managing stock Flashcards
what is stock
store of raw materials needed for making a product
most busiensses try to minimise stock due to cost involved
what type of prodcution does a busienss then need for lot of stock to be needed to be held
flow production needs a large stock of raw materials wheras job prouction often needs no stock of finished goods stored
what is buffer stock
the minimum stock level
what factors are needed which depeedn on how buffer stock needs to be held
is the product perishable(go out of date)
storage space avaliable
rate at wich stocks are used ip
lead time-time it takes for goods to arrive after ordering them
adv of holding buffer stock
needed to avoid running out of stock
beneficial for businesses in mass makret where need to consistently meet customer demand
or risking losing loyal customers
holding large amount of buffer stcok means can achieve business to ourachase economies o fscale as can buy large bulk
drawbakc of holding buffer stock
storage costs for a busienss e.g lighting, rent
wastage costs of throwing things away espically if perisahbale
lean produciton
where a business holds very little stock
efficinet form of production that focuses on waste minimisation
using as few resources e.g time money as possible to make products at given quality
can involve recycling and reusing materials in house to minimise waste
less waste, firm more efficient, results in lower costs
name one mathod of lean prodcution
JIT prodcution (JUst in tiem production)
just in time production
aims to reduce waste of materials
having as little stock as possible products avaliable just in tiem for when customers need them
adv of JIT prodction
storage costs are reduced therefore chas shlow is imporved as money not tied up in stock
less waste-less out of date or damaged stock lying around
busiens more flexible so can deal with chnages in demand
removing cist of stroagre, can mean can reduced their rpices, competitive advantage
dis of JIT production
rely on suppliers, can be hard to organise and can bbe stressful for staff
if supplier is unreliable , then firm may run out of stock and have to stop production
not good for enviroment-transport costs as frequnet deliveries
having smaller deliveries mens cannot purahcse economies of scale by buying in bulk