Actual Quiz 1 Flashcards
What were some factors that attracted mexicans to the us during the 20th century according to winn?
Higher wages
Better economic opportunities
Agricultural programs/ labor
Bracero program brought 50,000 mexicans to the U.S. to work during WW2
Origins of Cuban immigration to the US in the second half of the 20th century, as explained by
Migrated over politics rather than economic problems
Failure of the Bay of Pigs that resulted in the Cuban Missile Crisis led to half a million immigrants coming to the US in the decade after that.
Cubans fleeing to America to escape Castro and brutal military dictatorship
Characteristics of Cuban community in Miami, as described by Winn.
Lawyers, businessmen and bankers
Mostly middle class citizens in Miami
Second largest cuban immirant city
Cuban culture takes over miami through food entertainment
Role of culture for puerto rican migrants to NY City according to winn?
Puerto rican flag day of june 14 1992
2nd Largest group of hispanics in us mainland
In relation to the role of culture for puertoricans in NY Whst was the traditional music of Puerto rico?
Deep connection to culture, and identity food rice and beans- music, plena, adapted from afro caribean bomba
What was the puerto rican traveling theatre?
Traveled and performed plays about assimilation into american culture
What was the relationship between us involvement in DR and DR migration to US?
Immigration patterns started in 1960s and reflects US involvement in other caribean countries interal affairs.
IE: IN the DR after 1960 it lead to a decade of US military intervention, economic expansion, and political intervention, accelerated during 1980s
Broad population changes in Latin America during colonial period?
Ethno racial categories
- Spaniards- peninsulares
Free blacks
Black slaves
More westernized indians
Less westernized indians
Economic causes of independence in latin america (3 things)
Long lasting limits on international trade
Actual inability to trade with colonies after 1797
Increased taxes
Social causes of indepencdence in latin america?
Royal favoritism toward oensulars resented by criollos
Hatian rebeloution and great andean rebellion caused elite fear
What were the Ideological causes of independence in Latin America?
Enlightenment (Efficient gov)
US and French Revolutions (Greater representation, legal equality, pop soverignty )
Influence in latin america towards the creolos and mesitozos wanted to be seen as equals to portuguese
What was the stance of non indians toward hidalgos rebellion?
Non indians, gave little support to hidalgos rebellion because of their fear of, loss of power and status in society that the indians instilled in them but also the rampant violence that the indians enacted on the criollos and mestizos. This gave way to little help or solidarity from criollos or mestizos
What was the impact of racial divisions on venezuelan independence?
Because there was a larger black population there was more ambivalence from criollos to give political power and participation to lower classes and the cost of this to criollos like Simon Bolivar- who questioned their loss of power and status in society- were that their resistance failed at first. Then when they gained support from lower classes, they defeated royalist forces and gained independence
What was the timeline of venezuelan independence
1810: criollo council led by bolivar
1811: dec of independence- hesitance to grant political participationto low classes
1812: patriot defeat
1814: bolivar arrived in Colombia
1816: back to VEN
gained support of lower classes llaneros free blacks and slaves
Bolivar defeated royalists in boyaca 1819 and carabobo in 1822
In relation to venezeulan independence when bolivar finally gained support from llaneros who did the patriots defeat in 1819 and 1822?
royalist in boyaca in 1819
royalist in carabobo in 1822
What is advanced payment according to matto de turner
In the novel, we see rich merchants “depositing” an “advance payment” (forced loans) of a sum of money at indigenous peoples’ houses. One year later, they’d come back for 500 lbs. of Alpaca wool at prices that always heavily favored the merchants. If the native people didn’t have the wool, they had to pay back the “advance payment” at usurious interest rates. The system relied on power and the threat of violence
What does the book’s title torn from the nest refer to?
Encomienda service drew both men and women temporarily away from their home villages with men working in mining, construction and agriculture and women serving as cooks, maids, and wet nurses in encomenderos’ households. Exploitation of indeginious labor
taken from their homes
Following the argument of the novel, what opinion did Matto de Turner have about the Catholic clergy? Why?
She portrays the village priests as abusive, corrupt, and a part of the oppressive establishment along with the governor and other local government officials.
Political crises in spainsh and portuguese emprires?
1807 - Napoleon’s invasion of portugal
Portuguese king escaped to Brazil, Spanish king captured and forced to resign
French appointed their own (collaborationist) authorities
1808 - Napoleon’s invasion of spain
1812-1814 - constitutional congress that opened up the idea of popular sovereignty, a liberal constitution, but there was not enough representation for criollos.
1) Portuguese Empire: Portuguese king set court in Rio de Janeiro è 1814: Brazil declared kingdom equivalent to Portugal – Discontent of Portuguese elite
2) Spanish Empire: Division within the colonial elite (Peninsulares and Criollos) in Latin America:
a. Loyalist or Royalist: continue obeying authorities in Spain (French or not) OR
b. Criollo Juntas or Patriots: claimed to want return of Spanish king – really looking for more autonomy