OB/GYN Flashcards
what constitutes a “reactive” nonstress test?
- in 20 minutes there are:
- 2 or more heart rate accelerations that peak at
- 15 beats per minute or greater
- and last at least 15 seconds
What does a “reactive” nonstress test indicate?
adequate fetal oxygenation and requires no additional fetal monitoring
stages of labor
complications that may occur in the first trimester in a fetus of a diabetic mother?
- heart defects
- neural tube defects
- small left colon syndrome
- limb defects
- spontaneous abortion
complications that may occur in the second trimester in a fetus of a diabetic mother?
- respiratory distress
- macrosomia
- hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia
what are 2 big complications overall of gestational or pre-gestational diabetes?
- respiratory distress
- macrosomia
which form of contraception can cause hypertension?
oral contraceptive pills
what are some contraindications to treatment of menopause iwth estrogen?
- breast cancer
- coronary artery disease
- endometrial cancer
- liver disease
- thromboembolism
in patients with no contraindications to estrogen, what is first line therapy for treatment of menopause?
menopausal hormone therapy:
- intact uterus?
- yes= estrogen+progesterone
- no=estrogen only
in patients with contraindications to estrogen, what is second line therapy for treatment of menopause?
paroxetine (SSRI)
difference between SLE and preecclampsia?
SLE has joint pain and malar rash
what is asherman syndrome?
the development of intrauterine adhesions (synechiae), caused by scarring and. obliteration of endometrial tissue (intrauterine surgery)
when is a pt at risk for developing asherman syndrome?
when getting a D&C with active intrauterine infection (septic abortion)
abnormal, localized outpouching of the urethral mucosa that can collect urine, resulting in inflammation of the surrounding tissue
urethral diverticulum
signs and sx of urethral diverticulum
- dysuria
- post void dribbling
- dyspareunia
- tender anterior vaginal wall mass
premenopausal woman (30’s-40’s) who has regularly spaced periods with random bleeding in between?
endometrial polyp
single, friable mass on labia majora with irritation and intermittent bleeding
vulvar squamous cell carcinoma; increased risk factors include HPV 16 & 18 and
pt in labor has acute onset of CNS overactivity sx (perioral numbness, metallic taste, tinnitus, and generalized clonic-tonic seizures). what caused this?
local anesthetic systemic toxicity from analgesic used in epidural
inpatient treatment of PID
IV cefoxitin or cefotetan + oral doxycycline
outpatient treatment for PID
IM ceftriaxone + oral doxycycline
increased maternal serum AFP indicates:
- open neural tube defects
- abdominal wall defects (gastroischesis, omphaloceole)
- multiple gestation
decreased maternal serum AFP indicates:
- down syndrome
- trisomay 18
screening intrapartum profile for down syndrome:
- low AFP
- increased inhibin A
screening intrapartum profile for trisomy 18:
- decreased AFP
- normal inhibin A
palpable breast mass in adolescent. next step?
reassurance and reexamination after next menstrual cycle
palpable breaset mass in someone <30 years old. next step?
palpable breast mass in someone >30 years old. next step?
woman in parimenopause has missed her period and has fatigue, enlarged uterus size, etc. what do you do next?
get hCG; perimenopausal women can still get pregnant
pt presents inpreterm labor <32 gestation. what do you give her?
magnesium sulfate (fetal neuroprotection) and indomethacin (tocolysis)
when is indometahcin contraindicated in prgnancy and why?
after 32 weeks, can cause premature PDA closure
when should betamethasone be give to prevent neonatal respiratory distress syndrome?
when pt is giving birth at less than 37 weeks gestation
woman over 50 presents with new onset constipation, nausea, early satiety, bloating, lower abdominal pain what should you rule out?
ovarian cancer; get pelvic US
patients with gestational diabetes mellitus should get what test post partum?
2 hour glucose tolerance test; at increased risk for getting DM2
what is intrauterine growth restriction and what can cause it?
IUGR=fetl withg less than 10th percentile; caused by maternal or fetal or placental conditions that prevent the fetus from meeting its growth potential.
assisted reproductive technologies are a known cause