quiz #2 Flashcards
In relation to the United Fruit company what part of the earth had great land for growing fruit and entrepreneurs came in?
Central america
What year was the UFC created?
What is the UFC called now?
Chiquita brands
“The united fruit company chartered in Boston in 1899, had already begun purchases of bananas along the caribbean coasts, and Guatemala became a prime supplier. UFCO received generous land concessions to grow bananas as well as subsidies to build a modern harbor at puerto barrios on the caribbean coast. In time it became the leading exporter of bananas to the US.” (Clayton, 253)
What did the creation of the UFC symboliz?
the foreign widespread penetration and dominance of central amerca by foreigners
What is Political Positivism?
Science as basis of rule b the most capable
In relation to mexican reforma, when did libeal reforms in mexico happen?
In relation to mexican reforma what is Law of land in dead hands?
Individuals could claim and buy land from govrnment claiming land is not being used productively. private akeover of church and indian land. corruption involved
Mexican reforma saw the abolition of
Indian head tax and unpaid labor
Mexican reforma saw reduced
ecclestial and military rights
What was introduced during the mexican refoma?
Bill of rights
In regards o the french intervention in mexico what happened in 1861?
President Benito Juarez decides to stop paying European loans. In response, England, France & Spain invaded Mexico & take control of Port of Vera Cruz. Juarez sends men to negotiate, and begins to pay loans again. Spain & England leave but not France.
Napoleon 3 has big aspirations, wants Mexico as colony.
Nap3 sends Maximilian of Habsburg (landless European noble, married to Belgian princess) into Mexico. Nap3 forges documents from Mexican citizens to convince Max to come.
1862-1867: French Mexican War.
When french have vcontrol of mexico who supports this?
mexican conservatives
North & South follow the lawful president, Juarez. Northerners are entrepreneurs, South is where Juarez is from. t o f
What happned on cnco de mayo may 5 1862?
Liberals defeat conservatives in battle of pueblo
What happened in mexico in 1867?
Napoleon 3 withdraws from war, Worried that US would side with Mexico, and French having issues in Austria. `
What is Patricarchy and how does that influence domesciity?
Patriarchy is a male dominated system in society the priveeges men and oppresses women, as a result domescisy is enforced onto women within this society to take of tof the household while men go ou into th orkforce as a result of this heinous system
What is decencia?
Complex category that encompassed race, family background, language, education, occupation, manners, wealth, etc.
In brazil in 1851 Pweter ii abolished what?
Slave trade under british pressure
In brazil the US civil war cued what?
Fears of new slave uprisings
the paraguyan war’s recruitmwnt of black people undermined what?
in 1871 Pedro ii passed the free womb law which was?
granted freedom to all children born to slaves and effectively condemned slavery to eventual extinction. However, this concession did not satisfy abolitionists for long,”
1880s: Slave rebellions - Elite and popular leaders called for abolition – Anti-Slavery Society
Golden Law abolished
slavery in bazil
In 1889 Militay forced Pedro II to abdicate and brazil became a republic
What garnered the US intrests in an interoceanic canal?
California gold rush of 1848?
Why did the california gold rush garner us uintrest in an interoceanic canal?
The discovery of gold in California in 1848 create`d a tremendous volume of transisthmian business, mostly overland using the Panama Railroad as it was completed and came into use, and interest in a canal was heightened.”
What is neocolonialismn?
Colinialism = dependency
What is Imperalism?
Foreign intervention in interna affairs
Platt amendement and roosevelt corralary are example of?
What was the ‘socail problem’
poverty & marginality - selfishness and & materialism - insufficient public schooling - insufficient rights for women and labor
What was Krausismo?
helping the less fortunate – social organicism, solidarity & ethical behavior – expanded public schooling – more rights for women and workers - naturalized social hierarchy (sorting people according to abilities)
What is this describing? “Political strategy in response to social problem – Gained support from working- and middle classes - Vague ideology, including Krausismo and nationalism – Limited reformism, including expanded suffrage (secret, compulsory vote for adult men and women, without property- and literacy requirements) “
early populism
What “Limited cuban spoverignty, granted us discretion o invade and cessision of guantanomo bay?
Platt amendment
What is Labor Militancy?
Politically-active working class – Direct action (unionism and agitation) OR Electoral politics (Socialism)
What is, “if a Latin American country was unable to manage internal affairs in efficient or moral manner, US. intervention was justified as corollary of Monroe Doctrine
Roosevelt corralary
In relation to Political Positivism, the society could believe in what ever they wanted however, this group of people were in power/rule and thy believe in this ideology?
The elites
When did the Liberals come to power in mexico?
What did the liberals in mexico favor?
The export economy
What did liberals in mexico nbot like?
Cororatism so they created the law od land in dead hands law
Liberalism in mexico led the the election of this indian lawyer?
Benito Juarez
Whio was Benito Juarez?
A zapotec; became a child servant to mestizo ld to his sponsorship of clergymen
In relation to Patriarchy and Domesticity, what is feminization of teaching?
More schools= a higher number of female teachers hired// were paid lower slaries than men because of their status in a patriacrcal society
In relation to Patriarchy what is, “the idea that women are naturally and supposed to be prepared to take care of children, and men. It is expected of them. A woman’s proper place was in the home and her role as a wife was to create a refuge for her husband and children. Could only partake in feminine activities like cooking cleaning but discouraged masculine activities such as reading. “
Can one build up their decencia status?
yes if they get an education beter job, more miney, land
In relation to the decline of slavery in central america how did british opposition play a role?
They atrolled ports and made obtaing slaves more expensive
In relation to the decrease of black slavery how did the importation of european immigrants have an impact
Indentured servanrts
How did slave revolts and rebellions play a key part in the decrease of black slavery
Fears of more revolts
What political circumstances propogated the decline of black slavery?
Some advocated abolition to gain support from blac veterans
Latin american elites anted to ____ the population so that pormoted european immigration and decline of black slavery
When did the Male revolt happen?
What was the male revolt about?
Muslim slaves and freedmaen during commemoration of ramadan, west africans wore passage of quaran on shirt
Mismanagement and debt erroded?
Monarchys popularity in brazil
In the 1880s in brazil slave rebellions caused elite and popular leaders to call for?
Abolition of slavery
Who forced PEDRO II to abdicate eventually turning brazil into a republic?
What were the main results of neocolinialism??
Greater dependence on foreign countries, gave countries greater say in mother countries
more about political influene
The social problem was a challenge cause by?
Modernization did not solve
social problems
As a result of modernization, many migrants could not find_____?
Jobs housing or education
In relation to the social problem there was growing marginiality when?
People moving to cities from rural areas did not meet their ecnomic expectations
In relation to the social problem, poverty increased with the loss of?
Rural helping communities
Child of the dark explains this growing social problem by highlighting
No education good jobs and no community support
What increased with the introduction of urban trains, gas lighting, refrigersation, univs?
Materialism and selshfishness
Mnay people would send their kids to ___ to study
Like in the us it was illegal to do what during this time?
What were some of the major issues plaguing workers?
Long working hours, low salary, no workers comp, ilegality og strike
In Latin america and in realtion to the social problem there were _____ rights for women which included?
Insufficient– no suffrage, not paid well, working in bad conditions
What was social organicism?
Society as a living organism. Society cannot exsist without cooperation of evwry groip–
What does social organicism create?
solidarity among ethnic groups
What did Krausismo not do?
Did not challenge hierarchy, encourage educational and structural functionalism did not challneg status quo
What describes, political strategy in response to social problem- gained support from working and middle classes, vague ideology including karusismo and nationalism
In relation to the Platt Amendment us decided it wa in their best intrests eventually grant what?
Cuban independence
Under the Platt amendment cuba could not do what?
Not sign international treaties/ financial agreements without us permission
When ewas the platt amendment canceled
FDR eventually canceled the roosevelt corralary and called it the ?
Good neighbor policy