This class was created by Brainscape user Kenneth Yau. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (87)

Psychiatry SC087: Eating Disorder
Myths about eating disorder,
Epidemiology of anorexia nervosa an,
Etiology of eating disorder
29  cards
Psychiatry SC086: I Heard Those Newer Drugs Are Better Than My Current Psychiatric Medications
Z drugs aka hypnotics,
Binding sites of gaba bdz z drugs...
22  cards
Diagnostic Radiology SC085: Radiology Of Common Medical And Surgical Problems
Acute pancreatitis,
Lul collapse,
4  cards
Haematology SC084: Is Blood Transfusion Safe And Necessary In My Treatment?
Indications of blood transfusion,
Blood transfusion not always needed,
4 dimensions to consider blood tr...
10  cards
Surgery SC083: Trauma Evaluation And Management (TEAM)
Goals principles of trauma care,
Injury prevention abcde
33  cards
Public Health SC082: Research Ethics
Clinical research,
Good clinical practice gcp,
Irb ethics committee
4  cards
Public Health SC081: Confidentiality
Confidentiality in research
10  cards
Medicine SC080: Is This The Best Drug For Me?
Most important properties of a drug,
Why do we need new drugs,
Clinical trial
14  cards
Haematology SC079: Many Member Of The Family Have Anaemia
Structure of hb molecule,
Abnormal haemoglobin,
17  cards
O&T SC078: Musculoskeletal Infection
Musculoskeletal infections that c...,
10  cards
Psychiatry SC077: Why Should I Be Locked Up? Ethics In Psychiatry, Consent And Refusal In Treatment
General laws on consent,
How much information to give,
18  cards
Psychiatry SC076: I Cannot Help Myself, Taking These Pills Just Feels Good: Substance Abuse And Addiction
Dependence syndrome icd 10 criteria,
Substances being abused
28  cards
Psychiatry SC075: I Am A Superman: Bipolar Disorder
Mood and mood disorder,
Classification of mood disorder d...,
Bipolar 1 disorder vs bipolar 2 d...
33  cards
Psychiatry SC074: I Feel Very Nervous: Anxiety Disorders
Limbic system,
Neurochemical basis of anxiety,
Clinical features of anxiety diso...
14  cards
Psychiatry SC073: I Am Depressed: Mood Disorders
Depression always pathological,
Clinical presentations of depression,
Icd 10 vs dsm 5 criteria of depre...
26  cards
Psychiatry SC072: Schizophrenia And Related Psychoses
Psychosis vs psychotic disorder v...,
Dsm 5 diagnostic criteria of schi...,
Schizophrenia spectrum other non ...
24  cards
Psychiatry SC071: I Can’t Fall Asleep: Sleep Physiology And Sleep Disorders
Major sleep disorders,
Clinical approach to patients wit...,
Sleep physiology
25  cards
Psychiatry SC070: Stress-related Disorders And Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Adjustment Disorder, Acute Stress Disorder)
Anxiety diorders,
12  cards
Psychiatry SC069: Does Alcohol Drive People Nuts? Alcohol And The Brain
List of alcohol related psychiatr...,
Dsm 5 criteria of alcohol use dis...,
Mechanism of action of alcohol
33  cards
Medicine SC068: The Woman Needs That Drug: Oral Contraceptives, Drug Affecting Uterine Motility
Menstrual cycle revision,
Oral contraceptive,
Combination of estrogen progestin
9  cards
Medicine SC067: Drug And The Kidney
Kidneys physiology,
Drug use in patients with impaire...,
Reno protection in patients with ...
20  cards
Medicine SC066: Am I Prescribing The Right Drug?
Elements of a prescription,
10 principles of good prescribing,
Prescription errors
24  cards
Medicine SC065: Clinical Pharmacokinetics
14  cards
Medicine SC064: Why Do I Always Get Sick? Introduction To Immunodeficiencies
Csf analysis for meningitis,
Approach to repeated infection,
1st line investigations spc medicine
14  cards
Rheumatology SC063: Fingers Turn White And Blue: Scleroderma And MCTD, Raynaud’s Disease, Other Rheumatic Diseases
Case 1 mrs s ho f 40 housewife pr...,
Connective tissue disorders,
Spectrum of ctd
33  cards
O&T SC062: I Cut My Finger: Hand Injury, Industrial Safety And Compensation
Anatomy of hand,
Hand injuries,
Finger tip injury
40  cards
O&T SC061: Cannot Move My Limbs After A Dive: Paraplegia After Spinal Injury, Cervical Spine Injury
X ray of cervical spine,
Spinal fractures cord injury,
Dermatome landmarks
19  cards
O&T SC060: I Hurt My Arm: Dislocations And Fractures
Function of bone,
Diagnosis of fracture,
Assessment of fracture
8  cards
O&T SC059: High Energy Open Injuries And Amputation
High energy injuries,
Open fracture grading,
Complications of high energy open...
20  cards
O&T SC058: Painful Knee After Football: Sport Injury
History taking in knee,
Significant injury vs trivial injury,
Swelling of knee joint
46  cards
O&T SC057: A Painful Shoulder: Shoulder Problems
History taking in shoulder,
Mechanical vs rest pain,
44  cards
Anaesthesiology SC056: The Pain Is Intolerable: Pain Control
Classification of pain,
Acute pain
28  cards
O&T SC055: Spine Related Pain
Spine function,
Neck low back pain,
Approach to back pain
44  cards
O&T SC054: My Foot Hurts: Foot Problems
Acute ischaemia of lower limb,
25  cards
O&T SC053: A Painful Hip: Hip Problems
Hip joint,
Causes of hip pain,
Hip development in child
25  cards
Psychiatry SC052: My Grandmother Keeps Forgetting Things: Geriatric Psychiatry, Dementia
Diagnosis of dementia,
Mild cognitive impairment mci
26  cards
Geriatrics SC051: End Of Life Care For Hospitalised Older Adults
Routine approach to care for pati...,
End of life experiences in hk,
What do patients want at end of life
13  cards
Geriatrics SC050: Prescribing In Older People
Aging and drug use,
Elderly in evidence based medicine,
Prescribing to reduce drug relate...
14  cards
Geriatrics SC049: Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment And Rehabilitation In Older People
Comprehensive geriatric assessment,
Characteristics of elderly people,
Domains of elderly for assessment
6  cards
Geriatrics SC048: Common Neurological Problems In Older People
Balance of neurologic changes wit...,
Neurological assessment in older ...,
Common neurological problems in e...
27  cards
Geriatrics SC047: Frailty In Older People
Geriatric giants,
Clinical frailty assessment
26  cards
Psychiatry SC046: The Child Is Uncontrollable: Child And Adolescent Psychiatry
Psychiatric disorders in child an...,
Classification of child and adole...,
Overlapping diagnostic criteria o...
35  cards
O&T SC045: My Granny Broke Her Hip: Management Of Osteoporotic Fractures
Anatomy of hip,
Clinical features of hip fracture,
Risk factors for hip fracture
33  cards
O&T SC044: A Child With Deformed Spine: Congenital Deformities And Other Orthopaedic Problems
Structural scoliosis
27  cards
Paediatric Surgery SC043: Why Do You Wet Your Bed All The Time? Paediatric Urology
Paediatric urology problems,
Terminology and definitions iccs ...,
History taking of urinary inconti...
21  cards
Paediatric Surgery SC042: The Newborn Baby Cannot Breathe: Esophageal Atresia, Diaphragmatic Hernia, And Other Surgery Of Lung
Physiology of newborn,
Lung embryology,
Major advances in neonatal surgery
24  cards
Paediatric Surgery SC041: The Newborn Baby Is Vomiting Repeatedly: Neonatal Intestinal Obstruction And Other GI Emergencies
Care of neonates,
Principles of neonatal intestinal...,
Causes of neonatal intestinal obs...
16  cards
Paediatric Surgery SC040: The Child Needs An Operation: Common Emergencies And Surgery In Childhood
Elective paediatric surgical cond...,
1 phi,
2 inguinal hernia hydrocele
29  cards
Surgery SC039: Feed Him Up Before Surgery: Surgical Nutrition, Enteral And Parenteral Feeding
Anthropometric laboratory studies...,
Predisposing factors for malnutri...
19  cards
Microbiology SC038: Antibiotic Prophylaxis: Is It Really Necessary?
Prophylactic antibiotics in surgery,
Choice of antibiotic,
When to give
15  cards
Microbiology SC037: Do I Really Need That Antibiotic?
Antibiotic resistance,
Principles of judicious use of an...,
Potential harm from antibiotics
11  cards
Microbiology SC036: Protect Yourself And Your Patients: Infection Control
Alcohol based hand rub,
Descending order of resistance to...,
Time course of efficacy of unmedi...
10  cards
Cardiothoracic Surgery SC035: Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgery
Thoracic surgery,
Concept of minimally invasive sur...,
Concept of minimally invasive sur...
17  cards
Surgery SC034: Hit By A Van, In Shock With Internal Bleeding: Abdominal Injury
Trauma in hk,
Trimodal death distribution,
Primary survey
5  cards
Surgery SC033: Unconscious After An Accident: Head Injury
Approach to unconsciousness,
Airway c spine protection,
43  cards
Surgery SC032: A Bus Hit A Train: Multiple Trauma, Disaster Management
Mass casualty incident mci,
Trimodal death distribution of tr...
20  cards
Surgery SC031: Chopped And Stabbed Wound In Gang Fight: Nerves And Vascular Injury, Classification Of Injuries
Advanced trauma life support atls,
Initial assessment,
Phase 1 primary survey resuscitation
23  cards
Plastic Surgery SC030: An Ugly Wound: Wound Healing, Wound Infection, Anti-septic Technique
Etiology of wound,
Wound healing,
Tensile strength of healing wound
13  cards
Plastic Surgery SC029: I Have A Scald: Burn
Function of skin,
Effects of burn
27  cards
Surgery SC028: I Want To Donate My Organs: Brain Death, Organ Donation, Psychosocial Issues
What organs can you donate,
Deceased donors brain death vs ca...,
Criteria of brain death
18  cards
Dermatology SC027: Treatments For Skin Diseases (Eczema, Psoriasis And Urticaria)
Pemphigus treatment,
Bullous pemphigoid treatment,
Dermatitis management
22  cards
Dermatology SC026: It Is Red And Painful (Bacterial And Viral Skin Infections)
Common skin infections that can b...,
Local anaesthetic,
Skin incision
25  cards
Dermatology SC025: Skin Rash - Doctor: I Have A Rash (History, Examination And Basic Investigations)
Describing skin lesions,
Ddx of penile ulcer,
Diagnosis of genital sores
27  cards
Dermatology SC024: I Have An Itchy Rash (Eczema, Urticaria, Tinea Infection And Psoriasis)
History taking in acne,
Treatment for acne
21  cards
Plastic Surgery SC023: I Want To Look Better: Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery
Wound closure and healing,
Closure techniques to achieve goo...
51  cards
Diagnostic Radiology SC022: Imaging Of The Head And Neck
Imaging of neck mass,
Ct basics,
Mri basics
16  cards
ENT SC021: Head And Neck Cancer Problems: Function And Shape
Sub regions in head and neck area,
Surgery in npc,
H n cancer problems
15  cards
ENT SC020: I Have A Swelling In The Neck: Neck Mass
Classification of neck mass,
Diagnosis of neck mass,
Supraclavicular fossa mass
8  cards
Clinical Oncology SC019: Palliative And Hospice Care: Adding Life To Years
Palliative care,
Essential components of palliativ...,
Palliative care vs end of life care
19  cards
Clinical Oncology SC018: Oncology In Practice: Multidisciplinary Management Of Common Cancers
Presenting s s of cancers,
S s of npc
23  cards
Clinical Oncology SC017: Many Of My Family Members Have Cancers? Cancer Genetics And Cytogenetics
Cancer a genetic disease,
Kundson s 2 hit hypothesis,
Familial cancer
21  cards
Clinical Oncology SC016: Advances In Systemic Therapy In Oncology
Treatment classification,
Classification of chemotherapy,
Cell cycle cells are
38  cards
Clinical Oncology SC015: Advancing Technologies In Radiation Oncology
Principles of rt,
Goals of rt,
Therapeutic ratio
25  cards
Clinical Oncology SC014: The War Against Cancer
Global burden of cancer,
Cancer burden in hk,
Hk cancer strategy 2019
22  cards
Surgery SC013: Surgery May Cure Your Cancer: Surgical Oncology
Causes of mortality related to ca...,
Cancer cachexia
21  cards
Ophthalmology SC012: Neuro-Ophthalmology
Neuro ophthalmic examination,
Neuro ophthalmic problems,
1 pupillary disorders
35  cards
Ophthalmology SC011: Acute Visual Loss
Causes of acute vision loss,
Approach to acute vision loss,
History taking
31  cards
Ophthalmology SC010: Chronic Visual Loss
Approach to chronic visual loss,
Common ocular disease spectrum,
Types of cataract
17  cards
Ophthalmology SC009: Eye Problems In Children
Common eye problems in children,
History taking in paediatric opht...,
Development of visual system
20  cards
Ophthalmology SC008: The Red Eye
Red eyes,
Types of distribution of redness,
Common eye complaints
21  cards
Ophthalmology SC007: Trauma And Ocular Emergency
Eye anatomy,
Complete eye examination,
Approach to eye injuries
22  cards
Diagnostic Radiology SC006: Emergency Radiology
Urgent requests,
Head trauma,
Fever neurologic signs to rule ou...
11  cards
Diagnostic Radiology SC005: How Can Interventional Radiology Help Patient Management?
Interventional radiology,
Uterine fibroid embolisation
15  cards
Anaesthesiology SC004: How Would You Anaesthetize Me? Pharmacology Of Anaesthetic Drugs
Types of anaesthesia,
Definition of anaesthesia,
Components of general anaesthesia
28  cards
Anaesthesiology SC003: The Patient Is Very Ill After The Operation: Post-operative Management
Complications of early post anaes...,
Aim of post anaesthesia,
Post anaesthetic care unit pacu
17  cards
Anaesthesiology SC002: The Patient Is Critically Ill: Intensive Care Medicine; Unstable Vital Organ Function
Intensive care unit,
Multidisciplinary care in icu,
Intensive monitoring
14  cards
Anaesthesiology SC001: Is He Fit For Surgery? Pre-operative Assessment
Peri operative management in anae...,
Purpose of pre operative visit,
Components of pre operative visit
21  cards

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