Psychobiology: Learning & Memory, WEEK 1 Flashcards
Why is learning + memory important from a neuropsychological perspective?
- It helps us predict the future > when you learn things, you will remember this and apply it to future situations > this is called adaptive behaviour and assists survival
Learning definition
- Different types of learning including behavioural + non-behavioural
- As psychologists, learning is defined by acquisition of behavioural information > general learning = acquisition of ANY information > DISTINCT PROCESS
Classical conditioning
- An example of unconscious learning which predicts the future > Pavlovian conditioning
- Showing a stimulus before a biologically significant event (like food as it helps survival) = association between the two > next time the situation occurs the animal behaves like they expect food = anticipatory response (anticipate response occurs)
Acquiring behavioural information
- To be relevant to psychology, we look at acquisition and retention of info which guides behaviour or leads to a change in behaviour (adaptive behaviour)
- E.G: a flashdrive can hold information and retrieve it, but this is not behavioural, it does not change behaviour.
Memory definition
- Retention of behavioural info
Principles of Learning
- Memory improves the more we learn, but this doesn’t mean the amount by which it improves is the same each time > progressively the amount you learn will reduce as you retain info from before. > Law of diminishing returns
- Learning + memory is to be adaptively beneficial, this means we cannot encode and retain everything because it is not an efficient process
Law of diminishing returns
in relation to principles of learning
- The more you learn or the more effort you put into learning generates less additional value as it stays the same when you have no more left to learn. > supported by R-W model
- Creates a characteristic learning curve where memory strength at a point stays the same > amount learnt gets more shallow each time till theres no more to learn
Rescorla-Wagner theory of learning
one theory of many
- Focuses on the element of surprise in learning > amount learnt depends on the amount of surprise at the outcome > the more surprising, the more we learn.
- Developed to explain Pavlovian learning
Rescorla-Wagner rule of learning is described in what equation?
Delta V = Alpha Beta (Lambda - V)
- Delta = describes changes V = learning > Delta V = changes in amount learnt
- Alpha + Beta= learning rate parameters (LRP)(speed+amount) > A = LRP for predictive stimulus B = LRP for outcome (eg: we are more likely to learn about a loud noise than a quiet one (A) and about something with high reward than low (B)
- Lambda=maximum amount which can be learnt + V is high in start of learning if it is surprising. > the gap between these two = prediction error > when V gets close to Lambda, less is being learnt because there is less surprise.
Prediction error signal (PES)
- The difference between Lambda - V = a PES > the more we learn, the more we know which makes the difference smaller. > on a learning curve this would present as V being close to Lambda > eventually Lambda=Lambda as the maximum is learnt.
- A big PES means A LOT is learnt, small PES means A LITTLE is learnt.
- When lambda-V= small, Delta V also becomes small as there is a change in level of learning + vice versa
- When we know the outcome, V=Lambda and Lambda-V=0 as there is no learning left to do. > means regardless of AB, deltaV=0 so PES=0
Role of surprise in learning rate parameters
- The amount we learn is proportional to the amount we are surprised at the predictive stimulus (A) + the outcome (B)
- More surprise at the LRP for predictive stimulus = more learning
- More surprise at LRP for outcome = more learning
Pavlovian blocking as evidence for R-W rule
Not biological evidence due to lack of resources at the time
- Supports validity of R-W model > if an outcome is fully predicted, R-W argue that there should be no learning due to a lack of surprise.
-Describes how if there are 2 stimuli which are presented together, then learning of the learning of second stimuli will be blocked.
-EG: Stimuli X is learnt + predicts a particular outcome = learnt to maximum capacity.
Stimuli X and Y (XY) are presented together + leads to an outcome. > Y could be predictive of the outcome as seeing Y = experience of outcome, BUT, Y was presented by X which was already experienced so there was no surprise to learn from (PES=0)
-X blocks learning of Y > supports R-W
-Blocking also leads to adaptive behaviour > eg: allergy to peanuts leads to avoidance of peanuts (peanuts alone or peanuts in other foods (other stimuli like XY)
Schulz et Al, 1998: supports prediction error signal
- Taught monkeys pavlovian relationships by showing a series of images where certain ones = reward. > focused on ventral tegmental area of brain (VTA) where neurons release dopamine > used activity of dopaminergic neurons to assess PES > high activity = high PES.
- Results > (1) UCS followed by reward = high activity after receiving the reward as they were surprised > high PES
(2) CS followed by R = high activity after seeing CS, this is because they learnt R would follow + predicted it > low PES
(3) CS followed by no R = high activity seeing CS as they predicted R. No R=pause in activity then rises high again due to surprise at outcome > this is a negative error signal as there was an over expectation which needs to be reduced.
Berns et Al 2001: evidence for PES in humans
- Used FMRI to look at activity in the nucleus accumbens in human brain.
- Created a predictable and unpredictable situation between delivery of water + juice > one sit=W/J/W/J another sit =J/J/W/W/J/W
- Found activity was higher in the unpredictable sit than the predictable as they were learning = high PES
- Nucleus accumbens was consistently active which is where dopaminergic neurons project from VTA
- Shows PES exist in humans but do they regulate memory?
- VTA projecting to nucleus accumbens (NA is part of striatum) can show us PES
Does PES regulate memory?
Takahashi et Al (2009)
- Studied rats using Pavlovian over-expectation
- Used lights and sounds as predictive stimulus and food as the outcome
- Procedure: 3 auditory stimuli + 1 light shown, only 2 auditory stim + light followed by reward (learning stage). > over-expectation training: an auditory stimulus is shown with light (both individually= reward earlier) > rat expects x2 of R but get 1.
- When tested > results show lower predictive behaviour to the auditory stimuli shown with the light as they didnt get two rewards + higher predictive beh for second auditory stim which got R.
- When VTA is inhibited (reduces activity of dopaminergic neurons), PES is inhibited + shows reduction in prediction for stim 1 from overexpectation training is not there + predictive behaviour is high again.
Pavlovian over-expectation
- Predicting a greater reward than actually takes places > for adaptive behaviour, memory needs to be weakened when the prediction is too great
(e. g: expecting a sequel of a film to be as good as the first one)
PES in infants
Stahl + Ferguson
- Study PES in infants by showing knowledge consistent + knowledge violation situations.
- EG: put a car on a short block rolling > KC=car fell (was expected) KV=car carried on rolling past the block
- Infant reacts by dropping the toy to see why it did not fall > shows link to PES but not that learning necessarily increased as we don’t see their behaviour later.