Quiz 2- post exam Flashcards
Crabbe, Pivnick, Bates, Gordon, and Crossnoe (2018, 2019)
- conducted focus groups with recently graduated adults aged 19022
- asked to described peer crowds from high school
- identified 12 peer crowds
- rise in academic anxiety in compared to earlier studied
- fear of “loners”
- qualitative study
- asked to define cliques, goth, druggies, stoners, nerds,
- rise in academic anxiety in comparison to earlier studies
- intense fear of “loners” about potential violence.
- are small groups of about 5-7 adolescents
- early in adolescence cliques are same sex
- later in adolescence mixed sex
- cliques can be identified by there interests and status
- cliques may join together to form crowds
- parenting types may influence the type of clique/crowd adolescents join
Vocational Choice
personality = shy, introverted
family = strong expectations, can lead to identity foreclosure
teachers = teachers recognize something special in student
gender stereotypes = specific genders pushed to certain jobs
Holland Career Types
realistic = things you can put your hand on tools, animals, plants, livestock, farmer, gardner, vet
investigative = problem solving, math, science, don’t like sales, STEM kids, see themselves as precise, scientist, academic c, nueroscience
Artistic = creative, arts, drama,a dance, music, artisan work, kinetic, don’t like ordered and repetitive activities
Social = like people want to help people don’t like machines, good communicators, see themselves helpful, outgoing, teacher, counselor, nurses, social work
enterprising = people create environment, around them, lead people, sell ideas, selling things, politics, business, persuasive, CEOs, directors
Conventional = like data, numbers, quiet, careful, task oriented, like enviorment to be controlled, records, post office, clerk, admin, one of the most prevelant
percentage of women in various professions
- male dominated professions, increase
- but stereotypical female professions are still staying around same
- we have been supporting women in STEM, but not in women dominated fields
Gender segregation
- when people go to a specific field
- women in psych
- men in engineering
Gender stratification
- medicine
- people who become doctors almost event
- nuerosurgeon = male dominated
- pediatrics = female dominated
- professors w/tenure = male
- adjuncts = women
Differential earnings
- women earn 76.5 cents to a male dollar
- but women who have never had children aged (27-33) earn 98 cents on the male dollar
Math as a critical filter
- many careers require strong math background
- engineering
- computer science
- physical science
- business
- finance
The development of sexual orientation
- sexual orientation involves romantic feelings, attraction, lifestyle
- gender identity
- gender role = attitudes, behaviors, defined with each biological sex, appearance has gotten stronger
Kinsley’s work
- continuum idea
- straight, gay, lesbian, bi other 3%
- odd way back in 40s
- in depth face to face, interviews, with males
- 1953 - white women
- published people were angry because of sexual attitudes in women
- people still don’t want to hear about it
- HUGE sample, but not diverse
- sexual orientation exists, NOT in exclusive boxes, but a continuem, even though collected this data, people still collect data with other
fritz klein sexual orientation grid
- more complex
- fantasy, past, present
- 8% checked something other than straight
- 20% of women check something other than straight
- for women has steadily increased
Development of sexual orientation
- psychoanalytic - freud thought everyone born with bisexual, sexual orientation developed in phallic period (4-6)
- this fairly confirmed with research
- disturbing legacy, people think sexual orientation has something to do with parenting
Bell Weinburg and hammersmith 1981, investigated social learning perspective
- used a path analysis model
- sexual orientation determined by adolescence, although many people may not be sexually active
- people found heterosexual experiences ungratifying
- link to gender non conformity
- identification with parents had little to no impact
- positive role models, important for resilience
- it gets better program, celebrities describe adolescent vs now
- final conclusion hinted at possibility of a biological basis for sexual orientation
Social Construction
- we use guidelines of our culture to determine sexual orientation
- cultural discourse message influences
- ancient rome, physical/romantic, relationships with men and women, compared to U.S with negative outlook
- biological determinants
- brain (levay) = looked at hypothalmus, men and women, self identified as straight/gay , found area with different size, area smaller in gay men than straight men, gay men = same size straight women, not all biological
- genetics = evolutionary adaptation
- hormones
finger proportions
- boys with more femine finger proportions, more likely to be gay
- boys with longer index fingers = more emotional
- study went to street fair, talked to people had them self disclose sexual orientation, women who justified as lesbian had longer ring than index
- 2 science journals published that
- exposure to male hormones may impact sexual orientation
Handedness study
- gay lefties 34% more likely to straight men
- lesbian 9% more likely than straight women
Hair whorls
- lippa
- 23% of gay men had counterclockwise hair whorl compared to 10% straight men
Biological fraternal birth order (blanchard 2001)
- sexual orientation believed to be related to number of older brothers
- each older brother increased chances of being gay by 30%
- HY antigens
- hypothesis = HY antigens, produced by mom pass through placenta, influence sexual orientation in female brain, brith weight changes with multiple boys, baby weighs less and less
EBE theory (Bem)
- exotic becomes erotic
- starts with biology
-baby in eutero - born, biological differences
- boys = biggers, longer, more active
girsl = smaller, shorter, more passive - period in childhood develop = gender play
- but not everyone
- BEM says who is around you friends, not particularly interesting, until during puberty those who are not around become interesting.
- girls who hang around boys, girls become erotic
CASS model for coming out
-identity confusion
- identity comparison
- identity tolerance
- identity acceptance
- identity pride
- identity synthesis
- criticized by how negative early stages are
Issues and Sexual Orientation
- cultural perception
- role models
- support systems - safe spaces
- safety concerns - not being bullied
The infamous strain gauge study
- adams wright and Lohr
- penile plethsymorgrath
-study of men, gave index of homophobia, traditional homophobia - had participants who scored high and low on homophobia
- had them watch varied porn
- men and women, men and men, women and women
- measured erections
- found guys that scored highest for homophobia scored high for all, guys who scored low for homophobia had response to Men and women, and women and women.