Quantification and costing Flashcards
What document outlines how buildings are measured globally?
International Property Measurement Standards
How does IPMS differ from Code of Measurement Practice?
IPMS is the updated version; RICS asks members to use IPMS
IPMS includes external floor areas like balconies and terraces, measuring to the internal dominant face.
What is the main purpose of NRM?
Guidance on how to measure and produce cost estimates
NRM provides standards for measuring items like GIFA.
What are the differences between SMM7 and NRM?
NRM is simplified and considers modern building techniques
Excavations in NRM are measured in larger tranches, and it includes a section for off-site materials.
Can SMM7 still be used?
No, it has been replaced and is out of date.
What does CESMM stand for?
Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement
What are the different NRM risk categories?
- Design development
- Construction risk
- Employer change risk
- Employer other
What are the different types of BoQ?
- Firm
- Approximate
When would you use NRM3?
For order of cost estimating and planning for building maintenance works
It assesses the life cycle of building sub-elements or elements.
How does the measurement software work?
Loads PDFs or DWGs to create a workbook based on the method of measurement
It allows for manual calculations, flags errors, and produces client-tailored reports.
What are the methods of valuing change?
- Use contract rates if same work and conditions
- Use contract rates with fair adjustment for different conditions
- Use fair rates and prices for work of different character
Can you name some heads of claim?
- Prolongation
- Disruption
- Acceleration
- Loss and expense
How was the quantity of topsoil quantified on the rugby enabling project?
Measured in m2 in the CSA using a measuring wheel
The area excavated was applied to the rate in the CSA to determine the amount due.
When would you advise using NRM3 instead of NRM1?
When the design is fully developed and a BoQ is required in the scope of services.
Why was NRM1 advised for the project at the concept design stage?
It was suitable due to available design information and the colleague’s familiarity with NRM.
How would you resolve a disagreement on a variation with a contractor?
Discuss it with the client or a senior colleague; if unresolved, it can go to adjudication.
Why were the New Rules of Measurement introduced?
Previous SMM7 was purely designed for the production of BQ for tender purposes
This resulted in lack of guidance and uniformity around preparing cost estimates/cost plans using SMM7
The NRM was introduced to provide a common and consistent basis for the production in order of cost estimates and cost plans to give employers more confidence around their inclusions
What is the structure of NRM1?
PART 1: General Introduction (explains purpose of document and how it should be used)
PART 2: Measurement rules for the production of order of cost estimates
PART 3: Measurement rules for the production of elemental cost plans
PART 4: Tabulated rules of measurement for elemental cost planning
Appendices: inc definitions and general info required for cost plan production
Why should you use NRM?
It provides a common and consistent basis for the production of order of cost estimates and cost plans
This provides added confidence to employers
In the event a QS/firm is pursued for negligence, the use of NRM would provide a means of defence as it represents best practice
QS’s are not required to follow NRM if they judge it as unsuitable for their specific project but they must have a good reason as to why this approach has been taken.
What are the NRM1?
RICS New Rules of Measurement 1 is the Order of Cost Estimating and Elemental Cost Planning
- This provides a structured basis for measuring building works and for the production of cost estimates and elemental cost plans
What is meant by GEA?
Gross External Area: this is the area of the building measured externally at each floor level.
What is meant by GIA?
Gross Internal Area: This is the area of the building measured to the internal face of the perimeter wall at each floor level
The GIA excludes external open sided balconies, fire escapes, canopies, external walls and fuel stores
What is meant by NIA?
Net Internal Area: This is the area of usable space measured to the internal face of the perimeter wall at each floor level.
The NIA excludes internal structural walls and columns, spaces with headroom less than 1.5m, permanent lift lobbies, toilets, cleaners cupboards and plant rooms.
Where are all the abbreviations defined?
The code of measuring practices published by the RICS
What is the purpose of the Code of Measuring Practices?
This provides precise definitions to permit the accurate and consistent measurement of buildings.
What would you expect the percentage of GIA to NIA to be?
This depends on the type of project
Office Building: 70-85%
Lower the percentage = relatively inefficient building, higher percentage = extremely efficient
What do you measure in accordance with?
The method of measurement to be adopted depends on the region, project and client that I am working with
e.g. UK in Building section: NRM
However e.g. Civils = CESMM
How do you measure structural steelwork under NRM2 and what other items would you measure in association?
- The measurement rules for structural steelwork are contained within section 15
Steelwork members are to be measured in tonnes and itemised in accordance with their respective length, weight and type
Length not exceeding 1.00m
Length over 1.00m but not exceeding 9.00m
Length exceeding 9.00m
Weight not exceeding 25kg/m
Weights between 25-50kg/m
Weight between 50-100kg/m
Purlins and Cladding rails
What other items should be measured in association with steelwork?
- Framing erection
- Permanent formwork
- Cold rolled purlins
- Cladding rails
- Isolated structural members
- Filing hollow sections
- Surface preparation
- Surface treatment
- Localised protective coating
How do you measure brickwork walls under NRM and what other items would you measure in association?
- The measurement rules for masonry are contained within section 14, they are to be measured in m2 and should be itemised in accordance to wall thickness, type and method of formation
Walls 102.5mm thick; brickwork; built against other work
Other Items in association: - Chimney stacks
- Arches
- Brick Reinforcement
- Forming cavities
- Closing cavities
What is the purpose of a BoQ?
BQ provide the estimator with an accurate picture of the scope of works and provide a common and consistent basis for pricing
Following receipt of tender submissions, BQ also forms an accurate basis for tender analysis enabling like for like comparisons to be taken
Throughout the post contract stages it also provides a basis for the valuation rules of the contract for valuing variation items
It also enables the contract works to be assessed and valued for the purposes of interim payment.
How would you prepare a BQ?
Initially- meet with the design team and establish what information is to be provided and ensure the information provided is full. I would compile all information necessary from the Design Team including:
- Drawings
- Specifications
- Schedules
- Document Registers
I would check upon receipt of this that the information is sufficient enough for a BQ to be compiled. This depends on the form of contract.
I would agree with the client the method of measurement to be adopted
Prior to measurement I would break the works down into sections
e.g. Substructure, superstructure, external works etc
I would then commence take off from substructure upwards
When measuring is complete I would look to address the general items section and any preambles
Following BQ production I would carry out regular meetings and review any updated drawings/information and ensure that no work items had been missed/overlooked between packages
How would you structure a BQ?
In accordance with NRM2, I would include the following sections:
- Preliminaries
-Facilitating Works
- Substructure
- Superstructure
- Internal finishes
- Fittings, Furnishing and Equipment
- Services
- External works
- Provisional sums
- Dayworks
How would you describe the preliminaries section in a BQ?
The preliminaries detail items of work that are required to enable the construction but are not associated within the permanent measured works items.
This could include items such as:
- Site setup
- Management and supervision
- Insurances for the project
- Task lighting
- Protections and temporary barriers
What information is required to measure preliminaries?
- Contract duration
- Location
- Type of project e.g. new build v refurb
- Size of the project
- Temporary works
- Security
- Methodology
- Programme
- Services
- Employers accommodation
- Contractor designed work
- Sectional completion
- Insurances/bonds
If it was found that a Bill rate was wrong, how could this be resolved?
- The works would be valued in accordance to the agreed rates included within the contract
- If identified within the tender documents prior to the contract being agreed the rate could be amended in accordance with the tendering rules in place. Otherwise both parties must stand by the rate.
How do you evaluate a variation which is based on a BQ item which includes an error?
Assuming the nature and conditions are the same, the variation would be based on the BQ rate included within the contract, unless both parties agreed to amend the rate to one that is fair and reasonable
Who owns the copyright to a BQ?
The originator owns the copyright
This is generally the QS who provides the client permission to use the document for its intended purposes
How would you deal with a situation where it was discovered a part of a BQ was missing after the main contractor was onsite?
- If part of a BQ was missing I would check that it had been included in part of the contract documents and subsequently the contract sum
- If not the responsibility would lie on the contractor
- Providing the works were still required by the employer they would be treated as a variation to the contract
- I would request that the contractor price the works and advise the employer on the level of costs involved before the instruction is issued
What would you include in the BQ where the works are to be carried out by a nominated subcontractor?
A prime cost sum would be incorporated into the BQ which would include:
- An allowance for the cost of the nominated subcontractors work (based on the quotation)
- An allowance for the contractor to price for attendances such as accommodation, welfare, storage, handling, materials and cleaning.
- An allowance for a percentage addition for any other charges and profit.
What is a provisional sum?
A provisional sum is an allowance included within the BQ for works to be carried out where the extent and design of the work is not yet known meaning the cost cannot be established at the time of agreeing the contract sum.
This may include works by a nominated subcontractor or supplier or statutory authority.
What is the difference between a defined and undefined provisional sum?
Defined: One that relates to work that cannot be accurately measured but there is sufficient enough information to include their nature, method, location, quantity, limitations to planning, programming and pricing of prelims to take place. The contractor would be entitled to claim should there be an increase in cost of the physical works.
Undefined: where there is insufficient information, the works cannot be defined and it entitles contractors to costs for associated prelims and an extension to programme.
How would you undertake an audit on a cost reimbursable contract?
- Upon submission of the application by the contractor I would ensure this is provided in the agreed format and detail
- I would review all costs incurred to date in respect of Labour, Plant and materials, Staff and OH&P
- I would carry out an audit of the information and reconcile this against the fee schedules and rates within the contract
- I would check timesheets, staff grades and rates, project codes, payroll burden, invoices, subcontract accounts, applications and payments, materials invoices, dates, rates, quants, delivery tickets etc
This would be compared against the contract rates to enable any adjustments that may be needed
What is Simpsons rule?
Simpsons is a mathematical formula for approximating the area under a curve over a given interval
How did you check the items measured for the BQ were accurate?
We have an internal peer review QA check whereby upon completion, a joint review of information received, drawings, measurement and BQ is carried out by my senior colleagues to ensure all scope of work items have been captured
Junior colleagues assist with quant, spot and arithmetical checks on the quantities to ensure these are accurate
What items would you include when measuring e.g. a basement?
It would depend on how the basement was constructed
e.g. basement with piled walls and clear site:
- Excavation and disposal of topsoil
- Continuous piles to walls (inc piling rig, hard standing piling mat, testing, cutting and prep heads)
- Excavation and disposal of arisings
- Preparation of the excavated surface
- Waterproofing
- Blinding
- Concrete to the basement slab and walls
- Reinforcement
- Formwork to walls
- Finishes to concrete
- Internal finishes
What would you do if you produced a bill and included a staircase that did not exist?
- I would check the drawings and BQ to see if the contractor was correct and refer back to the tender drawings to see if there had been a design change
- Depending on the form of contract, I would remeasure the section and notify the contractor of the remeasurement of actual quantities
How are obstructions dealt with on site? Which package are they included in?
Obstructions are normally dealt with by a Provisional sum within the Bill of Quantities, due to the undetermined nature of the works
They would be included in the Earthworks package, to be dealt with by the contractor responsible for excavating the foundations
How do you measure a cut and fill?
I would obtain the drawings with existing/proposed levels
I would divide the area of excavation into a grid and interpolate the levels on the grid to establish an average existing and proposed level
This would determine which area was in cut and which area was in fill
Is the quantity for excavation similar to that of disposal?
Yes- providing there is no backfilling required and assuming the form of contract and method of measurement does not allow for bulking, shrinking or waste of earthworks
How would your approach to measurement change if you worked in Dubai/Saudi?
I would need to measure in accordance with the method of measurement appropriate for that country
How do you measure something unique eg statute of the client?
If it could be broken down easily into the parts that are in accordance with the method of measurement, I would do this in accordance with this as the basis for measurement
Otherwise I would insert the item with a detailed description of the works with a section to include a Provisional Sum
How do you deal with ground water under NRM2?
Ground water is measured under Section 5 for excavation and filling
It is measured on an itemised basis with the original below ground level being stated and reference to whether the water is polluted
If the post contract water level differs from the pre-contract level the measurement must be taken and revised accordingly.
The method and place of discharge is left to the discretion of the contractor unless stated otherwise.
What is preamble?
A preamble is an explanation of a document that is commonly found in contracts, specifications and BQs
It can help with the interpretation of the document
It includes a description of the parties to the contract, the background to the document and the measurement procedures that have been adopted
What are the method related charges?
A method related charge is a one-off item related to the method of carrying out the work and does not form part of the permanent works
They are not considered proportional to the item of works being carried out
eg. provision of temporary propping required for a weakened elevation of an existing building
What are time related charges?
These are method related charges that are considered proportional to the time taken to carry out the works e.g. plant hire
What are fixed charges?
Fixed charges are method related charges that do not vary with time e.g. Service connection charges
You have stated that you have knowledge of the process of Constructing a Rate for Costing. What are the component parts of a rate for Estimating?
You have stated that you were involved in extracting information from BIM for Cost Planning? Can you give me an example?
Have you been involved in the Valuation of Construction Works on a Project. How do you assess the Value of the Works completed to date? What process would you go through?
On the UoB IBR Common Room Refurbishment, you have stated that you were responsible for agreeing Tender Costs with the Contractor, following the Tender process. What do you mean by this statement? What was the Tender process? What was the Form of Contract? How were the Works Quantified? What advise did you give your Client in relation to the Quantification of these works?
You have stated that you carried out a Cost Analysis based on a comparison between a New Build and a Refurbishment for Loughborough University Library. How did you Quantify Cost the Two Alternatives? Did you consider anything other than Construction Costs in your Comparison?
On the IBR Medical School refurbishment you advised a Colleague that NRM 1 was the appropriate form of Measurement. What was the basis of this advice? What Design Stage was this advise given? What was the form of Procurement? What was the Form of Contract? What are the Risks associated with providing Quantities to Contractors?