to their reality: “When Jesus told the women of Jerusalem: “Don’t cry for me. Cry for your own selves,” his words were prophesizing the government of President Juscelino. A crown of thorns for the Brazilian people. A crown that the poor have to wear while eating what they find in the garbage or else sleep with hunger.”
Lots of praying
“she would pray every day that the woman should be happy and that she was going to teach the doll how to pray. I’m going to take her to Mass so she can pray for the woman to go to Heaven and not to have any painful illnesses.”
“When I woke up I thought: I’m so poor. I can’t afford to go to a play so God sends me these dreams for my aching soul. To the God who protects me, I send my thanks. “
What were the racial and ethnic prejudices in the favelas according to child of the dark
carolina claimed she detested other blacks from her social class
lighter skin= better
corrupt cops
What were the Prejudices among people from different barazillian regions within the favadelas according to chilod of the dark
Taunted by white patrons outside football stadium
Ruch business owners dunped rotten food in favela
people on outside dont understand how hard life is
the athorities ignore the favela is a garbarge dump
In gyatemala in 1945 JJ averelo wa elected and created a progeram called arrevelismo which was?
spritual socialism
In guatemala in 1946 what was JJ avarelos Social security act of 1946
workers’ disability insurance and maternity leave–Social Security Institute began enrolling employed persons for medical care and retirement benefits
In gutemala in 1947 what was the labor law of 1947
up to date on workers’ rights, at least in urban areas
What did JJ avarelo’s land reform do?
Helped pesants become better producers