Misc Flashcards
How do you work out average glucose from A1c?
1.59 x A1c – 2.59
Describe Kallman syndrome
GnRH deficiency – low oestrogen
Failure to produce secondary sexual characteristics
Test FSH + LH = if low; hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism
What is dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate used for?
Evaluate adrenal function
Can distinguish between adrenal or ovarian/ testes causes of androgen conditions
What is medroxyprogesterone used for?
Induces a withdrawal bleed – can be used in evaluation of secondary amenorrhea
What screening test is best for T2DM in asymptomatic pts?
Fasting glucose
Describe the presentation of an epidermoid cyst
Painless cyst, slow growing
Produces foul discharge
What is Favre-Racouchot syndrome?
Skin disease with multiple open + closed comedones in presence of actinically damaged skin. UV + smoking = risk factors
Management of epidermoid cysts
Asymptomatic – no treatment
Intralesional triamcinolone – speeds up recovery
What is lichenification?
Thickening + hardening of skin where it is constantly scratched
Causes accentuation of skin lines
What abx to use for dental infection?
Clindamycin or amox/ clavulanate
What is a perilymphatic fistula?
Between middle + inner ear; can be caused by barotrauma, trauma or straining
Management of endometriosis
Conservative – NSAIDs COCP Danozol GnRH analogues eg Leuprolide acetate goserelin Surgery
How to screen for gestational DM?
1 hour glucose challenge test
How does a mitral valve prolapse present + what is it associated with?
Palpitations, fatigue, migraine, cough
Mid-systolic click + late systolic murmur
Linked with Marfans
What bacteria is present in a human bite?
Mixed anaerobes + aerobes
Management of cluster headaches
Oxygen via face mask
Can be treated with hypothalamic stimulation if refractory to medical therapy
What are the RF for cluster headaches?
Sleep apnea Fam hx Excess heat Shift work Gasoline + oil smells
Management of gestational HTN
Alpha methyldopa
What is Von Recklinghausen disease?
AKA neurofibromatosis 1 Needs 2 of 7: >6 café au lait spots Neurofibromas Lische nodules Axillary + lymph freckes Optic nerve glioma Sphenoid dysplasia First degree fam hx
What is Mathe’s sign?
Kidney doesn’t move during respiration
Sign of perinephric abscess
What is Murphy’s sign?
Positive in cholecystitis
Pain during inspiration when liver edge is caught
What is Litten’s sign?
Paralysed hemidiaphragm
Loss of movement seen on inspiration
What is Hoover’s sign?
Inward movement of lower rib cage during inspiration
Means there is a flat diaphragm; associated with emphysema
What is Dock’s sign?
Bilateral rib notching due to collateral circulation of internal mammary arteries
Linked to coarctation of the aorta
What is Friedreich’s ataxia?
Most common autosomal recessive ataxia
Occurs during puberty
Progressive ataxia with loss of deep tendon reflexes
Presence of Babinski’s sign (extensor plantar responses)
What is thrombophlebitis migrans?
Pain in lower limbs that travels from one leg to another
Erythematous nodule on superficial leg vein
Can be due to malignancy
What is the Trousseau sign of malignancy?
Thrombophlebitis migrans
What is the Neer sign?
Used to test for impingement, can be positive in frozen shoulder
Arm placed in forced flexion with arm fully pronated = pain = positive
What is Spurling’s sign?
Turn head to affected side with downward pressure on top of head
Pain = impingement due to cervical radiculopathy
How often should barrett’s oesophagus be monitored with endoscopy?
3-5 years if no dysplasia present
Low grade dysplasia = 6-12 mths
High grade = 3 months
What do non-caseating granulomas suggest?
What blood tests indicate sarcoidosis?
High liver enzymes
High ACE
What is the most common finding in patients with sarcoidosis?
Bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy
Dx of sarcoidosis
Biopsy of skin lesions
Biopsy of lymph nodes
H pylori eradication
Tx of urethritis due to STI
IM ceftriaxone + doxycycline for 10 days
What does a Courvoisier sign indicate?
Presence of enlarged gallbladder that is non-tender + jaundiced
Sign of pancreatic cancer
What is the triple screen for chromosomal abnormalities?
AFP, HCG + Ue3
What does a low AFP at screening suggest?
Trisomy 18 or 21
What do CD15 + CD30 positive multinucleated cells indicate?
Reed Sternburg cells = Hogkins lymphoma
What happens when amiodarone is combined with quinidine?
Arrhythmias due to elevated quinidine
What do granulocytes with multisegmented nuclei indicate?
Vit B12 or folate deficiency
When should colon cancer screening begin + what with?
> 50 with FOB every 2 yeasr or sigmoidoscopy every 10 years
What will be seen in CSF of HSV encephalitis?
Normal glucose
High protein
What is the difference in presentation between meningitis + encephalitis?
Encephalitis presents with altered cerebral function
What is pre-diabetes?
Plasma glucose above normal (>6)
What is the recommended drinking limit for men + women?
15 for men, 10 for women
What treatment should be given with no active TB but a positive PPD?
Isoniazid for 9 months
Management of gasoline poisoning
When should a shingles vaccine be given?
Anyone aged >60 regardless of prior shingles infection
How is GBS diagnosed?
CSF analysis + nerve conduction/ electromyography
What is GBS?
Rapidly progressing muscle weakness
Comes on after infection/ surgery/ vaccine
Tingling + loss of sensation in legs
What is a urethral caruncle?
Benign, urethral lesions found most commonly post-menopause
Red, fleshy appearance
What is the most common complication of cataract surgery?
Decreased vision due to cystoid macular edema
Improves with time
What are the contraindications to MMR?
Anaphylaxis to gelatine or neomycin
What antidote is used for anticholinesterase pesticides/ organophosphates?
What is the leading cause of death in Canada + what is its pattern?
Lung cancer
Increasing in women, decreasing in men
What are people with factitious disorder at risk of?
Alcohol + drug abuse
Where will you get the strongest evidence for treatment, screening or prevention strategies?
Systematic reviews
What is the antidote for cyanide?
Sodium thiosulphate
What is the antidotes for copper overload?
What does H influenza b cause?
What does unencapsulated H influenza cause?
Otitis media
What is the recommended therapy for schizoid personality disorder?
Individual visits, short, with written instructions to minimise face to face contact
Describe hereditary spherocytosis
Autosomal dominant
Presents with haemolytic anemia, jaundice, gallstones, splenomegaly
Fam hx of anemia
Due to mutation in gene for ankyrin + spectrin proteins
What is a common cause of overflow tearing?
Epiphora = commonest cause is nasolacrimal duct obstruction
What are the most common complications of H influenza in children?
OM + meningitis
What infections in kids lead to myocarditis?
Viral; commonly adenovirus or coxsackie
What infection is pulmonary haemorrhage a complication of?
Avian flu
How long should a mother wait before breastfeeding after drinking alcohol?
2-3 hours
What happens to TFTs during pregnancy?
T4 increased
FT4I normal
T3RU decreased
What migraine meds are contraindicated in pregnancy?
Ergotamines – cause vasoconstriction of uterine vessels
When is prophylactic cerclage carried out?
Between 12-14 wks gestation
What is the management of an asymptomatic cyst <5cm?
Re-assess with US in 8-12 weeks