Haematology SC079: Many Member Of The Family Have Anaemia Flashcards
Structure of Hb molecule
- Globin chains x4
- β chain x2
- α chain x2 - Heme x4 (within each globin chain)
- Porphyrin
- Fe atom (Ferrous ion (+2 state) 99%, Ferric ion (+3 state) <1%)
Abnormal haemoglobin
Mutations of genes encoding Globin chains of Hb molecule
1. Decreased production of globin chains (Thalassaemia)
- Predominantly a quantitative defect in globin chain synthesis of Hb molecule
- α thalassaemia
- β thalassaemia
—> Globin chain imbalance (more imbalance —> smaller MCV)
—> Excess globin chains is toxic to red cell precursors in BM (some will be proteolysed by RBC precursor, remaining form tetramer, premature RBC death (self notes))
Globin chains with abnormal function (Haemoglobinopathy)
- Predominantly a qualitative defect of production of structurally abnormal globin / Hb molecule
- Abnormal globin structure —> Abnormal Hb functions
—> Polymerisation / Aggregation of Hb causing abnormal shape + reduced solubility (e.g. Sickle cell anaemia)
—> Unstable structure (not floating properly —> Hb precipitate in RBC —> shorten t1/2 —> haemolytic anaemia)
—> Increased O2 affinity
—> Decreased O2 affinity
—> Methaemoglobinaemia (maintain in Fe3+ instead of Fe2+ state —> cannot bind O2) - Both (Thalassaemic haemoglobinopathy)
α Thalassaemia:
- Mutations involving α globin gene
- 4 α globin gene loci, located in Chromosome 16
- α globin gene mainly affected by deletions, but mutations (somatic point mutation) may also be found
β Thalassaemia:
- Mutations involving β globin gene
- 2 β globin gene loci, located in Chromosome 11
- β globin gene mainly affected by mutations (somatic point mutation), but deletions may also be found
- β0 mutations: No β chain produced
- β+ mutations: β chain production much reduced
Thalassaemia major:
- α Thalassaemia: all 4 α genes deleted
—> Hydrops fetalis (Hb Bart’s: 4γ globin (very high O2 affinity)): die in utero / after birth, may survive if active measures taken (e.g. intrauterine transfusion, intrauterine cord blood transplantation)
- β Thalassaemia: both β genes mutated (β0/β0 (homozygous) or β0/β+ (compound heterozygous))
—> Cooley’s anaemia: develop anaemia in 3-6 months after birth, transfusion dependent for life
- Require lifelong regular transfusion
Thalassaemia intermedia:
- α Thalassaemia: 3 α genes deleted
—> HbH disease (4β globin —> precipitate out —> HbH inclusion bodies)
- β Thalassaemia: both β genes mutated (β+/β+)
- Moderate anaemia: NOT require transfusion by definition, Hb 6-10, Mild jaundice (∵ premature RBC death + haemolysis), Mild-Moderate splenomegaly (∵ extramedullary haematopoiesis + haemolysis)
Thalassaemia trait:
- α Thalassaemia: 1 / 2 α genes deleted
- β Thalassaemia: 1 β genes mutated (either β0 or β)
- Mild / No anaemia: Hb 10-13, Mild / No jaundice, No splenomegaly usually (only clue is ***low MCV)
Thalassaemia trait / intermedia
- DDx of hypochromic microcytic anaemia
- DDx of mild splenomegaly (for intermedia)
- Increased ferritin in some cases
- Family screening is needed when one member is diagnosed to have thalassaemia
- Pre-natal diagnosis needed for pregnancy in at-risk couples
- When anaemia is more severe than expected from thalassaemia —> MUST investigate for other causes of anaemia
vs Fe deficiency anaemia:
1. Hb
- Trait: 10-13 (Normal / Slight ↓)
- Fe deficiency: Any level (Can be very low)
- RBC count
- Trait: Normal / ↑
- Fe deficiency: ↓ - MCV
- Trait: ↓ but usually not <65
- Fe deficiency: Any level (Can be very low) - Serum Fe
- Trait: Normal
- Fe deficiency: ↓ - TIBC
- Trait: Normal
- Fe deficiency: ↑ - % Fe saturation
- Trait: Normal
- Fe deficiency: ↓ - MCH
- Trait: ↓
- Fe deficiency: ↓ - RDW
- Trait: Normal / Slightly ↑
- Fe deficiency: Can be very high
Severe thalassaemia:
- Exactly same as Fe deficiency (∵ BM cannot compensate —> dyserythropoiesis)
- Very low Hb, Low RBC, Low MCV, Low MCH, Very high RDW
- Polymerisation / Aggregation of Hb causing abnormal shape + reduced solubility
Sickle cell anaemia:
- HbS
—> β globin chain in 6th amino acid change from Glutamate to Valine
—> polymerise in hypoxic condition + reduced solubility
—> sickling of RBC (very rigid —> block capillary —> infarction / stroke)
- Occurs in people with black ancestry
- Not found in Chinese - Unstable structure (uncommon)
Haemoglobin Koln:
- Unstable Hb chains that unfold + precipitate
—> Heinz body (aggregates of precipitated unstable haemoglobin) + Irregularly contracted RBC
—> Haemolytic anaemia (may be triggered + exacerbated by infective episodes) - Increased O2 affinity
- Less likely to released bound O2
- Causes physiological erythrocytosis - Decreased O2 affinity
- SiO2 ↓, with patient relatively asymptomatic (∵ can still release O2 to tissue) - Methaemoglobinaemia
- Mutations lead to Fe in Heme ring being maintained in Fe3+ state
- MetHb: Cannot bind O2, Blue in colour (causing Cyanosis), ↑ in presence of oxidising agents (e.g. Dapsone)
Why perform Hb study?
- Dx of anaemia of patients to ensure proper treatment
- Detection of carrier state in order to provide genetic counselling
- Genotyping in antenatal diagnosis
Common trigger for Thalassaemia testing:
- Low MCV +/- Clinical features (Pallor, Splenomegaly, Failure to thrive)
Epidemiology of Thalassaemia and Haemoglobinopathy in HK Chinese
Low MCV:
- α thalassaemia: 5%
- β thalassaemia: 3%
- HbE: 0.3%
Normal MCV:
- α thalassaemia: 3% (i.e. haematologically silent)
Globin gene families
Alpha gene family (Chromosome 16):
- α1, α2
- ζ (used in embryo)
Beta gene family:
- β
- δ
- Aγ, Gγ
- ε (used in embryo)
Embryo vs Fetus vs Adult Hb
Embryo Hb:
- ζ2ε2
- α2ε2
- ζ2γ2
Fetus Hb:
- α2γ2 (HbF)
Adult Hb:
- α2β2 (HbA) (>95%)
- α2δ2 (HbA2) (1-3%)
- α2γ2 (HbF) (<1%)
Laboratory diagnosis of α thalassaemia
- Red cell indices + Clinical features
- Hb
- RDW - Supravital staining for HbH inclusion bodies (β4) (excess β chains)
- Thalassaemia trait will also have HbH inclusion bodies (just very few e.g. 1 in 1000 cells)
- Thalassaemia intermedia have much more (that’s why called HbH disease) - Immunochromatographic strip test for Hb Bart’s (γ4) (excess γ chains since no α chains to bind to)
- Ab against Hb Bart on the strip
Laboratory diagnosis of β thalassaemia
- No α4 tetramers (∵ too toxic to RBC precursor —> die to BM —> cannot release RBC in blood —> extremely difficult to detect excess α chain)
- Quantitation of HbA2 + HbF by HPLC (High performance liquid chromatography) / Capillary electrophoresis
- ∵ ↑ δ + γ chain production (with ↓ β chain)
—> ↑ HbA2 >3.5% (more consistent than HbF)
—> ↑ HbF (only 50%)
Summary of algorithm for diagnosis of Thalassaemia
Patient sample
—> MCV screening
—> Supravital staining / IC strip test —> α thalassaemia
—> HPLC / Capillary electrophoresis —> β thalassaemia
Laboratory diagnosis of Haemoglobinopathy
1. Clinical features
- Pallor, Jaundice, Splenomegaly (∵ Haemolysis)
- Plethora (∵ Erythrocytosis)
- Cyanosis (∵ MetHb, Low SaO2)
- Laboratory findings
- Haemolysis
- Erythrocytosis
- MetHb, Low SaO2
- MCV normal (∵ NO globin chain imbalance) / ↑ (∵ reticulocytosis)
Detection of Hb variants (some variants have changes in multiple properties):
1. Change in overall charge
- Altered electrophoretic mobility
- HPLC / Capillary electrophoresis
- Change in solubility (e.g. HbS)
- Peripheral blood smear
- HbS solubility test (by adding reducing agent —> create hypoxia)
- HPLC / Electrophoresis - Change in stability
- Precipitation of unstable Hb
- Peripheral blood smear (irregularly contracted cells (∵ biten by splenic macrophage), Heinz bodies)
- Heat stability test
- Isopropanol stability test - Change in O2 affinity
- O2 saturation study by Co-oximetry —> calculate P50 (partial pressure of O2 when 50% Hb is oxygenated)
- Gel electrophoresis
Relatively common Hb variants in HK
- β26 Glu —> Lys
- Structurally abnormal + Reduced production due to creation of new alternative splice site —> Thalassaemic haemoglobinopathy
- Normal O2 affinity
- Mildly unstable - Hb Constant Spring
- α2 142 Stop —> Gln
- Elongated mRNA (unstable) —> Markedly reduced production globin chain
Summary of algorithm for diagnosis of Haemoglobinopathy
Clinical features
—> Peripheral blood smear (sickle cell, Heinz body etc.)
—> HPLC / Capillary electrophoresis / Electrophoresis (charge separation)
—> Hb solubility test / O2 saturation study / Hb stability test
Molecular study (i.e. Genotyping) of Globin diseases
- To investigate patients with atypical phenotype
- To confirm identity of Hb variant (∵ a peak in electrophoresis can have many different variants)
- Use in antenatal diagnosis
- Find out exact mutation
Antenatal diagnosis of Thalassaemia:
1. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis
2. Chorionic villous biopsy
3. Amniocentesis
4. Fetal DNA in maternal plasma
Genotyping analysis of globin:
1. Quick PCR-based methods
- for common mutations
- Direct nucleotide sequencing
- for uncommon / novel mutations
Genetic defects of globin genes in HK Chinese
α thalassaemia:
- SEA α thalassaemia deletion (90%)
β thalassaemia point mutations:
- codons 41-42 (-CTTT) β0 (46%)
- IVSII-654 (C—>T) β0 (28%)
- nt -28 (A—>G) β+ (13%)
- codon 17 (A—>T) β0 (6%)