Qualitative Research Methods Flashcards
According to interpretivists, why should sociologists use qualitative research methods?
In what way do unstructured interviews from structured interviews?
What is the main attraction of unstructured interviews?
Briefly explain the following practical issues associated with unstructured interviews:
- Rapport
- Training
Briefly explain the following practical issues associated with unstructured interviews:
- Time
- Large amounts of data
Briefly explain the following practical issues associated with unstructured interviews:
- Checking meanings
- Flexibility
Briefly explain the following practical issues associated with unstructured interviews:
- Limited knowledge of the subject
- No pre-set questions
What is the key criterion used by interpretivists to judge the usefulness of a method?
Briefly explain how valid data can be achieved through involvement.
According to Glaser and Strauss, why is it important to develop grounded theory?
Briefly explain why unstructured interviews are more likely to reveal the interviewee’s true meanings.
Why do positivists reject the use of unstructured interviews?
Briefly outline why positivists argue that unstructured interviews are not reliable.
Why are the answers from unstructured interviews hard to categorise and quantify?
According to positivists, why are unstructured interviews unlikely to be representative?
Why is representativeness less important for interpretivists?
According to positivists, why do unstructured interviews lack validity?
Briefly outline the following features of a feminist approach to research:
- Value-committed
- Involvement
Briefly outline the following feature of a feminist approach to research:
- Equality and collaboration
According to Oakley, why was it advantageous to use unstructured interviews to research women becoming mothers?
According to Pawson, why is Oakley’s approach not distinctively feminists or original?
Briefly explain non-participant observation.
Briefly explain participant observation.
What type of observation might positivists use?
Briefly describe overt observation.
Briefly describe covert observation.
Which is the most common form of observation used in sociology?
Using examples, explain the following problems associated with observation:
- Getting in
- Staying in
- Getting out
Define verstehen.
Briefly outline how participant observation allows a sociologist to gain verstehen.
Briefly describe two kinds of group for whom participant observation might be the only suitable method for studying them.
Briefly explain why participant observation enables sociologists to discover things that other methods miss.
Briefly outline 5 practical limitations of using participant observation.
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What is the key criterion used by interpretivists to judge the usefulness of a method?
Briefly explain how valid data can be achieved through involvement.
According to Glaser and Strauss, why is it important to develop grounded theory?
Briefly explain why participant observation is more likely to give a valid picture than interviews or questionnaires are.
Why do positivists reject the use of participant observation?
According to positivists, why is participant observation unlikely to be representative?
Briefly outline why positivists argue that participant observation is not reliable.
Briefly outline three ways in which participant observation lacks objectivity.
According to positivists, why does participant observation lack validity?
What is the Hawthorne effect and how does this affect participant observation?
Briefly outline four characteristics of structured non-participant observation.
Why do interpretivists reject structured observation?
Briefly outline three ethical issues associated with covert participant observation.
Briefly outline one ethical issue associated with both overt and covert participant observation.
Why might it be difficult to obtain informed consent for participant observation?
Briefly explain what is meant by ‘going native’.
Identify one ethical issue associated with covert non-participant observation.
Why is participant observation favoured by ‘action’ perspectives?
Why might a functionalist use participant observation?
Give five examples of the following information sources:
- Written texts
- Other texts
Give examples of public document.
Give examples of personal documents.
Give examples of historical documents.
Briefly outline three advantages of using documents in sociological research.
Briefly outline two practical difficulties in using documents in sociological research.
Which methodological perspective favours the use of documents?
Use an example to illustrate the ways in which documents reveal individuals’ meanings.
According to Soctt, why might documents lack validity?
Briefly explain why documents may not be reliable.
Briefly outline two reasons why documents may not be representative.
Briefly outline why using unpublished documents may raise ethical issues.
Why might their be justification for not gaining informed consent to use a document?
Why might there still be an ethical issue with the use of documents even when the author is dead?
Briefly outline how formal content analysis works.
Why is formal content analysis attractive to positivists?
Why might feminists use formal content analysis?
Briefly explain an interpretivist criticism of formal content analysis.
Briefly explain what is meant by thematic analysis.
Briefly outline two criticisms of thematic analysis.