Pulm & Critical Care Flashcards
what are the spirometry findings for interstitial lung disease (fibrosis)?
- decreased total lung capacity <80% of predicted value
- FEV1 <80% of predicted value
- FVC <80% of predicted value
- FEV1/FVC ratio normal or increased >80% of predicted value

what are the spirometry findings for obstructive lung disease?
- decreased FEV1 <80% of predicted value
- normal FVC >80% of predicted value
- decreased FEV1/FVC ratio <80% of predicted value

what are the findings of TB exudative plerual effusions?
- very elevated protein (always >4g/dL)
- lymphocytic leukocytosis
- low glucose levels (<60mg/dL)
define chronic bronchitis?
chronic productive cough for at least 3 months for 2 successive years
pt with persistent cough and weight loss presents with hyponatremia. what is this?
paraneoplastic ADH from small cell carcinoma
initial treatment for someone who is euvolemic hyponatremic with SIADH from cancer?
fluid restriction
gold standard diagnosis for PE? what if they have renal dysfunction or contrast allergy?
CT pulmonary angiography; V/Q scan
what are the signs and sx of PE?
dyspnea, pleuritic chest pain, tachypnea, tachycardia.
chest Xray may be normal or abnormal; not a good imaging study for PE
enzyme protease responsible for destruction of the lung parenchyma that can lead to COPD
chest x-ray finding in pt with centrilobular emphysema (COPD)?
hyperlucency at the lung apices (think smoke rises)
chest x-ray finding in pt with panacinar emphysema (alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency)?
hyperlucency at the lung bases