Public acts of worship - salah Flashcards
What is Salah prayer?
The ritual Muslim prayer that is carried out at 5 times every day. It is the first duty believed to have been imposed by Allah.
What do Muslims do while carrying out this prayer?
Muslims regularly and without hesitation declare their faith in Allah. By offering Salah prayer, Muslims also seek to gain Allah’s favour.
What are the timings (provided in the Hadith) for each of the 5 daily prayers?
- Fajr: morning prayer between dawn and sunrise
- Zuhr: midday prayer in the early afternoon
- Asr: late afternoon prayer
- Maghrib: prayer just after sunset
- Isha: night-time prayer
(Muslims are individually responsibly for praying at these times).
Define: minaret, adhan, muezzin, iqmah
Minaret: tower of a mosque
Adhan: call to prayer
Muezzin: the person who gives the adhan
Iqmah: the second call to prayer made in the mosque.
Describe the call to prayer.
From the minarets of mosques the first adhan is made to call people to prayer. The adhan is recited in Arabic by the muezzin, and it reflects the declaration of shahadah.
The muezzin gives a second call to prayer (iqmah) in the mosques main worship hall and it lets worshippers know that prayer is about to begin.
What is wudu?
The ritual washing that a Muslim must do before Salah prayer. It is a symbolic action to reinforce the niyyah declaration that the believer makes as they begin.
What is the niyyah declaration?
A Muslims intention to worship Allah with a pure heart. It may be said aloud or just be declared within the believers heart.
What does the set pattern of Wudu include?
- Hands are washed
- Mouth rinsed 3 times
- Nose washed 3 times
- Whole face 3 times
- Both arms + elbows 3 times
- Ears
- Feet (Shi’a do not wash feet)
When no water is available what is a Muslim permitted to do?
A dry form of washing, called tayammum, using fine sand or dust.
What phrase will Muslims recite after completing wudu?
‘I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and he is one and has no partner and I bear witness that Muhammad is his Servane and messenger.’
What does Salah prayer involve?
The recitation of phrases along with a sequence of movements. There are 8 movements in each prayer sequence and each one has a religious significance.
What is a complete sequence of prayer called?
A rak’ah.
What is Jummah prayer?
During Zuhr (midday) prayer time every Friday congregational prayer is offered at mosques. Male Muslims must make every effort to attend.
What is Jummah prayer a reminder of?
The wider Muslim community and ummah (unity of Muslims).
What happens during Jummah prayers?
Muslims will line up in rows, shoulder to shoulder, to carry out the rak’ahs. They will face the mihrab/qibla, a semi-circular niche in the wall of the main prayer hall, which indicates the direction of Mecca.
In Jummah, what happens once Salah is complete?
Once Salah is complete, the imam delivers a sermon called a khutbah.
What does joining together during Jummah do?
Helps the Muslim community to be cohesive as a sense of unity is developed. It also provides a time for the community to discuss any issues and resolve any problems.
Why may it appear that Shi’a Muslims only pray 3 times a day?
Because they are allowed to join midday (Zuhr) salah and afternoon (Asr) prayers together / the evening (Maghrib) and night time (Isha) prayers together.
What do Shi’a Muslims do during prayer?
They prostrate, or go face down, on things which are counted as part of the earth. E.g. a piece of wood or a slab made of clay from Kerbala (a city in Iraq they believe is sacred) to rest their heads during prostration.
What is the ground considered to be for Shi’as?
A pure material, and fulfils the need for the place of prayer to be clean.
What do Shi’as believe is wrong to do during prostration? (and what supports this belief?)
That in prostrating to Allah, it is wrong to do so on something man-made and artificial. The fact that Muhammad used a mat made of natural fibres supports this belief.
Why might Sunni Muslims be concerned at the specific use of clay from Kerbala?
Because it seems to suggest a certain level of holiness to that city, even more so than Mecca.
Surah 2:222
‘Allah loves those who turn to him and who care for cleanliness.’