Control, Punishment and Victims Flashcards
According to Clarke, what is situational crime prevention (SCP)?
Briefly outline the three features of SCP.
Briefly outline three methods of target hardening.
Briefly explain what is meant by rational choice theory.
According to Clarke, why should crime prevention focus on the immediate crime situation?
Using Felson’s example of Port Authority Bus Terminal, explain how it is possible to ‘design out crime’.
Briefly outline what is meant by displacement.
Briefly outline the five types of displacement.
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Briefly outline four criticisms of SCP.
What do Wilson and Kelling mean by ‘broken windows’?
According to Wilson and Kelling, how has formal social control broken down in neighbourhoods with crime?
According to Wilson and Kelling, how has informal social control broken down in neighbourhoods with crime?
What is the result of the breakdown of control in neighbourhoods?
Briefly explain Wilson and Kelling’s solutions to crime.
- Environmental improvement strategy:
- Zero tolerance policing strategy:
Use an example to illustrate the success of zero tolerance policing.
Briefly outline five factors that may have contributed to the improvements in the crime rate in New York.
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What is the emphasis of social and community prevention strategies?
Briefly explain the outcomes of the Perry pre-school project.
Define surveillance
How is surveillance carried out in late modern society?
Briefly explain the meaning of sovereign power.
Briefly explain the meaning of disciplinary power.
According to Foucault, why has disciplinary power replaced sovereign power in Western societies?
Briefly explain the Panopticon and how it leads to self-surveillance.
According to Foucault, what is the difference in outcomes between disciplinary power and sovereign power?
List the institutions that subject individuals to disciplinary power, apart from prisons.
Briefly explain two criticisms of Foucault.
According to Norris, why is the effectiveness of CCTV cameras limited?
According to Gill and Loveday, what function do CCTV cameras perform?
According to Mathiesen, how do the media enable surveillance?
Explain what Mathiesen means by the ‘Synopticon’.
According to Thompson, how are powerful groups affected by surveillance?
How do the public carry out synoptic surveillance? Why is this called ‘sousveillance’?
Briefly explain what Haggerty and Ericson mean by ‘surveillance assemblages’.
According to Feeley and Simon, how is the new ‘technology of power’ different from Foucault’s disciplinary power?.
Briefly explain how airport security screenings use ‘risk factors’ to carry out surveillance.
How does Young describe actuarial justice?
According to Lyon, what is the purpose of ‘social sorting’?
According to Gary Marx, what is ‘categorical suspicion’? Give an example.
Briefly outline one problem with actuarial justice.
According to Ditton et al, how does the use of CCTV show evidence of labelling?
According to Norris and Armstrong, how do the CCTV operators use typifications when monitoring areas?
Briefly outline how punishment may reduce crime in the following ways:
- Deterrence
- Rehabilitation
- Incapacitation
Briefly outline how punishment may act as a form of retribution.
According to Durkheim, what is the function of punishment?
Briefly explain retributive justice.
Briefly explain restitutive justice.
According to Marxists, what is the function of punishment? Give an example.
According to Marxists, what is the form of punishment under capitalism? Give an example.
According to Melossi and Pavarini, how does imprisonment reflect capitalist relations of production?
How has the role of prison changed since the Enlightenment?
Why may imprisonment not be an effective method of rehabilitation? Despite this ineffectiveness, why have prison populations increased in England and Wales?
How does the rate of incarceration in America compare to that in Europe? According to Garland, what is the impact of these high rates of incarceration?
According to Downes, what is the ideological function of imprisonment?
What is ‘penal welfarism’?
Define transcarceration.
Use an example to illustrate how transcarceration is a product of the blurring or boundaries between the criminal justice system and welfare agencies.
What community-based controls are used as alternatives to prison? According to Cohen, how has this cast the net of control over more people?
How does the United Nations define victims?
According to Christie, what is the definition of ‘victim’?
Why is it important to study victims?
Briefly explain the three features of positivist victimology.
How did early positivist studies use the idea of victim proneness and what is the implication of this?
Briefly outline four criticisms of positivist victimology.
Which theories is critical victimology based on?
Briefly outline the following elements of critical victimology:
- Structural factors
- The state’s power to apply or deny the label of a victim
According to TOmbs and Whyte, why do ‘safety crimes’ often deny people victim status?
According to Tombs and Whyte, what is the ideological function of failure to label?
Briefly outline two criticisms of critical victimology.
Briefly outline the patterns of victimisation for the following social groups:
- Class
- Age
Briefly outline the patterns of victimisation for the following social groups:
- Ethnicity
- Class
Briefly explain repeat victimisation.
Briefly outline some of the impacts of being a victim of crime.
How might crime affect those who are not direct victims?
Briefly explain what is meant by secondary victimsation.
What might be the impact of fear of victimisation.