Jihad Flashcards
What does Jihad mean in Arabic?
What two forms does this striving take?
Greater jihad and lesser jihad.
What are greater and lesser jihad? (summarised)
- Greater jihad is the inner struggle that a Muslim strives with to control bad desires and intentions
- Lesser jihad is an outer struggle and often linked with a military struggle.
What process is greater jihad?
A continuous process as each Muslim strives to follow ‘the straight path’ and please Allah. This happens in all Islamic duties as Muslims are learning to be obedient to Allah.
What do these duties help a Muslim to do?
Increasingly live a faithful life, possibly even being prepared to die for their faith one day if it becomes necessary. Their reward will be entering paradise after death.
What is required to achieve this?
Muslims must overcome many negative qualities such as greed and anger. This then is the greater jihad.
What is ‘amr bi al-maruf wa nahy an al-munkar’?
The striving against doing what is wrong (munkar) and seeking to do what is good (maruf). Built upon the teaching of the Qur’an (Surah 3:110).
What does that section of the Qur’an do?
This section of the Quran sets up Muslim ummah as the best model for all societies.
Does greater jihad take precedence over lesser jihad?
Yes, and it is essential for all Muslims.
What is lesser jihad about?
Creating a good and fair Muslim society and some also believe it to include holy war.
What does the Quran use when speaking specifically about war?
‘Qital’, rather than jihad.
What form of a war should lesser jihad be?
Either a defensive war or a war against an unjust regime.
What did the Muslim sect of the Kharijites do?
They added jihad to the Five pillars of Islam, making is Six pillars.
Where is this kind of belief seen?
In the extremist Muslim groups, like Daesh and Al-Qaeda.
What do these extremist groups use jihad to justify?
They use jihad as justification for killing or using violence against anyone who is not Muslim.
What does kafir mean?
Anyone who is not a Muslim.
Why are some extremists driven to use violence?
They are driven to use violence in the belief that Christian and Jewish society is trying to destroy Islam. However most Muslims disagree with this extremist position.
Key quote: Surah 2:190
‘Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! Allah does not love aggressors.’
Key quote: Surah 8.61
‘But if the enemy incline towards peace, do thou also incline towards peace, and trust in Allah; for He is One that hears and knows all things.’
What are the conditions for Lesser Jihad? (first 6)
- Opponent must always start the fighting
- Must not be fought to gain land
- Must be started by a religious leader
- Must be fought to bring about good
- Must be the last resort
- Innocent people should not be harmed
What are the conditions for Lesser Jihad? (next 5)
- Enemies must be treated with justice
- Wounded enemy soldiers must be treated in the same way as ones own soldiers
- War must be stopped as soon as enemy asks for peace
- Property must not be damaged
- Chemical or biological warfare is not allowed