O&T SC054: My Foot Hurts: Foot Problems Flashcards
Acute ischaemia of lower limb
1. Embolism (usually cardiac source)
- Tend to lodge at bifurcations: Common femoral artery (giving SFA, PFA), Distal aorta (giving R + L common iliac —> Saddle emboli)
- ***Predisposing conditions: AF, Recent MI, Valvular heart disease
- Thrombosis
- ***Pre-existing LL arterial occlusive disease (i.e. atherosclerosis)
- Previous bypass (e.g. anastomotic stenosis of bypass —> suddenly occluded with thrombosis)
- Acute dissection (thrombosis in false lumen can compress on true lumen)
- Popliteal artery aneurysm (unlike AAA, PAA seldom rupture but can thrombosis) - Vascular trauma
S/S (6”P”s):
1. Pain
2. Pallor
3. Paresthesia
4. Paralysis
5. Pulseless
6. Perishing cold
Diagnosis: ***Clinical!!!
1. History
- Predisposing factors
—> Emboli: AF, Recent MI, Valvular heart disease
—> Thrombosis: Claudication, Previous bypass
- P/E
- Absent pulses
1. Angiography
- **Not used for diagnosis (∵ invasive)
- **Filling defect
—> Embolism: smooth contour of artery with sudden filling defect
—> Thrombosis: irregular contour of artery due to pre-existing atherosclerosis
- Duplex USG
- **Emergency —> revascularisation within **4-6 hours —> delay will cause irreversible damage to muscle + nerve —> loss of limb / loss of life
- Prompt diagnosis + treatment
- Anticoagulant
- Heparin (prevent further propagation of thrombus) - Surgery
- Embolectomy (Fogarty catheter) / Bypass - Endovascular intervention
- Thrombolysis / Thrombectomy
- +/- Angioplasty / Stent
1. ***Compartment syndrome (∵ period of ischaemia —> damage to muscle —> increase vascular permeability —> reperfusion —> extravasation of fluid —> swelling)
- Prophylactic Fasciotomy
**Electrolytes imbalance (∵ **Rhabdomyolysis)
- HyperK -
**Renal failure (∵ **Rhabdomyolysis)
- Myoglobin deposit in renal tubules
- Adequate hydration + monitor urine output
- Catheter-directed intra-arterial local infusion
- Streptokinase, Urokinase, tPA
- +/- Adjunctive endovascular procedure (e.g. Angioplasty / Stent)
- Also useful in embolism
- Effective alternative treatment
- Takes time (need to monitor progress of thrombolysis)
- Require Interventional radiologist / facilities
- May need further procedure-bypass, angioplasty
- Risk of bleeding esp. Intracranial bleeding: 1%
Percutaneous mechanical thromboembolectomy:
4 functions:
1. Fragmentation of aspirated material
2. Detachment of occlusive material from vessel
3. Aspiration of detached material into catheter head
4. Transportation out of patient’s body
- +/- Adjunctive thrombolysis / Endovascular procedure (e.g. Angioplasty / Stent)
- vs Embolectomy with Fogarty catheter (Need to open up artery)
Arterial injury
Penetrating injury:
- Distal pulse may be normal
- In doubt: Angiography
Blunt injury:
- Adjacent to fractures (e.g. posterior dislocation of knee) —> Arteries compressed / contused —> Intimal tear —> Thrombosis
- Often delayed diagnosis (∵ only pay attention to MSS injury)
- Arterial spasm due to injury: should only be diagnosed at operation after exclusion of other causes (e.g. thrombosis)
- In doubt: Angiography
Chronic ischaemia of lower limb
1. Atherosclerosis —> Stenosis
(2. Vasculitis)
1. Intermittent claudication
2. Rest pain
3. Tissue loss (gangrene / ulcer)
1. Other manifestations of Atherosclerosis
- IHD / Stroke / TIA
- Risk factors
- Smoking - Occupation
1. Colour change
2. Trophies change
3. Tissue loss
1. Temperature
2. Weak / Absent Pulses (Femoral, Popliteal, Posterior tibial, Dorsalis pedis)
3. Vessel wall
1. Bruit (Carotid + Femoral + Renal)
1. Doppler USG
- Ankle-brachial index
- Segmental BP
- Waveform analysis
- Duplex scan
3. Angiography
4. CT / MR angiogram
1. Conservative
- Stop smoking
- Weight reduction
- Exercise program (graded)
- Risk factor control
- Drugs:
—> Aspirin (survival improvement)
—> Cilostazol, Naftidrofuryl (symptom improvement)
- Surgery
- Balloon angioplasty / stenting
- Bypass
- Endarterectomy (local procedures)
***Clinical evaluation of Foot / Ankle disorders
- Presentation / HPI
- Traumatic —> Injury
- Non-traumatic —> Pain, Swelling / Lump, Deformity, Ulcer, Skin and nail changes
- Systemic / Bilateral involvement (suggest inflammatory nature)
- Mechanical vs Inflammatory pain
- Onset
- Associated symptom
- Function: Walking ability, ADL, Occupation, Shoewear, Foot care - Site
- Anatomy
- Function - P/E
- Sit
- Stand
- Walk (gait abnormality)
Anatomy of Foot / Ankle
1. Ankle
2. Foot
- Hindfoot (Talus, Calcaneus)
—> Midtarsal joint (Chopart’s joint)
- Midfoot (Navicular, Cuboid, Medial / Intermediate / Lateral Cuneiform)
—> Tarsometatarsal joint (Lisfranc joint —> Lisfranc fracture)
- Forefoot (Metatarsals, Phalanges)
- True ankle joint: Joint formed by Tibia (Medial malleolus), Fibula (Lateral malleolus), Talus
- Subtalar joint: Joint formed by Talus and Calcaneus
1. Dorsal
2. Plantar
3. Medial
4. Lateral
Sitting P/E
1. Shape
2. Skin (e.g. ecchymosis)
3. Dorsal + Plantar (e.g. callosity, skin changes, ulcers)
1. Tenderness
2. Pulse
3. Lump
4. Neuropathy
1. ROM (ankle + subtalar + MTP joint)
2. Stability
3. Power
Special tests:
1. **Anterior drawer test
2. **Talar tilt test
Standing P/E
1. Front
2. Back (e.g. Valgus / Varus deformity of hindfoot)
3. Shoewear inspection
- Repeat if necessary
1. Heel raise (i.e. stand on toe)
2. Toe raise
Flat foot
Flexible: Valgus deformity of hindfoot but disappear when heel raise —> Common in children
Fixed: Fixed valgus deformity —> Indicate some pathology in foot and ankle region
Walking P/E
4 phases:
- Heel strike —> Mid-stance —> Push off —> Swing
- Pain
- Stiffness / Deformity
- Weakness
- Instability
- Lower limb malalignment
Classification of Foot / Ankle disorders
- Traumatic / Non-traumatic
- Traumatic: Fracture, Dislocation, Soft tissue injury - Urgent / Impending / Elective
- Urgent: Compartment syndrome, Dislocation, Fracture
- Impending: Infection (e.g. Cellulitis, Abscess), Ischaemia (e.g. PVD) - Systemic / Local
- Systemic: Neurovascular, Endocrine / Metabolic (e.g. Diabetic foot), Rheumatic (e.g. RA), Haematological
- Local: Arthritic, Degenerative, Post-traumatic, Overuse, Tumour - Adult / Paediatric
Inversion vs Eversion ankle sprain injury
Inversion ankle sprain injury:
Soft tissue injury:
1. Anterior talofibular Ligament (ATFL)
2. Posterior talofibular ligament (PTFL)
3. Calcaneofibular ligament (CFL)
—> Partial / Complete tear
Bone injury:
1. Lateral malleolus (Distal fibula) (avulsion)
2. Medial malleolus (Distal tibia) (push fracture)
3. 5th Metatarsal base fracture (3 zones: Stress, Jones, Avulsion)
Eversion ankle sprain injury:
1. Deltoid ligament (a collective group of ligaments)
***Orthopaedic emergency of Foot / Ankle
- Compartment syndrome of foot
- Clinical diagnosis
- High energy injury
- Associated with Calcaneal fracture, Midfoot fracture dislocation
- Pain out of proportion to bony injury
- Ecchymosis, tight skin, diminished sensation
- Emergency decompression - Dislocation
- ***All dislocation should be reduced immediately
- e.g. Peri-talar dislocation - Fracture
- Can cause Skin impingement + Skin breakdown —> become Open fracture —> infection + sepsis
- Some fracture need immediate reduction + fixation
- e.g. Fracture talus neck —> Avascular necrosis - Talar neck fracture —> AVN
Diabetic foot
- Neuropathy / Vasculopathy in 30% DM patients
- Reduced resistance to infection
- Neuropathic arthropathy in 1%: midfoot
- Osteoporosis
- May ultimately lead to amputation
Rheumatoid arthritis of foot
- 89% RA patients have foot / ankle problems
1. Pain (from synovitis, corns, prominent MT head)
2. Deformity
- Hallux valgus (common)
- Lesser toes MTP joint subluxation / dislocation
3. Tenosynovitis
- Presenting feature as MTP jt arthritis
- Flattened arch, hallux valgus, claw toes, prominent MT head
- Ankle synovitis
- Tenosynovitis: tib post, peroneii
- Subtalar stiffness, valgus deformity
Hallux valgus
- Deformity
- Hallux lateral deviation, pronated
- Medial prominence
- Lesser toe crowding, overriding, deformity - Pain
- Plantar callosity
- Bunion formation causing pain
- Shoewear difficulty, abrasion, skin impingement
Lesser toe deformity
- Mallet toe
- DIP flexion - Hammer toe
- PIP flexion
- MTP may be extended - Claw toe
- Flexion PIP + DIP, extended MTP
- Intrinsic-minus
Plantar fasciitis
- Plantar fascia: attachment at medial tubercle of calcaneus
- ***Start-up pain
- Chronic overuse lead to microtears in the origin of plantar fascia (medial tubercle of calcaneus)
—> Repetitive trauma leads to recurrent inflammation + periostitis (inflammation of periosteum)
—> Localised pain at medial tubercle of calcaneus
- Start-up pain (pain when start to walk)
- Respond to stretching exercise
SpC Interactive tutorial: Foot and ankle disorders
Achilles tendon rupture
Achilles tendon rupture:
- Weakness of plantar flexion
- Loss of continuity in gastrocsoleus muscle insertion
- ***Calf squeeze test (loss of natural plantar flexion)
Foot arch
3 arches:
1. Medial longitudinal arch (more steep):
- Calcaneus, Talus, Navicular, Cuneiform, 1-3rd MT, Phalanges
- Lateral longitudinal arch (less steep):
- Calcaneus, Cuboid, 4-5th MT, Phalanges - Transverse half arch
- Bone (shape)
- Muscle (confer shape)
- Plantar fascia
—> ***Windlass mechanism: plantar fascia tense up and supports the foot during weight-bearing activities
- Posterior tibial tendon
Physiological flatfoot:
- Morphological description
Pathological flatfoot:
- Acquired + progressive + cause symptoms (limitation of walking ability + soreness in posterior tibial tendon)
1. Ligament laxity
2. Tarsal coalition (Bars btw tarsal/naviculus to calcaneus)
3. Tibialis posterior dysfunction
4. Post traumatic
5. Inflammatory arthritis
6. Degenerative arthritis
7. Neuropathic arthropathy
8. Neuromuscular imbalance
3D deformity:
- Valgus ankle
- Prominent navicular tubercle
- Abduction of forefoot
- Course of posterior tibial tendon: Navicular tubercle —> Medial malleolus —> Posterior tibia
Test for posterior tibial tendon:
- Active Flexion + Inversion
Special test:
- Double leg heel rise
High energy trauma in Foot and ankle disease
Calcaneus fracture
Associated symptoms:
Axial loading to:
1. Spine (Spinal cord injury)
2. Pelvic injury (Exsanguination, Haematoma)
Foot ulcers
1. Local
2. Systemic
1. Infected
2. Ischemic
3. Neuropathic
4. Malignant
Ottawa ankle rule (SpC FM)
Determine need of X-ray in ankle sprain:
1. Bony tenderness along **distal 6 cm of posterior edge of fibula / tip of lateral malleolus
2. Bony tenderness along **distal 6 cm of posterior edge of tibia / tip of medial malleolus
3. Bony tenderness at the **base of 5th metatarsal
4. Bony tenderness at the **navicular
5. Inability to bear weight both ***immediately after injury and for 4 steps during initial evaluation