CASE STUDY: At the point in time where you advised a £10k PSUM, do you think that was reasonable? What was this envisaged to cover?
CASE STUDY: What was the cost limit and who produced it? Who produced the cost limit?
CASE STUDY: You said the funding was £1.02m, what did this include for, does this mean there is £700k of fees and surveys?
There was £150k prof fees
£25,000 allowance for planning
£125,000 client direct cost for the migration and decant for the relocation of the specialist equipment
£90,000 contingency
CASE STUDY: Was there no contingency in the cost limit? For a full building demolition project, this is risky
CASE STUDY: Why was a JCT D&B chosen?
CASE STUDY: Can you give me any other examples of VE/Scope reduction that was explored?
CASE STUDY: What is the risk of VE?
CASE STUDY: How was responsibility of noise captured contractually, i.e. why is it contractually the client’s fault?
CASE STUDY: Why was meeting the completion date; even by 4 days, such a big factor to the client?
CASE STUDY: What is programme float?
CASE STUDY: Why was there limited float in the programme?
CASE STUDY: Why didn’t you propose doing sectional completion, why partial possession?
CASE STUDY: What types of thing would you expect to see in a standard acceleration quotation?
CASE STUDY: How did you provide your advice to the client in regards to acceleration?
CASE STUDY: What happens if the contractor accelerates but the completion date is not met, are LAD’s applicable?
CASE STUDY: What does VFM mean to clients?
CASE STUDY: If you could go back and change any of the options selected what would you change in your approach?
CONSTRUCTION TECH: on the NCDH when doing cost benefit analysis, what did you advise the client in regards to the benefits of timber frame to the others? What was the building? Was timber really applicable/worth looking at?
CONSTRUCTION TECH: On the IBR refurb, when looking at 2 different floor finishes, how did you price them? Was there further consideration than just the cost?
CONSTRUCTION TECH: when doing the cost comparison on Loughborough library, what considerations did you make to the options, and how did you price them? - also how did you price modular?
PROCUREMENT AND TENDERING: On the DMU energy centre how did you ensure a like for like comparison process?
PROCUREMENT AND TENDERING: on the le gros clark project, why did you suggest an enabling works contract? What other methods are available? - why not an LOI? Why not a 2 stage tender with PCSA and early works?
PROCUREMENT AND TENDERING: on the NCDh project, how did you decide on the 60/40 quality cost ratio?
PROCUREMENT AND TENDERING: on NCDH, what questions/parameters were analysed as part of the qualitative assessment? - and why?
PROJECT FINANCE: “4. What is loss and expense”
“a. Costs incurred not claimable anywhere else such as variations. No retention is taken on loss and expense”
QUANTIFICATION AND COSTING: What document defines how buildings are measured globally?
QUANTIFICATION AND COSTING: Can you give me some rules under IPMS, or how it differs from COMP6?
“a. They are both measurement techniques but COMP Is the old version, so RICS asks members to use IPMS
b. IPMS now includes external floor areas such as balconies and terraces
c. IPMS now measures to the internal dominant face (to glazing) as opposed to internal face.”
QUANTIFICATION AND COSTING: What do each of the 3 NRM documents stand for?
QUANTIFICATION AND COSTING: Do you know any alternatives to NRM?
SMM7 (outdated) / CESMM, POMI
QUANTIFICATION AND COSTING: On the Beehive refurb, how did you quantify the ramp, and what document did you use as guidance? - if its temporary whats it made of? / how temporary?
QUANTIFICATION AND COSTING: on the pilkington library refurb, which option was more expensive?
QUANTIFICATION AND COSTING: pilkington - you had enough in house cost data on modular construction in which t base your estimate?
QUANTIFICATION AND COSTING: pilkington - why did you adjust for location and time?
QUANTIFICATION AND COSTING: on the whitefield student accom project feasibility, how did you cost the estimate? - ok, were there any external works?
QUANTIFICATION AND COSTING: le gros clark - on risk management you say you produced a cost plan, procurement you advised procurement but here you advised a collegue about which NRM to use - what involvement did you have?
CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION: What is the purpose of a PCG?
CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION: You’ve said defects period is usually 12 months, which contract is this under?
CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION: what are some typical contract amendments?
CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION: what are the standard payment terms and timelines in JCT?
RISK MANAGEMENT: Adrian decant - Can you tell me what a prime cost sum is, and how it differs from a PSUM?
RISK MANAGEMENT: how did you carry out a monte carlo simulation?
RISK MANAGEMENT: Does a monte carlo analysis cost the risk, whats its purpose?
RISK MANAGEMENT: What other methods are there for pricing risk?
RISK MANAGEMENT: on Le gros clark, how did you cost the project risks?
INCLUSIVE ENVIRONMENTS: what regulations govern inclusive building environments?
Equality act / Building regs Doc M
INCLUSIVE ENVIRONMENTS: what are the protected characteristics?
INCLUSIVE ENVIRONMENTS: Can you give me an example of constructing a building or space with inclusive environments in mind?
SUSTAINABILITY: Can you define sustainability?
SUSTAINABILITY: What does BREEAM stand for?
SUSTAINABILITY: can you give me a score in BREEAM/how its scored?
SUSTAINABILITY: you have experience on policies such as BREEAM, and BREEAM requirements? Firstly what is the difference between the 2, secondly and what makes BREEAM a policy?
SUSTAINABILITY: you have done life cycle costing - how do you go about costing emissions, waste generation and environmental impacts? - also how do you price disposal costs in 30 years time?
CLIENT CARE: What is meant by a duty of care?
CLIENT CARE: What would you do if a client asked you to undertake work which you felt sat outside your scope of services?
CLIENT CARE: Prior to working with new client, what pre appointment checks would you undertake?
COMMUNICATION AND NEGOTIATION: Can you give me an example of when you achieved a successful negotiation?
COMMUNICATION AND NEGOTIATION: What are barriers to communication?
COMMUNICATION AND NEGOTIATION: Have you ever used a dashboard to report to a client information?
COMMUNICATION AND NEGOTIATION: On the bid interview that you presented for a framework, what did you present, and how did you make sure you communicated effectively
HEALTH AND SAFETY: What RICS publication is there on executing your professional role safely?
HEALTH AND SAFETY: what are the 3 methods of asbestos management?
What are the 3 methods of asbestos management?
a. Asbestos Management plan
b. Remove
c. Encapsulate
37. What types of asbestos survey are there?
a. Presumptive, and visually inspect.
b. Sampling, determine the extent”
HEALTH AND SAFETY: what is the building safety act?
HEALTH AND SAFETY: what is a high risk building?
a. At least 2 residential units AND
b. 18 metres in height / at least 7 storeys
HEALTH AND SAFETY: what does CSCS stand for? Which one do you have? And how often does it need renewing?
HEALTH AND SAFETY: What are some precautions you take when attending site?
ETHICS: What are the offenses of bribery under bribery act?
Bribing another, being bribed, failure to prevent, bribing foreign official
ETHICS: What are the consequences of bribery?
criminal offence - prosecution
ETHICS: What can a company do to counteract bribery?
Risk Assesment, due diligence, policies and procedures, monitoring
ETHICS: Do you know your companys policy on Bribery and any points from it?
ETHICS: how are conflicts of interest managed on projects?
ETHICS: What is the RICS guidance note on gift giving?
ETHICS: what is the motto of RICS
ETHICS: what is the purpose of RICS?
ETHICS: Who is the current president of RICS?
Justin Sullivan
President elect: Douglas Maclean
ETHICS: Can you demonstrate how you have displayed behaviours of one of the RICS Rules of Conduct today?
CASE STUDY: Procurement route was d&B single stage competitive tender - why?
CASE STUDY: Did you consider a negotiated tender and time of the essence?
CASE STUDY: What were the amendments to the contract?
CASE STUDY: How much more was the fence?
CASE STUDY: How did you advise on the monthly valuations on this project?
CASE STUDY: Was it considered to wait for the survey results before going to tender? How long until these were due?
CASE STUDY: How did you get to the 90k contingency?
CASE STUDY: Did you recommend any VE options?
CASE STUDY: How did you present these and were they accepted?
CASE STUDY: How did you assess the cost for acceleration? Did you check labour on site?