Project Financial Control and Reporting Flashcards
Why do you omit prov sums at the start?
Can you tell me how you assessed change on the Innovation Centre project?
valuation rules
Under the JCT D&B, these are:
For measurable works – If works are of a similar nature then CSA/ BoQ rates should be used where possible. Where there are no works of similar nature then fair rates should be used.
Where the works are not measurable – Dayworks should be used (I.e. Prime cost, (materials, plant and labour) plus a percentage addition for incidental costs, materials and labour (within Contract Particulars) – should be valued in line with RICS definition of dayworks – 2 options – 20 page document setting out how to value.
Also paid OH&P/ Additional design fees etc.
Can you talk me through some of the main headings you included in the cost report you produced on the Innovation Centre project?
- Exec Summary – changes/ risks/ rolling FA
- Key Risks
- Contract data – i.e. valuation amount
- Cash flow
- Rolling Final Account
- Provisional Sums
- Instructed variations
- Anticipated Variations
How did you produce the cashflow on this project?
For this project I produced an initial projected cashflow using a standard S curve model based on the contract sum, programme and contractor cash flow. Then each month I modelled the actual spend based on my interim valuations against the anticipated spend to highlight to my client how works were progressing on site, spend to date etc.
What information do you need to produce a cash flow/ what needs to be considered?
- Programme – start/ end dates – also defects rectification period/ release of retention
- Contract Sum
- need to account for holiday periods etc.
- Risk Register – risks should be included
- Fee schedules from consultants
- Any known variations
- Sectional completion details if relevant – i.e. retention release at different times
- Provisional Sums
- Any materials off-site – could increase expenditure
- Any direct costs, i.e. furniture
- Prelims – could use prelims book or £/week etc.
How do preliminaries affect a cash flow?
You need to consider both fixed and time related preliminaries. For example site set up costs will only be required during the early stages, then preliminaries will mostly be time related, i.e. cost/week, until the site removal costs are incurred at the end of the project.
What does EBITDA stand for?
Earnings Before - Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization
What is a Prime Cost Sum?
A unit rate for materials where quantities are unknown, excluding associated prelims, overhead, and profit
Used for long lead items; for example, a carpet spec may be unknown, so a rate of £25/m2 is used.
What is loss and expense in project management?
Costs incurred that are not claimable elsewhere, such as variations
What is not taken on loss and expense?
No retention is taken
How would you calculate loss and expense?
Request evidence of direct loss and expense from the contractor as soon as practicable and update monthly when costs are realized. The CA/QS replies within 28 days with the ascertained amount showing the difference.
What is value management?
The overall process on a project where value is consistently achieved and considered through choices and options.
Can you give an example of value management in practice?
Advising the client to include recommended spares on a contract for equipment, saving costs on future variations.
What is EBITDA?
Earnings Before - Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization
What is a Prime Cost Sum?
a. This is for supply of materials usually and is a unit rate for that material where the quants are not known yet. They exclude all associated prelims, OH&P
b. They are used for long lead items
c. i.e. if the spec of carpet is unknown so a rate of £25/m2 is used
What is loss and expense
Costs incurred not claimable anywhere else such as variations. No retention is taken on loss and expense
How would you calculate loss and expense?
Loss and expense is considered a relevant matter in JCT. In previous projects I requested the contractor provide evidence of the direct loss and expense as soon as practicable, and update this information monthly when cost is realised. The CA/QS shall within 28 days reply with ascertained amount showing the difference.
Talk me through how you have delivered Value Management for a client?
a. Value management is the overall process on a project where value is consistently achieved and strived for by making and considering choices and options. I have contributed to this on the University of Birmingham NCDH project where there was an option that I explored from a commercial perspective to make up the levels on the site using material that would’ve been considered otherwise hazardous and would’ve been expensive to remove and dispose of.
How would you create a cashflow forecast?
- I would need to have access to the construction programme and contract sum analysis in order to
populate the cashflow. - The values associated with each element of construction could be forecasted at times to reflect their
installation within the programme. - I would split the works into the different packages as shown on the contract programme and include
individual s-curves for each package. - Obtaining drawdown schedules from specialist subcontractors and professional consultants can also
assist when populating the cashflow. - An alternative approach would be to utilise a previous cashflow from a similar scheme or to use
cashflow forecasting software although this may not be as accurate.
If your construction budget was £2.5m and proposed construction
period was 25 weeks, would a forecast cashflow expenditure of £100,000 per week be realistic?
- In reality this would not be very realistic as the cashflow expenditure per week is unlikely to have a flat
or regular profile. - In reality the expenditure is much more likely to have an S-curve profile where at the start of the
scheme, the expenditure per week will be fairly low as the site setup and enabling works are undertaken. - As the scheme progresses, items that are of higher value such as the steel frame and M&E installations
will be undertaken. The cost expenditure per week at this stage will be much higher than at the start of
the scheme. - As the scheme draws to a close, minor finishing items such as decoration and cleaning packages will be
undertaken again resulting in a lower expenditure cost per week