Public Health Flashcards
What is population health?
Health of defined group of people
What is public health?
Organised activity of society to promote, protect, improve + restore health of individuals, groups or population
What is epidemiology?
Study of distribution of determinants of disease, health related states + events
6 core functions of public health
1) Health protection
2) health surveillance
3) disease + injury prevention
4) population health assessment
5) health promotion
6) emergency preparedness + response
What is health equity vs equality?
Equity = when all people have opportunity to attain full health potential Equality = populations have equal health status
What is a handicap vs disability?
Handicap = disadvantage arising from impairment or disability Disability = any restriction or lack of ability to perform an activity
What is the Ottawa charter for health promotion?
Charter states that government should be involved in health promotion:
1) building healthy public policy
2) creating supportive environments
3) strengthening community action
4) developing personal skills
5) re-orienting health services
What are vulnerable populations + why?
Indigenous = low SES, violence, unemployment, homelessness
Black population = low SES
Isolated seniors = isolation, institutionalisation, inactivity, polypharmacy
Children in poverty
People with disabilities
New immigrants = exposure to disease
Homeless people = low income, mental illness, substance abuse
Refugee = PTSD, disease from country of origin
Traditional indigenous approaches to healing
Balance in 4 realms of spiritual, emotional, mental + physical health
Ideas represented by medicine wheel (First Nations), Learning Blanket (Inuits) + Metis Tree (holistic lifelong learning)
What is passive prevention?
Measures that operate without the persons’ active involvement (i.e. airbags)
What is primary, secondary + tertiary disease prevention?
1’ = protect disease onset, reduce exposure to RF 2’ = early detection of disease 3’ = Tx + rehab to prevent progression
Types of screening
Universal = all members of population
Selective = screening targeted sub-groups
Multiphasic screening = use of many measurements to look for multiple diseases
Types of bias in screening
Lead time bias = overestimation of time between detection via screening vs clinical detection
Length time bias = overestimation of survival time due to screening including more stable cases
What is the difference between disease prevention + health promotion?
Disease prevention: health is absence of disease, aimed at specific pathology, medical model
Health promotion = participatory model of health, aimed at population
What is incidence vs prevalence?
Incidence = number of new cases/ people at risk (measures the rate of new infection) Prevalence = number of existing cases/ people at risk (measure frequency of disease)