Quiz 1 Flashcards
What is a theory?
- set of ideas or organizing principles
- relevant assumptions based on beliefs about a phenomena
- systematically related to each other
Empirical and Operational defintions
- precise can look at it from study to study, operationalized
ex - colic in a baby, 3x a day, 3x a week, 3 by 3 by 3 - fruedian fixation, PMS, terrible twos,
The menstrual stress/Joy Questionare
- people have rxn to menstrual cycle
- menstrual destress question = way to operationalize it
- when we try an operationalize something we can’t let bias sneak in
Development theories allow us to:
Describe - being able to describe what they should be doing in a typical phase
Explain - explain accurately what is happening
Predict - being able to predict and aid , ie predicting learning disabilities
Development is the following domains
Social - humans tend to be fairly social, how we interact
Physical - how the brain changes/bodies change, puberty
ALL interact not independent of one another
Otitus Media
symptoms - snotty nose, eye drainage, cranky, frequent night waking, cranky, unwillingness to lie flat, fever, crying, screaming
Ear infections
- adults have nasal canals which tilt up
- kids get more
- we put drains (tubes)
- omoxycilin
OM issues
- not contagious but respiratory infections are
- OM is more common in daycare situations
- OM is less common in breastfed babies, anitbodies in milk
current concern
antibodies = developing resistance
tubes = relatively uncommon in other countries
Otitus Media and Daycare attending Toddlers
- purpose examine effect of OM on children in three daycare situations
- children (12-18 months) were divided into chromic and non chronic OM
- cildren were given a picture book and reading task,
Results - mothers rated kids with chronic OM as less attentive
- children with chronic OM in low quality daycare setting, attended less and shared more off task behavior on the picture book
Age Graded/History graded (cohort)
- History graded = great depression, on people who grew up on canned food, sexual revolution, more unplanned pregnancyies, post sexual revolution, more sex less unplanned pregnancies
- Age graded = changes that happen at certain ages, going to kindergarten at 5, graduate high school at 18
Non Normative
- we have individual difference, not everyone has a pony, only child, grew up in rural area
- people who are born at the same time, studying how kids learn to crawl
Development is … Multidimensional
- during development multiple things are developing but sometimes development declines
- teen buzz only under 25 can hear
- one town put up speakers playing the noise to stop teens from hanging out
Organismic World View
- egg -> caterpillar -> butterfly
- qualitative change (stages/levels)
- active development - actively engaging with the world
- movement towards a goal, point where you are developed
- seen an endpoint
Mechanistic World View
- no qualitative change
- passive reaction
- no movement towards a goal
- can’t meet in the middle because they are worldviews
Contextual World View
- considers perspective between individuals and their physical, cognitive, and social worlds
- emphasis on relevance of environmental contexts
- seeks to understand the adoptive or survival value of behavior and its evolutionary history
- important ethological concepts
baby geese, form a bond with first body they see, baby geese imprint on human
Sensitive/Critical Periods
letting babies bond w/parents instead of taken away, those allowed to bond reached more physical milestones faster
importance of bonding changed birthing practices
Do humans imprint?
Klaus and Kennel - babies were permitted/not permitted to bond, babies who imprinted, reached milestones more quickly
- species specific responses (laughing/tickling)
- “Babyness” - rounded head shape, large eyes, below middle of head, protruding forehead, Bambi = exaggerated baby cues
The ecological Approach - Bronfenbrenner
- “embedded in the real world
- believed development exists in a series of nested concepts
Microsystem - individuals immediate surroundings, families, friends, coworkers, people you go to church with
Mesosystem - connections among microsystems, parents interacting with teachers
Exosystem - doesn’t directly contain the individual but influences them, teacher snapping at there kids becuase of a bad work day
Macrosystem- values, ideals, customs and laws of a particular culture, in the U.S very scared of birht, highly sexual media
Chronosystem - (temporal/time) - having a sister, 4 years apart, children born during the pandemic
Independent Variable
- variable you manipulate, different TV shows
Dependent Variable
- impacted by changing I.V
- consistency, car is reliable doing what it should do consistently, does it test consistly, odds vs evem
- is it measuring what it’s supposed to measure? IQ tests are they valid? argue that they don’t measure intelligence yet achievement
Cross Sectional Design
- you are getting groups of folks at different ages, testing and comparing
Advantages - quick, inexpensive, differences in behavior at diffrent points of development can be studied
Disadvantages - no info about determinants of age cohort, you have to make sure that your cohorts match on all variable, older gens have less years of school
Longitudinal Design
subject assessed repeatedly
Advantages - stability of behavior can be determined, impact of early events on later behavior can be investigated differences in behavior at different point in development can be studied
Disadvantages - cost, subject loss, changes in ppl, infexibility, test/retest effects,
Sequential Design
- combines cross sectional and longitudinal
- advantages - flexible .stability of behavior can be determined, impact of early events on later behavior can be investigated, differences in behavior at different point in developmental studies
Disadvantages = cost, subject loss, test/retest effects
Correlational Studies
- correlational does not equal causation
Positive Correlation
- if you score high on one, score high on another/low on the other