Cognitive, Attention, WEEK 3 Flashcards
What is attention?
- Attention is the way in which we select one thing to be aware of out of what may be a large number of things to be aware of at a given time
- When looking at how attention is addressed across cultures, (e.g. English: pay attention, Hungarian: dedicate att, German: gift att) there is a theme as though attention is a resource of ours which we distribute into our environment > we are giving our attention, we are giving our resource out into the world
- Attention is important in the world as if we didn’t have it our conscious exp of the world would be overloaded because there are so many things happening in the world that we could not consciously experience all of it
- Attention reduces this overload into a serial stream of consciousness from what is happening in the world (e.g. in where’s wally? There are lots of things to look at but attention narrows our focus)
- As attention reduces the overload, att determines what we perceive
Change blindness
- Change blindness is when observers fail to recognise large changes to objects or scenes when the change coincides w/ a brief visual disruption (Simons & Levin, 1997)
What is inattentional blindness?
Simons & Chabris, 1999
- We overestimate how much of the world we are actually aware of > we can miss very salient things in the world > we regularly miss important events in our EV because we are focussing on something else
- E.G. the Gorilla study (Simons & Chabris, 1999) > ppts are shown a video of a black team and white team throwing a ball + had to count how many times one team passed the ball > in the video a person in a gorilla suit walks through > ppt tend to not have noticed the gorilla due to attention on the team
- Two video styles: transparent is where the teams and the unexpected event were filmed separately while the opaque is where it was all filmed together (more realistic, avoiding bumping into each other etc)
- Hard condition had two tasks as they had to keep 2 separate numbers in their mind + look for them
Gorilla study (Simons & Chabris, 1999) results:
- Results show that inattentional blindness can easily be induced as although 70% of people saw the monkey in the opaque easy task, 30% did not, which means inattentional blindness had been induces
- IB is more easily induced in transparent conditions than opaque > makes sense as in the transparent condition, it would be possible for the gorilla to walk through other people while in opaque, people have to move out of the way > may make it harder to miss the gorilla
- IB is dependant on the difficulty of the task > the more the primary task needs your attention, the less likely to see the salient event > attention is a limited resource > In the hard condition, attention has been distributed more widely as they have 2 tasks, so less attention is available to notice the gorilla while in the easy task, more attention is available
Central Capacity Theory: Kahneman, 1973
- Idea is we have a single central capacity aka single pool of resources (attention, central executive) that we distribute among various tasks > if we have more than one task to complete, we get more costs to some of those tasks as attention gets used up by other tasks (as there is a single pool shared between competing tasks > this resource is limited)
Evidence supporting central capacity theory
- Evidence support central capacity comes from experiments using a car simulator > first do one task where you need to drive safely + brake quickly when seeing brake light or dual task condition where you have to do the same task but talk on the phone at the same time
Results: ERP’s - The amplitude of the ERP is much smaller in the dual task condition than in the other condition > this is a measure of how much the brain is processing the brake light, meaning in the dual task condition, the brake lights are processed much less.
- They have less neural resources dedicated to them (processing brake lights) when they are doing another task at the same time (on the phone) in comparison to when they are doing one thing + using all neural resources for one task.
- Attention is limited + distribute across tasks > due to this, when we do more than one thing at one time, each of those things we are doing will suffer + less processing of stimuli under those circumstances.
What is the attentional blink?
- Attentional blink is the idea we can make something invisible if we show it very quickly after showing something important to them > discovered by Jane Raymond and Kim Shapiro
How to test the attentional blink
- Have to present stimuli very quickly at around 10 Hz (a Hz is how many times something happens per second so present 10 images per second to make one invisible)
- Ppt has to do two tasks > they have to look out for 2 targets + report if they had seen it (first target is called T1 and second called T2) > have to remember something about targets like what they saw or if they saw it or not
- There also needs to be distractors/”masks” > items irrelevant to the task + happen between targets
- We can move when T2 is shown relative to T1 and this helps us measure how much time is left for processing of T2 based on its position relative to T1
- These results show the position of T2 relative to T1 so how long after T2 was shown > in the dual task where ppt had to look for T1 + T2, we can see when they are shown T2 very soon after T1, accuracy was low and there is a big dip around 270ms > this is the attentional blink
- Only around 50% of ppt report seeing T2 even if it happened > means we can make T2 invisible half the time if ppts are performing a task with a target that happened around 300ms earlier
300ms in the attentional blink: why is it special?
- There seems to be something special about 300ms as we see a dip in graph but it then goes back up, also the accuracy was quite good at even 90ms so it is not just about speed > if we show T2 immediately after T1, then they are able to see it, if it happens 300ms later, they are worse and by 600ms this is much better
- This dip where we show T2 300ms after T1 is our attentional blink
Event-related potential: N400
- Whenever we see a stimulus which has meaning, 400ms later, we get a negative ERP (N400) > N400 reflects processes to do with semantic processing (understanding the meaning)
- N400 can be used as a marker to show someone is processing the meaning of something even if they cannot tell us about it (brain activity can show what processes people are carrying out even if they don’t consciously know)
Luck et Al, 1996: classic AB study but also looked at activity of N400 at the same time > can see the usual dip in A but in B where we look at N400, we can tell that the N400 does not care about the time differences even at lag 3 (300ms) - Amplitude of N400 is the same across all dual task conditions > N400 doesn’t blink, only the person’s conscious experience + attention blinks > from this we can determine that the T2’s which ppt do not consciously remember or experience are still processed up to point of meaning (semantic processing)
- Things which happen around us, even if we are not paying attention to them or have a conscious experience, they are still processed up to point of meaning w/o us being consciously aware that it happened
Interference Theory (Shapiro et Al., 1994) (explanation of AB)
- Argues that AB happens because, we have a lot of distractor items between T1 + T2 and we have a limited amount of visual short term memory (temporal buffer) > your brain is trying to process all of these items rapidly and interference theory argues AB happens due to competition
- There is competition to retrieve whether T1 and T2 happened or not, to ignore the distractors, what were the items + which of them are T1 + T2 > competition from distractors cause the ppts to not be as capable as reporting accurately if they saw T2.
Evidence for Interference theory
- If it is true that AB happens due to interference from other items, then AB should get worse if amount of items increase as more items need to go through the temporal buffer + can interfere w/ T1+T2
Isaak et Al. (1999) reports that AB does increase w/ increasing numbers of distractors > as temporal buffer fills up, magnitude of AB increases and ability to detect T2 decreases as the buffer is overwhelmed by the large amount of intervening items.
Unified model (explanation of AB)
- Could have a unified theory that combines other theories on AB, finding similarities across them which may help describe the phenomenon itself
- Unified theory suggests because there is a mask following T1, you need to increase your attention to T1 to be able to process it > due to all the intervening distractors before and between T1, a lot of attention has to be paid to T1 to ignore the other items > this leaves less attention to process T2
- The amount of attention left to process T2 changes over time > after a certain amount of time, you no longer need to pay as much attention to T1 because you have completed processing it + attention can return and process T2
- T2 occurring at a long lag has more attention available for it to be processed than a T2 at a short lag
- Attention is a limited resource which gets used up to process T1 and deal w/ the distractors so it is not available to process things which happen very quickly afterwards > after 700ms, all the attention processing of T1 is done + have attention for processing T2
The Cocktail Party Problem
theory of attention
Classic way of studying how we focus attention and when in the perceptual stream attention selection occurs
Cherry (1953) > Idea is in a cocktail party, or a loud you try listen to just one person (if you are in a party and there is a lot of sources of sound, you are still able to converse w/ the person next to you)
This is studied in dichotic listening tasks > dichotic meaning both ears so sounds are going into both ears simultaneously > then we ask the ppt to listen to one stream of speech + ignore the other stream
- 1/3 of ppts report hearing their name in the unattended channel (the speech you are not paying attention to) > ppts notice this even though they aren’t paying attention
- This suggests there may be a level of processing which happens of stimuli at an unconscious level > even though ppts didn’t pay attention to one stream of speech, they still heard their name which they wouldn’t be able to do if there wasn’t some level of processing in the brain
- Suggests there is an important difference between processing of stimuli when you pay attention to it vs processing of stimuli when you don’t pay attention
- The studies also show that paying attention to one voice over another becomes easier if the voices are physically different > supports bottom-up processing > if physical features of stimulus in the real world is similar, it is harder to ignore one over the other > bottom-up processing is to do w/ the stimulus which changes the way we experience things or pay attention
Johnsrude et Al. (2013)
- Dichotic listening task > 2 speakers in each ear, one is a target to pay attention to while one is a distractor
- Target-to-masker ratio (dB) refers to how much louder is the target than the mask > correct responses refers to how often do ppts detect correct things the target says
- 3 conditions: Circle is where you know the target and you have to listen to them over the unknown masker. Square is where the masker is the familiar target + should be ignored > unfamiliar person is target. Triangle is novel where you don’t know either person (not familiar)
- We are better at detecting what someone is saying if that voice is of a person you know > supports top-down as we have experience hearing this person so we are better at hearing what they say even if someone else is talking
- Squares are higher than triangles so you can better detect the things someone you don’t know is saying if the person you ignore is familiar than if you don’t know either speaker > better at paying attention to something if the thing you ignore is something you have experience with
- This supports top-down processing because we are better at paying attention and ignoring certain things when it is something which we have experience with