Quiz 2 (lesson 11) Flashcards
What three things need to exist for evolution to occur?
Generation of diversity, selective reproduction and transmitted change
What is generation of diversity?
“Makes everything in the group not the same
- Mutation
- - Dna copies into offspring. Sometimes there’s a copy error where the dna is not the same(most mutations are deadly)
- Crossover
- - Sexually reproducing genetic combination of both parents. Adds more diversity than mutation”
What is selective reproduction?
“Things don’t reproduce at the same rate
- Survival and reproduction of the fittest
- Fittest: being able to thrive in the environment
(differential reproduction)”
What is transmitted change?
“Offspring gets taught aspects
- Genetic
- Taught
- Imitate”
What happened in Karl Sim’s simulated evolution?
“Evolved digital creatures to perform tasks like getting control of a cube
Evolution was coming up with things that the programmers never intended
One creature beat up the opponent to keep them away from the cube
Computers always surprise programmers
No entities came up with the ways to get closer to the cubes, evolution did
The programmers set it up so the three conditions were met”
What are the types of biological evolution?
“Natural selection
- Competitions in species
Sexual selection
- Choosing who to mate with
Artificial selection
- Ex. breeding(Humans are the selective force)”
True or false: Life started from one organism
True or false: life can start up again
True. Life could start up again completely separate but it would be devoured by the life that already exists
What happened with the peppered moth evolution?
“Blends in with the lichen on trees
“Typica” variation(lighter) flourished in england originally
In the industrial revolution the “Carbonaria” variation flourished because they were darker and the trees were covered in soot(making them darker)
When england cleaned up the “typica” moth made a comeback
What happened with the beaks of finches?
People kept track of every finch on an island. The birds couldn’t leave the island since it was so far away from other land. The finch beaks changed according to seasons(due to different foods)
What happened with the evolution of bacteria against antibiotics?
“People but bacteria on a mega plate with the edges having no antibiotics and more antibiotics as you go to the middle.
They had a layer of agar bacteria could move in and one with the amounts of antibiotics(was split into 9 sections, 0, 1, 10, 100, 1k, 100, 10, 1, 0) number is the multiple of antibiotics.
First the bacteria spread in the area up to the point where they can no longer survive
Then mutants appeared that’s resistant to the antibiotics and it goes through the area getting the food.
They kept stopping and then evolving to get past each spot getting fast each time.
By the process of accumulating successive mutations bacteria which are normally sensitive to an antibiotic can evolve resistance to extremely high concentrations in a short period of time
What is evolutionary psychology(lesson 11)?
“How evolution in human history has made us what we are today
Explaining psychological traits we have as evolutionary adaptations
Problem is some things can’t be explained this way. Bones are white but there’s no evolutionary advantage. The thing they’re made out of just happens to be white. However most things evolved for a reason
Adaptationism: assumes that a feature of a species is there for an evolutionary reason. theorizing about evolutionary causes for phenotypes (an observable type of an organism, and it can refer to anything from a common trait, such as height or hair color, to presence or absence of a disease)
Evolutionary psychology generated hypotheses but these must be tested
Many people will believe and evolutionary theory without evidence
It gets a bad reputation
What is exaptation?
“Things evolve for one purpose and get used for another
Evolution can only change things that are already there
Ear Bones came from lizard jaw bones
Fins exapted into paws which exapted into hands
What is neoteny?
“Juveniles looking alot like adults
- The less something changes over its growth the more neotenous it is
- Butterflies are not neotenous. Caterpillars look completely different”
Why do we like certain types of foods?
“Fat, salt, protein and sugar were important nutrients that were rare for most of evolutionary history. Now we have an abundance of these
In the modern world things that taste good aren’t always healthy but in the past they were”
What are selfish genes?
Your genes are trying to propagate themselves by making you marry people with similar features
“What are the three requirements of Evolution?
A) 1. Consistent environment 2. Diversity 3. Selective reproduction
B) 1. Diversity 2. Language 3. Selective reproduction
C) 1. Diversity 2. Selective reproduction 3. Transmission”
“How did humans evolve to have neoteny?
a) due to biological evolution
b) due to sexual and natural selection
c) due to the Baldwin effect
d) due to artificial selection “