Public Health (learn this) Flashcards
Name the four Pinciples of ethics
Non maleficence
Which principle means being fair?
Which principle means do no harm?
Non Maleficence
Define Autonomy
Allowing a patient to make and informed and rational decision
Define Beneficence
Doing the right thing to benefit the other.
Incidence Define
The rate at which new cases occur in a population measured in cases per 100000 per year
The proportion of the population affected by the diseases at a given point in time
(usually expressed in %)
What are the five focal virtues
Compassion Integrity Trustworthiness Discernment Conscientiousness
What does evidence based medicine involve?
Asking focused questions Gathering evidence Critical Appraisal Coming to a conclusion Evaluating Yourself
What are the four key parts to ‘Asking a focused question?’
What is the purpose of critical appraisal?
To test validity, reliability and applicability
Opportunity cost define
the cost of an alterative which must be forgone in order to pursue a certain
incremental cost - define
the overall charge that the nhs experiences by producing one additional unit (heart transplant)
econominc effiecency
achieved when resources are alloacted to maximise benefit
econominc evalutaion
assemsnet of the effiency
Name 3 examples of economic evaluation
cost effectivness (measure in years gained) cost utility analysis ( measure in quality of life gained) Cost benefit (measure in monetry units)
concerned with the fairness/ justice of the distribution of cost and benefits
Define Health economics:
Maximizing health benefits for a given set of scarce resources.