Pulmonary Function Testing Flashcards
What is an example of an effort dependent test?
Forced expiratory volumes/flow rates- Spirometry
Two examples of effort independent tests?
- Relaxed vital capacity
- exhaled breath nitric oxide
Two examples of gas diffusion tests?
- SaO2 during exercise
What changes occur to FEV1/FEV graph in asthma?
End point of curve the same
Steepness reduced because of Lower FEV1
FEV1 Reduced, FVC same
FEV1/FVC = less than 75%
What changes occur to FEV1/FEV graph in COPD?
Whole curve shifts to the right and downwards.
Lower FEVE & FVC
Ratio is normal as both values affected
What is a flow volume curve
Flow rate plotted against expiratory volume.
1. Volume dependent airway closure- asthma, bronchitis
2. Pressure dependent airway closure- emphysema
What can be measured by using a flow volume curve?
Peak flow- tests vol of air expelled during maximal forced expiration
Effect of COPD/Asthma on PEFR (peak flow rate)?
What is the FEV1/FVC response to B2 agonist in asthma and COPD?
- Ashthma: >15% improvement
2. COPD: <15% improvement
Changes to FEV1,FVC,PEFR in restrictive disease?
Lower,lower, normal
Response to B2 agonist on FEV1/FVC in DPLD?
What are the 3 types of bronchial challenge testing?
- Exercise
- Mannitol/histamine- Markers of airway hyper-responsiveness
- Allergy/chemicals- testing to diagnose occupational disease
What is the effect of exercise testing on FEV1 & PEFR in asthma?
Lowers both
What is monitored and seen to decrease in exercise testing in DPLD?
What happens to TLC in hyperinflation and in restrictive lung disease?
- Hyperinflation (emphysema)- TLC increases
2. DPLD- TLC decreases