chap 1 Flashcards
Why is it called latin america?
The main languages (spanish and portuguesse)originated in latin (the language of the romans
Where is south america?
Geographically only from the southern part of the americas (from venezuala to argentina)
How many nationalities are there?
There are 20 soverign nations
What are the three periods of latin american history?
- pre-cloumbian (60,000 bce- 1492 ce)
2) colonial: 1492 ce- 1810s/20s
3) modern (what this class covers 1820s - present
What is Latin american/?
Someone bborn in a latin american country (includes brazil)
What does the term hispanic mean>?
Commonly uses spanish language, does not include brazil because they sprewak portuguese
What does latino latina latinx mean?
Latin american and their decendents who live in the us tends to become racialized in the us
What does the term spanish mean?
People who are from spain
What are appropriate and inappropriate terms for immigrants in the US?
Appropriate: documented, undocumented, authorized or unauthorized
Inappropriate: Legal or illegal. this is a dehumanizing term often used in a racist context to reduce an immigrants entire identity and existence to their citizenship
Who is Francisco Pizarro?
Spanish conquistador who led an expedition that conquered the inca empire. He captured and killed incan emperor athulapa and claimed the lands for spain
What is the inca empire?
Pre columbian empire, also called the tuhuantisuyo and the four corners of the earth. It stretched from ecuador in the north to central chile in the south
What is Atahulpa?
The lasty sapa inca of the inca empire before the spanish conquest.
The kingdom of quito
Who was Huascar?
Brother of atahualpa died in a bloddy civil war between the two of them for domination of the inca empire in 1532
Who is hernando pizzarro?
Fransiscos brother, he first approached athalupa about a meeting
Who is Pedro Pizarro?
Another brother of Fransisco, who kept faith in the catholic god througout the battle with the incan warriors
Who is Vincente de Valverde?
Dominican Friar who invited Atahualpa to dine with the govenor and asked him to submit to the cathilic god and the spanish
What is the meaning of the “invitation november 15, 1532?”
Spanish forced enters cakamarca,
atahualpa surrounded and served by thousands of warriors – nstayed in his camp
- a small troop of spaniards approached atahualpa
Hernanado pizzarro tells atahualpa their govenor would like to meet him and atahualpa agrees
What was the event putting faith in the catholic god nov 16 1532 about?
Atahualpa and an armed group of 5/ 6,000 warriors slowly moved towards cajamarca
pizzarros army was pittifully small by comparison and they prepared for an ambush
fransicos brother pedro asked a young soldier if he was sacared and the soldier said yes
pedro said have faith in god and that if they had faith would not be overcome by pagans
What major events transpired during atahualpas arrival?
vincent de valverde told atahualpa that his govenor invite him to come dine with him
atahualpa demanded that this govenor return everything his men had stolen and consumed since entering the kingdom ‘
valverde ignores and hands hum prayer book and aks him to submit to god
What happens with the capture of Atahualpa?
Atalupa was captured anfd when asking henando de soto why he wouldnt kill him he responseded that threy dont kill untill the battle is over , ataahualpa asked why they walked into san obvious trap, and hernanado responds that god was wth them
What happened during the spanish conquest of the nmoorish kingdom of granada in 1492
For abour 500 years the spanish had been trying to ris the ierian penisula of moors from africa
those africans were muslims anfd they had conquered a lot of christian spain i the 8th century
around ,010 years ago some small christian kingdoms in tehe north aling the cantabrian coast that had survived the moorish conquestlaunched the reconquista
When did the reconquista end and how?
1492 when the lastr moorish ruler of granada fell to the christian armies of queen isabelle of castile and king ferdinand of aragon
What were some of the motives of the reconquista and colonizing the new world?
Spanish society looked at wariors as the embodiment of christian endeavor and they were admoired as the ideal life— fighting moors for ultimate end of reconquering spain for christianity
Were there material motives for the reconquista and colonizing the new world?
Yes, wealth slaves, and land
Spain had an inbred conquest mentalty they focus so much on recounquering the moors for spain that when it was over the focused on—-
the new world
The native peoples of latin america were more ______in cukture, lifestyles, languagesetc than the ____
diverse, spanish
Who renanmed the azetec capiutal mexico city in 1519?
Hernana cortes
There were about 75 million native americans in the americas during times of conquest, how many were in mexico?
about 22 million
The natives ranged from _____ hunters and gateres to people who had domesticated crops and had a sedenary agriculture
When these follks no loinger had to move around what doid they build?
comlex civilizations with religious rituals, political organizations, artisans, and cities in central america, mexico and peru
What did the maya develop?
written language
What did the incas develop?
effecient state bureaucracy and empire
What did the aztecs develop?
A formidable war machine?
What is the conquest defined as?
Subjecation of american indians by spanish and portuguese warriors from europe
Colonization wasnt just a conquest by arms y the spanish also instilled their perspective, language, religion and cicilixzation on the indigenious cuktures t o f?
By mid century as a result of european diseases dislocation and demoralizwtion what percentage o f native americans were destroyed?
50 %
What is an example ofmiscegenation?
when the spanish would rape native women producing a chuld that is half spanish half american indian
What is micenegation?
The mixing of racial or ethnic types
What are mezitizos?
official name for the offspring of the spanish conquistadors having childre (raping) native woimen
How did the king of spain rule over the spanish civilizations in america?
Through his council of the indies
What were colonies divided into?
administrative entities called viceroyalties
What geolocations did the viceroyality of new spain included
all of mexico, central america, and the carribean
What is the capital of peru?
The viceroyality of peru extended across?
All of the continent of south america excluding brazil which belinged to portugal
What was equally as important to the secular administration during this tim?
Missonaries anfd preists pof the oman catholic church who arrived with the conquistadors
Why dd christiian ministaries have an easy time converting people to christianity?
People felt betrayed by their pagan gods// churches were formed and thousands of baptims were performed
did ameircan indian dieties and religious traditions survive after colonization?
Yes and they were incorporated into formal church worship to form new combined forms of worship
Who was the secular clergy under the control of?
Spanish and portuguese monarchs through an arrangement called the real patronato/ royal patronage
What did the church gain during this early period of colonizaton?
Tonds of converts and properties
In the 19th century why did reformers and liberals have backlash towards the church
the people after the war of independence wanted to break its power not only as an immense property holder but as a dominate force of education and social services
What precious metal cumulated a lot of wealth/ a flow of wealth from the spanish colonies for over 300 years>
What did the spanish see this aquisition of wealth as?
an act of god
Around the silvr mines what systems developed?
Pastoral systems and complex argrivcultyural systems that provided workers with food leather erc
What did the argicultural and pastoral systems become a model for/?
land ownership
The creole elite were not only at the top of the colonial social pyrimad but they also largely owned haciendas T O F
What did the colonial economy diversify to? (IE WHAT PRODUCTS DID THEY EXPORT)
Sugar, caco, indigo, and tabacco
What is the council of the indies?
The most important administrative organ of the dspanish empire for the americas
What is a viceroy?
A ruler exercising authority in a colony on behalf of a soveirgn nation
What are viceroyalities?
aka. the royal patronage, and arrangement that put the secular clergy under the direct control of spanish and portuguese monarch
What is a hacienda?
A large estate or plantation with a dwelling house
What is a creole?
Spainards born in the new world of spanish parents
What are pardos
People who are a mix of white black and american indian
What is a mullatti
Whsat is a zambo?
Person who is a mox of black and native
The mature colony 18th century
> By mid-18th century there was a sense of identity in colonial Latin America
Creoles, mestizos, pardos, and mulattoes, zambos, and other Americans of racial mix of Spainish, Native, and African basically saw themselves as Americans, Peruvians, Mexicans, or Chileans, relating to their place of birth versus their ancestors.
This sense of nationality was felt mostly by the Creole elites, only slightly sensed by Amerindians and slaves
This protonationalism would lead to the Wars of Independence in the early 19th century
The colonies were increasingly self-sufficient. They exported more and more amounts of stuff from fields, forests, and mines to European consumers but they were also producing stuff for themselves, like textiles, shoes, ships, and a variety of other items.
Export economy expanded a lot: salted beef and leather from Argentina; sugar from Cuba; cacao from Venezuela and Ecuador, indigo (a dye) from Guatemala and Mexico, woods from tropical Central America, and silver from Mexican mines. There was a lot of prosperity.
It was peaceful, but towards the end the revolutions in the U.S., France, and Haiti sparked the resentment and frustration about the injustice experienced by Creoles
In relation to latin american imigration to the us, documented or authorized imigrants are those who?
Entered with inspection- valid visa
In relation to latin american imigration to the us, undocumented or unauthorized imigrants…?
Entered without inspection or overstayed vis
How many undocumented are there thought to be in the us?
Close to 11 million
In relation to latin american imigration to the us, tHE TERMS ILLEGAL ALIENS OR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS MEANS?
Narrow emphasis on regulations brokem- and it is extremely stigmatizing
In relation to stigmitization: from the 1950s to 1980s immigrants from europe and canada ____ while imigrants from latin america, asia , and africa _____
Declined, increased
The composition of immigrant flows is paralel to xenophobic reactions in the us t o f?
In relation to the causes of latin american imigration to us, Internal political conflicts in lantin america are due i n part to,
US intervention, national security doctrineds, and restricted electoral systems
In relation to the causes of latin american imigration to us, Economic globalization plays a deterimental role because..
it destroys subsistence farming and degrades agricultural work
In relation to the causes of latin american imigration to us, “Neoliberal reform” do what?
Limit employment oppurtunities and social services
In relation to the causes of latin american imigration to us, in Central america and mexico there is…?
violence associated with gangs, drug trafficking, and access to fire weapons
In the 1990s the us expelled gang members from LA to ?
El Salvador
What countries are above the average in countries that do not study or work?
Hondouras, guatemala, el salvador, clombia, and mexico
In relation to 2016 homocide rates, what countries had the most servere rates of homocide?
Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Honduras, Guatemala
In relation to legislation effecting Latin American Imigration to the US, up to the 1890s each state had…?
It’s own immigration laws
In relation to legislation effecting Latin American Imigration to the US, immigration from mexco related to?
Labor demands
In relation to legislation effecting Latin American Imigration to the US in 1848- 1930s there was an…?
Informal open boarder
In relation to legislation effecting Latin American Imigration to the US , in 1942- 64 there became?
Parrelel extralegal immigration
In relation to legislation effecting Latin American Imigration to the US In 1965- 86 what was implemented?
Proportional alotment of visas
In relation to legislation effecting Latin American Imigration to the US In 1986 the immigration reform and control act did what?
Put in employer sanctions, intial amnesty which equalled into the continuing flow of immigrants
In relation to legislation effecting Latin American Imigration to the US, In 2001 boarder security did what?
Tightened and increased xenophobic feelings( not exclusively against hispanics and latinos
Over how many mexican/ central american immigrants in the US are undocumented?
About half
Number of central american immigrants has increased steadily mainly due to…?
Violence and a lack1of economic opputrtunities
in 2011 the authorized entry found that 159 non imigrant visitors entered the us with legal permission- 53.1 had a temporary visa and mor ethe ____ were mexican
T O F? The us immigrant population has vastly increased since the 1990s but since around 2008 it has leveled off or even declined
What are the prominent countries where unnacommpinied chldren are most likely tobe caught crossing the border from?
Mexico, el salvador, guatemala, honduras
In relation to who benefits from undocumented immigrants in the us, employers of low wage labor such as?
Agriculture (25-90%, cnstruction, meatpacking services
In relation to who benefits from undocumented immigrants in the us, one person would be Consumers of _____ goods and servcices
low cost
In relation to who benefits from undocumented immigrants in the us, federal programs like ____ do
social security
In relation to who benefits from undocumented immigrants in the us, The private [prison system does: for example, in 2011 the pps recieved ____ billion from the dederal government
1.4 million
Wat are main private prisons organizations>
GEO group, Corections corporations of America, and Management anfd training corporation
In relation to who benefits from undocumented immigrants in the us, What is an examplre of a private prison system in richmond>
Imi=migration centers of america owned by ken newsom, warren coleman and russelk harper