Psychiatry SC046: The Child Is Uncontrollable: Child And Adolescent Psychiatry Flashcards
Psychiatric disorders in Child and Adolescent
1. Anxiety disorder
2. Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)
3. Conduct disorder (CD)
4. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
5. Depressive disorder
6. Tics disorder
Less prevalent:
7. Autistic disorder (ASD)
8. Eating disorder
9. Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
10. Tourette’s syndrome
Classification of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Disorder
- Externalising disorders
- CD - Internalising disorders
- Anxiety disorders
- Depression and DSH (deliberate self-harm) - ASD
Overlapping diagnostic criteria of psychiatric disorder
- Restlessness
- Poor concentration
- Increased motor activity
- Distractibility - ODD, CD
- Irritability - GAD
- Restlessness
- Poor concentration
- Irritability - Depression
- Poor concentration
- Irritability - Mania
- Increased motor activity
- Distractibility
- Irritability
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
A neurodevelopmental disorder consisting of delays in 2 dimensions of neuropsychological functioning:
1. **Inattention (Executive / Meta-cognitive deficits)
- Poor **persistence toward goals, tasks, and the future (can’t sustain attention/action over time)
- **Distractible (impaired resistance to responding to goal-irrelevant external and internal events)
- Deficient task **re-engagement following disruptions (skips across uncompleted tasks)
- Impaired working **memory (forgetful in daily activities, cannot remember what is to be done)
- Diminished **self-monitoring
**Hyperactive-impulsive behavior (Executive Inhibition) (includes emotional impulsiveness)
- Deficient **motor inhibition (restless, hyperactive)
- Impaired **verbal inhibition (excessing talking, interrupting)
- Impulsive **cognition (difficulty suppressing task irrelevant thoughts, rapid decision making)
- Impulsive **motivation (aversive to delay, prefer immediate gratification even at cost, greater discounting of delayed consequences)
- **Emotion dysregulation (impulsive affect; poor “top down” emotional self-regulation)
Arises early in development:
- Often before school age
- 55-65% of cases by age 7
- 93% by age 12; 98% by age 16
- **Developmentally inappropriate
- Across **several settings
- ***Impairment in major domains of life activities
- Not better accounted for by another disorder
- Must be corroborated by someone who knows the patient well
Executive function abnormalities:
**Problem solving + **Planning + **Maintenance + **Working memory
1. Activation
- Planning, organising, prioritising, activating to work
- Focus
- Sustaining focus + shifting focus to tasks - Effort
- Regulating alertness, sustaining effort + processing speed - Emotion
- Managing frustration + modulating emotion - Memory
- Utilising working memory + accessing recall
Working memory - Action
- Monitoring + self-regulating action
***DSM-5 criteria of ADHD
1. Manifests **>=6 symptoms of either **inattention or **hyperactive-impulsive behavior (5 for adults)
2. Symptoms are **developmentally inappropriate
3. Have existed for **>=6 months
4. Occur across settings (2 or more)
5. Result in impairment in major life activities
6. Developed by age **12 years
7. Corroborate self-reports through someone else
8. Are not best explained by another disorder
9. 3 Presentations: Inattentive, Hyperactive, or Combined
- Hyperactivity / Impulsivity (6/9)
- Runs about, climbs excessively in situations in which it is inappropriate (restless)
- “On the go” / “driven by a motor”
- Fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in chair
- Leaves seat in classroom or other in which sitting is expected
- Difficulty playing in activities quietly
- Talks excessively
- Difficulty awaiting turn
- Blurts out answers
- Interrupts or intrudes on others - Inattention (6/9)
- Difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities (attention span based on developmental age)
- Easily distracted by extraneous stimuli
- Fails to give close attention to details or makes careless errors in school work, or other activities
- Does not seem to listen when spoken to directly
- Does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish school work, chores or duties (not due to oppositional behaviour or failure to understand)
- Forgetful in daily activities (做漏功課)
- Loses things necessary for tasks
- Difficulty organising tasks / activities (時間管理+物件管理 (e.g. 執書包))
- Avoids, dislikes or reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort
Different parts of brain in ADHD
- Frontal lobe
- **Executive function
- Interpreting, reasoning
- **Working memory - Reticular activating system
- **Alertness
- **Arousal - Mesolimbic system
- **Interest
- **Pleasure
- Fixing
- FIltering (signal: noise)
- Sustain attention - Anterior cingulate gyrus
- ***Short-term working memory
- Anticipation
- Shifting set - Temporal lobes
- **Long-term memory
- **Speech
- **Language
- **Auditory
- Visual - Parietal lobes
- ***Sensory input
- Orientation - Thalamus
- ***Arousal
- Relay between subcortical and cortical
- Mood - Basal ganglia
- **Motivation
- Affect intensity
- **Regulate movement
- Interpret perceptual experience (autonomic, pre-conscious) - Cerebellum
- ***Coordination of movement + timing (including cognition)
- Linking / integrating cortical function - Amygdala
- ***Fear response
Etiology of ADHD
- Runs in families and about ***1/4 of sibs have ADHD
- Heritability is 0.7-0.8 (equivalent to schizophrenia / BPA)
- Candidate genes focused on dopamine and serotonin system
- Neuroimaging studies suggested Frontal-striatal circuit mediated by dopamine + NE transmission
Common associated comorbidities:
1. ***ODD
2. AD (Adjustment disorder)
3. LD (Learning disability)
4. MD
5. CD
6. SA (Substances abuse)
7. Tics
Developmental impact of ADHD
1. Behavioural problems
1. Behavioural problems
2. Academic problems
3. Difficulty with social interactions
4. Self-esteem issues
1. Behavioural problems
2. Academic problems
3. Difficulty with social interactions
4. Self-esteem issues
5. Legal issues, smoking, injury
1. Academic problems
2. Self-esteem issues
3. Substance abuse
4. Occupational difficulties
5. Injury / accidents
1. Occupational difficulties
2. Self-esteem issues
3. Relationship problems
4. Substance abuse
5. Injury / accidents
Common adult manifestations
Hyperactivity often changes to ***Restlessness in adult:
1. Workaholic
2. Overscheduled/overwhelmed
3. Self-select very active job
4. Constant activity leading to family tension
5. Talks excessively
Impulsivity (carry more serious consequences):
Low frustration tolerance
1. Losing temper
2. Quitting jobs
3. Ending relationships
4. Driving too fast
5. Addictive personality
1. Difficulty sustaining attention
- Meetings, reading, paperwork
2. Paralysing procrastination
3. Slow, inefficient
4. Poor time management
5. Disorganised
Management of ADHD
Mild cases:
- Advice, support, watch
- Group “parent training”
Moderate cases (school age):
- Refer to specialist
- Behavioural therapy
- Medication
Severe cases:
- Refer to specialist
- Medication (***1st choice)
1. **Psychostimulant
2. **Specific NE reuptake inhibitor
3. Imipramine
4. Clonidine
- ***More effective than psycho-social treatment
- Part of an individualised comprehensive multimodal treatment programs
- Comorbid disturbances often require separate treatment
1. Methylphenidate (Ritalin / Concerta)
- CNS stimulant (Block reuptake of **Dopamine + **NE)
- Ritalin: onset 20-60 mins, duration **1-4 hours, >OD dose
- Ritalin LA: onset 20-60 mins, duration **8 hours, OD dose
- Concerta (Extended release Ritalin): onset 30-120 mins, duration **12 hours, OD dose
- SE: **↓ Appetite (Dose-dependent (SpC Psychi PP)), **Weight loss, **Insomnia, Headache, Abdominal pain, Irritability, Mood swing, **Motor tics, **Tachycardia
- Effect size: 1.0
- Lisdexamfetamine (Vyvanse)
- CNS stimulant
- onset 90 mins, duration ***13 hours, OD dose
- SE ~Methylphenidate
- Effect size: 1.0 - Atomoxetine (Strattera) (**SNRI)
- Non-stimulant
- onset 4-6 weeks, duration **24 hours, OD dose
- SE: Epigastric discomfort, N+V, Sedation, ↓ Appetite, Dizziness, Mood swing, Deranged LFT
- Effect size: 0.7
Behavioural treatment
PMT (Parent management training):
- Most effective behavioural therapy
- Specific strategies
1. Reward system
2. Time out
3. Cost system
4. Social reinforcement
5. Behaviour modelling
- Identify problem situations + precipitating factors
- Parent–child interactions —> enhance positive and limit negative interactions
- Similar to the approach used in home with parents
- Goal: Reduce inattention + disruptive behaviour
- Specific school accommodations:
1. Ensure structure + predictable routines
2. Employ cost-response token economy systems
3. Use daily report cards
4. Teach organisational + work/study skills
5. Attention to place in class
Prognosis of ADHD
- Age-dependent decline in severity: ***Hyperactivity (disappear first in adolescence (SpC Psychi PP))»_space; Impulsivity»_space; Inattention
- But many continue to have impairment extending to late adolescence and early adulthood
- Early school dropouts + under achievers in work
- ADHD comorbid with ***CD are particularly at risk of antisocial, criminal behaviors, substance abuse
Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and Conduct disorder (CD)
- ODD: 5% of school age children
- CD: 3-4%
- M:F=3:1
Persistent + Recurrent pattern of negativistic, disobedient, and hostile behaviour towards authority figures
Clinical features:
1. Temper tantrums
2. Non-compliance
3. Argumentative
4. Deliberate provocation
5. Blames others for his mistakes
6. Easily annoyed, resentful
7. Vindictive behaviours
>=4 for 6 months:
Angry / Irritable mood:
1. Often loses temper
2. Often touchy or easily annoyed
3. Often angry and resentful
Argumentative / Defiant behaviour:
4. Often argues with adults
5. Often actively defies or refuses to comply
6. Often deliberately annoys people
7. Often blames others for his/her mistakes or misbehaviours
Vindictiveness (報復心):
8. Often spiteful or vindictive (>= twice within past 6 months)
Conduct disorder (CD)
Repetitive + persistent pattern of norm violating behaviours
1. Various forms of aggression
2. Destructive behaviours
3. Theft or Deceitful behaviours
4. Serious violations of rules: stay out, run away, truant
ODD is a developmental ***precursor of CD
History taking in ODD, CD
- Overall compliant to parents commands (%)
- Noncompliant: on what aspect and how the parent handles
- Worst temper/outburst: how severe and how frequent, how parent cope and latest situation
- Screen ODD S/S
- Screen CD (Conduct disorder) S/S if presence of ODD S/S
- Give you an impression how difficult is the child and how good is the parenting
Etiology of ODD, CD
Risk factors
1. Biological factors
2. Socio-cognitive styles in the child
3. Familial and environmental adversities
4. Multiple stressors
- Risk factors are inter-related and cumulative that undermine effective parenting
Treatment of ODD, CD
- Parent Management Training
- Teach specific techniques to alter parent-child interaction based on social learning theory + behavioural modification
- >50% normalized, wide impact
- Long term efficacy - Cognitive Problem - Solving Skills Training
- Using structural activities to teach children step-by-step approach to solve interpersonal problems
- Improve but not normalized
- Short term efficacy - Multi-systemic therapy
- Amalgamation of individual, family and extra-family techniques target on risk factors
- Promising in severely impaired youths
Prognosis of ODD, CD
- Conduct problem is a stable behavioural trait especially those with early onset problems
- Associating with substance use, poor academic performance, risk-taking, suicidal behaviours, and interpersonal problems in adolescents
Autistic disorder: Prevalence + Risk factors
- 1 in 54 children
- Occur in all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups
- ***M:F = 4:1
- Asia, Europe, North America: ~1%
- South Korea: 2.6%
Risk factors:
1. Identical twins (36-95%) / Non-identical twins (0-31%) / Siblings (2-18%)
2. Premature / Low BW
3. Older parents
4. Prenatal exposures (e.g. Valproic acid)
5. Associated disease
- 10% also have
—> **Down syndrome
—> **Fragile X syndrome
—> ***Tuberous sclerosis
—> Other genetic / chromosomal disorder
- Commonly co-occur with other developmental, psychiatric, neurologic, chromosomal, and genetic diagnoses
—> >=1 non-ASD developmental diagnoses: 83%
—> >=1 psychiatric diagnoses: 10%
Etiology of ASD
- Genetics
- ~3-4% of siblings has autistic disorder
- heritability of autistic disorder is over 0.9 - Cognitive
- Theory of mind
- Executive Function
- Central coherence
- “Extreme” male brain - Anatomical / Neurochemical
- Mesolimbic (Fronto-temporal)
- Cerebellar
- Generalised abnormality with macrocephaly
- Serotonergic system
- Mirror neurons: imitate observed behaviour
DSM-5 of ASD
1. Currently, or by history, must meet criteria A + B + C + D
A. Persistent deficits in **social communication and social interaction across contexts, not accounted for by general **developmental delays, and manifest by **ALL 3 of the following:
1. Deficits in **social-emotional reciprocity
2. Deficits in **nonverbal communicative behaviors used for social interaction
3. Deficits in **developing and maintaining relationships
B. **Restricted, **repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities as manifested by **>=2 of following:
1. **Stereotyped / Repetitive speech, motor movements, or use of objects
2. Excessive **adherence to routines, ritualized patterns of verbal or nonverbal behavior, or excessive resistance to change
3. Highly **restricted, fixated interests that are abnormal in intensity or focus
4. ***Hyper- / Hypo-reactivity to sensory input or unusual interest in sensory aspects of environment;
C. Symptoms must be present in ***early childhood (but may not become fully manifest until social demands exceed limited capacities)
D. Symptoms together limit and impair everyday functioning
- Pervasive Developmental Disorders
- Autism
- Asperger disorder
- Rett syndrome
- Childhood disintegrative disorder (CDD)
- PDD-NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder – Not Otherwise Specified)
Clinical features of ASD
1. Impair non-verbal social interaction
2. Poor peer relationship
3. Lack of spontaneous sharing
4. Lack of emotion reciprocity
1. Delayed language development
2. Impaired conversation (e.g. Syntax, Tone, Echolalia)
3. Odd language
4. No spontaneous imaginative play
1. Preoccupation with restricted interest
2. Rigid adherence to rituals
3. Preoccupation with parts of objects
4. Motor mannerism
Assessment of ASD
- Clinical interview / assessment (most important)
- Day Hospital Assessment (multi-disciplinary team)
- Standardised Assessment / Questionnaire / Rating Scale
- Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS)
- Autism Diagnostic Interview - Revised (ADI-R)
- Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS)
- Diagnostic Interview for Social and Communicative Disorders (DISCO)
- Aberrant Behaviour Checklist (ABC)
- Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS)
- Childhood Behaviour Checklist (CBCL)
- Teacher Report Form (TRF)
- Australian Scale for Asperger’s Syndrome (ASAS)
- Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ)
- Social Stories Questionnaire
- Theory of Mind test
- Eyes test - Others: Educational Assessment, IQ Test, OT assessment, ST assessment
Theory of Mind (TOM) test
- First order (將自己代入別人想法)
- Sally Anne test
- The Smarties test - Second order
- Perner + Wimmer test - Others (e.g. Rate behaviours in social scenarios, Eyes test (guess people’s emotion))
Treatment of ASD
Fostering acquisition of social, communicative, cognitive skills at developmentally appropriate level
1. **Intensive structured training
2. **Behavioural modification techniques
3. ***Education
Parent / Family:
1. ***Psychoeducation, counseling and training of parent as co-therapist
2. Practical help for families
- NO medication that can cure / treat main symptoms
Treat symptoms:
1. **Antipsychotic (Risperidone, Aripiprazole)
- Control of aggression, irritability
2. **SSRI
- Control of obsession
Prognosis of ASD
- Continuous course
- 1/3 achieves some level of independence, but only ***a few manage to live fully independently
- **IQ score and **language development at age of 5 are important prognostic markers
- 1/5 develops seizure at adolescence
ASD Service in HK
GP / MCHC / School / NGO
—> Child Assessment Centre (CAC)
—> Paediatrician / Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Centre (C+APC) (Psychiatrist)
—> Psychiatrist
—> Asessement + Training (MD team): Drug treatment, Behavioural therapy, Training classes, Treatment of comorbidities
—> Child Assessment Centre (CAC)
—> OPRS (On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services) / EETC (Early education and training centre) / ICCC (Integrated programme in KG cum child care centre) / SCCC (Special child care centre) / Special school (+ NGO + Private + Community services)
Anxiety disorders in Children / Adolescents
***Commonest psychiatric disorder in youth population
Early childhood:
1. Separation anxiety
2. Specific phobias
3. Selective mutism
Late childhood / Early adolescence:
1. OCD
2. Social phobia
3. Panic disorder
All ages:
1. GAD
1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
2. Phobic disorders (Agoraphobia, Social phobia, Specific phobia)
3. Panic disorders
4. Post-traumatic stress disorders
5. Adjustment disorders / acute stress reaction
6. Anxiety disorder due to a general medical condition
7. Substance induced anxiety disorder
8. Emotional disorders with onset specific to childhood
- **Separation anxiety disorder
- **Phobic anxiety disorder
- **Social anxiety disorder
- **Sibling rivalry disorder
Rule out organic causes:
- Hyperthyroidism, Arrhythmias, Neurological disease, Substance induced anxiety (alcohol, illicit drugs, caffeine)
Clinical features of Anxiety disorder in Children / Adolescents
3 components:
1. Behavioural
- School refusal
- Cognitive
- Difficulties with peer relationships
- Low self-esteem - Physiological
- Frequent somatic complaints
- Developmental influence on the nature of anxiety —> Anxiety and Fears can be developmentally appropriate
- Anxiety disorder = Irrational worry / fear causing significant distress + functional impairment
- Similar categories of anxiety disorders in adults could be found in children
Separation anxiety disorder
- Onset specific to childhood
Clinical features:
- Recurrent excessive distress on separation from home / major attachment figures
- Worry about losing or harms befalling loved ones
- Anticipatory distress on separation
- Great difficulties at bedtime, going to school and being alone
- Repeated nightmares about separation
- May present with psychosomatic complaints
Etiology of Anxiety disorder in Children / Adolescents
- Weak to moderate genetic contribution
- Anxious attachment: bidirectional effect of escalating anxiety in the mother-child dyad
- Dysregulation **5HT and **NA systems: overactive behavioural inhibition system
- Inhibit temperament commonly reported
Treatment of Anxiety disorder in Children / Adolescents
- ***Psychological treatment (1st line)
- CBT, Relaxation training, Psychoeducation
- Educational support to children
- Behavioural treatment
- Parenting support - Medication:
- Few data to support anxiolytic use
- Severe cases may require SSRI / Imipramine / Anxiolytics
Prognosis of Anxiety disorder in Children / Adolescents
- Nearly 2/3 of expected to disappear in 3 to 5 years’ time
- 1/3 of them will have other categories of anxiety disorders
Adolescent depression
- Only 2-3% have MDD
- Prevalence ↑ after puberty
- ~70% of depressed youths had anxiety disorders, conduct disorder, substance misuse, and/or dysthymia
Clinical features:
- Most features of adult depression
- Tend to have more:
—> **Somatic complaints
—> **Irritable mood
—> **Behavioural problems
—> **Anxiety features
1. Stress induced atrophic changes in hippocampus
—> interrupt serotonin neuro-transmission
2. Genes (like serotonin receptor or promoter)
—> may interact with adverse environments leading to depression
3. Negative cognitive style + Lack of social confidence,
perfectionistic traits
- often associated with depression
4. Personally salient adverse life event
—> precipitate the onset of juvenile depression
1. ***SSRI (1st line)
- 2% taking SSRIs may become suicidal
- effective for mild-moderate cases
- less effective than SSRI in severe depression
- Episodic relapsing course
- Majority of cases recovered within the first 3 months, but 15% last longer than 18 months
- ~25% of Bipolar affective disorder first presented as a juvenile depression in their first episode