psychopathology Flashcards
Becks explanation of depression
- faulty information processes
- negative self schemas about yourself
- research supports that cognitive vulnerabilities are likely in depressed patients
Becks negative triad
self “i am worthless” > future “nothing will ever change” > world “everything is against me”
Ellis’ explantion of depression
- good mental health is the result of rational thinking
- depression is a result of irrational thinking
- irrational thoughts prevent us from being happy
Ellis’ ABC model
activating event ( breakup) > irrational belief > unhealthy negative emotions
activating event > rational belief > healthy negative emotions
Beck v Ellis
beck > faulty info processing, negative self schemas, negative traid
ellis > activating event, belief, consequence
evaluating Becks approach (positive)
evidence to support
- Grazioli + Terry assessed 69 preg women for cognitive vulnerability and depression before and after birth
- women high in cognitive vulnerability were more likely to suffer post-natal depression
evaluating Becks approach (negative)
does not explain all aspects of depression
- does not explain extreme anger, hallucinations and bizzare thoughts
evaluating Ellis explanation (positive)
lead to therapies
- challenging irrational beliefs allow a person to reduce their depression
- supports that irrational beliefs play some role in the development of depression
evaluating Ellis’ explanation (negative)
does not easily explain the symptoms of anger associated with depression
CBT to treat depression
CBT - talkinf therapy teaches you coping mechanisms for dealing with problems
evaluation of CBT
+ just as effective as medication - March antidepressant 81%, CBT 81%
- patients may not have motivation for CBT in severe cases
- bases on quality of relationship with therapist
- does not barrel childhood traumas
anxiety disorder characterised by obsessions and compulsions
obsession - persistent, irrational, unwanted thoughts
compulsion - task to relieve themselves
behavioural characteristics of OCD
repetitive compulsions, compelled to repeat
compulsions reduce anxiety
avoid situations to reduce anxiety
cognitive characteristics of OCD
90% have obsessive thoughts that recur
are aware their obsessions are irrational
overcome by coping strategies
emotional characteristics of OCD
guilt and disgust towards others
low mood/ lack of enjoyment
high levels of anxiety
biologically explaining OCD - genetics
candidate genes make vulnerability for OCD - dopamine, seratonin = neurotransmitters that regulate mood
230 diff genre may be involved - polygenic
diff genes for diff peoples is aetiologically heterogeneous
biologically explaining OCD - neutral
low levels of serotonin affect mood
impaired decision making due to abnormal functioning in the lateral frontal lobes of the brain
abnormal functioning of parrahippocampui gurus
treatment of OCD with drugs
drug therapy > SSRI’s - release serotonin to synapse and receptor, absorbed into sending sell, increase seretonin
+ effective, better then placebos soomro, cost effective
deviation from ideal mental health
good well-being, ability to manage stress, have a good outlook on yourself, western individual bias
what is a phobia
an irrational and chronic fear of something that would not usually trouble most people