Extras Flashcards
What are auer rods associated with?
What is the philadelphia chromosome associated with?
What are smudge cells associated with?
Describe primary + secondary causes of hyperaldosteronism
Primary = idiopathic, Conn's (adenoma), familial Secondary = chronic low BP (due to HF or cirrhosis)
Describe mechanism of hyperaldosteronism
Increased RAS system
Hypokalaemia (constipation)
High BP (flushing, headaches)
Describe the causes of hypoaldosteronism
Addisons, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, pituitary disease
Describe mechanism of hypoaldosteronism
Hyponatraemia (salt cravings, N/V, dizziness)
Causes a metabolic acidosis type 4
Describe mechanism of Addisons
Reduced aldosterone, cortisol + androgens
Low cortisol causes fatigue + hyperpigmentation
S+S of Addisons
Hyperpigmented skin
Back/ leg/ abdo pain
Low BP
Dx for Addisons
ACTH stimulation test (short synacthen test)
Causes of Addisons
Autoimmune, mets, TB
What is Waterhouse Friderichsen syndrome?
Sudden increase in BP causes adrenal vessels to rupture
leads to tissue ischaemia and adrenal gland failure
Describe mechanism of congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Autosomal recessive
Low cortisol so increased ACTH
Due to deficiency in 21-hydroxylase
Causes low steroids + high androgens
S+S of congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Females = enlarged clit
Males (classic) = no signs at birth, presents at 2-4 y/o
Males (salt losing) = vomiting + weight loss at 7-14 days due to deficiency in aldosterone
Dx for congenital adrenal hyperplasia
increased 17-hydroxyprogesterone
Tx of congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Mechanism of acromegaly
Excess GH
Usually due to pituitary adenoma, pancreatic cancer or lung cancer (cancers that release GHRH or GH)
S+S of acromegaly
SOL = headache Pituitary adenoma causing bitemporal hemianopia Frontal bossing Macroglossia Large hands + feet HTN T2DM
Tx of acromegaly
Mechanism of phaechromocytoma
catecholamine (adrenaline) producing tumor of adrenal medulla
What conditions are associated with phaechromocytoma?
NF, von-Hippel Lindau, MEN 2a + 2b
S+S of phaechromocytoma
Headache, flushing, palpitations, HTN, panic