quality managment Flashcards
what is quality definition
meeting or exceeding customers expectaiton of what a product should do
what types of businesses will focus a lot on quality
ones sellign luxury, expensive items
competive makrets where busienss can easily chop around and pick better wuality option
adv of focuing on quality in the business
imporves image and reputation of business, means customer will be willing to pay more for good quality prodcut
less raw materials less worker and machinery time used up by mistakes
fewer complaints and refunds from customers
may be easier to keep eisting customers and attract new customers
what is quality control
means checking goods after you have made them/arrive from suppliers to check if anything is wrong with them
often done by professional quality inspectors
quality assurance
means introducting measures into the prodcution process to ensure nothing is wrong with them in fisrt place assumes you can prevent errors from being made rtaher thean eliminating good once it is made
prodcut is tested at each stage of production process
employees check their own work
adv of quality assurance
employing workers to check their own work can be motiavting/can make them feel more valued
less chance of wasting a whole product that has been made
dis of quality assurance
workers need to be trained to know how to check their work, this can delay pordcution and costs money to train staff
what is total quality managment
where quality is the centre of everyhting a business does-big part of businesses culture
adv of total quality managment
boosts repuation
all employees involved in imporving qualtity, can bond as a team
fewere less fualty prudcts so waste is reduced
dis of total quality managment
demotive staff-lot of effort to consider quality in every part of firm
expensive to produce-often means investing in training for staff
what are the 2 methods of qaulity management
quality circles
qaulity circles
mean regualr intervals to discuss quality control issues
adv-make staff feel valued, icnrease motivation therefore porductivity
dis-managamnet may not be listen to on floor staff
suggestings may be unrelaistic
lean prodcution methods
employees are constanylt imporving their work each time
reeduces waste as employees are constantly evaluating the way they work and finding ways to be more efficient
adv-helps workers to feel involved
cheap to introduce
dis-imporvemnt slightly each time not good for urgent imporvemnts in qaulity