O&T SC053: A Painful Hip: Hip Problems Flashcards
Hip joint
- Ball and socket joint
- Acetabulum in pelvis, Femoral hip ball in femur
- Covered with hyaline cartilage
- Labrum: layer of fibrocartilage —> increase contact area with femoral hip ball
1. Iliofemoral ligament
2. Pubofemoral ligament
3. Ischiofemoral ligament
—> they are not distinct ligament
Hip muscles:
1. Iliopsoas (most important, principal hip flexor)
2. Pectineus
3. Adductor longus
4. Rectus femoris
5. Tensor fascia latae
1. Gluteus medius (hip abduction)
2. Gluteus maximus (bulk of buttock, hip extension)
3. Gluteus minimus
4. Piriformis (entrapment of sciatic nerve, DDx of sciatica)
1. Femoral artery
—> Profunda femoris —> Lateral + Medial femoral circumflex artery —> supply Proximal femur (Avascular necrosis)
1. Femoral nerve
2. Obturator nerve
3. Sciatic nerve
1. **Shenton’s line
—> **smooth arc from Medial border of proximal femur to Inferior border of superior pubic ramus (Rmb)
2. ***Trabecular patterns of proximal femur
- formed by compressive force through femur (15o from vertical midline) / tensile force
—> detect any slight fracture (when fracture line cannot be even seen)
- Subject to 3x body weight during single-legged stance
—> ∵ Weight of body + Forces created by muscle contraction to balance the trunk
- We walk an average of 1000000-4000000 cycles every year
***Causes of Hip pain
- Intrinsic
- Hip
—> Child
—> Adult - Extrinsic (Radiation / Referred pain)
- Lumbar spine
- Knee
- Others (e.g. Groin hernia, Herpes zoster)
Hip Development in Child
- Acetabulum: 3 pieces of bone —> joined by Triradiate cartilage
- Femur: **No Capital femoral epiphysis (wholly cartilage at birth), **No physis
- Femur: ***Physis form, Capital femoral epiphysis gradually form (~2-4 yo) —> become a ball (~8-9 yo) —> Physis fuses when reaches skeletal maturity
***Causes of Hip pain in Child
- Septic arthritis, Osteomyelitis
- Transient synovitis
- Perthes’ disease
- Slipped capital femoral epiphysis
- Primary bone tumours
- Juvenile chronic arthritis
- Septic arthritis, Osteomyelitis
1. Direct invasion / inoculation
2. Local spread (e.g. abscess)
3. Haematogenous
- Septic arthritis
—> Babies <2 (∵ artery can reach end of bone (subarticular region: very close to joint), no physis, no capital femoral epiphysis)
—> Adults
- Osteomyelitis (children)
—> Children (∵ artery cannot penetrate physis —> stasis of blood flow in metaphysis)
Causative agents:
- TB
- Other bacteria
- Transient synovitis
- Idiopathic, self-limiting
- Diagnosis of exclusion
- “Irritable hip”
- Usually 6-12 yo, otherwise healthy
- Pain, limp, slight wasting, extremes of all movements limited
- Symptoms last 1-2 weeks then subside spontaneously
Septic arthritis vs Transient synovitis (SpC Revision)
Septic arthritis:
- Less common
- High WCC, ESR, CRP
- High fever
- Septic looking
- Unable to bear any weight
- May have referred knee pain
- Deteriorates without treatment
Transient synovitis:
- Common
- Mild raised WCC, ESR, CRP
- Low grade fever
- History of URTI (e.g. 2 weeks prior)
- Restricted hip ROM
- May have referred knee pain
- Improves with analgesics
- Perthes’ disease
- ***4-8yo
- M:F = 4:1
- ~Avascular necrosis in adults
- Ischaemia of femoral head due to problem of blood supply to Capital femoral epiphysis
1. **Metaphyseal vessels (until 3-4 yo —> ∵ physis formed)
2. **Lateral epiphyseal vessels (closely related to joint capsule)
3. ***Vessels in ligamentum teres (not fully developed until 8)
—> i.e. 4-8 yo —> blood only from 1 source (i.e. Lateral epiphyseal vessels) —> any disruption will cause ischaemia
1. Ischaemia + bone death
2. Revascularisation + repair —> lead to fragmentation of capital femoral epiphysis + distortion of anatomy
3. Distortion + remodeling
- adequate treatment —> original form
- no treatment —> poor remodeling —> early OA in young adults
- Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE)
- Usually **boys **14-16 yo (approaching ***skeletal maturity)
- Hormonal imbalance —> delay in ossification of physis —> intrinsic weakness of physis (physeal disruption at hypertrophic zone) —> abnormal movement along physis —> whole CFE will slip downwards
- Fat + sexually immature, Excessively tall + thin
- Leg externally rotated + short, limited flexion, abduction, medial rotation
- ***Klein’s line
—> Line along superior border of lateral neck of femur should always cut through CFE
—> SCFE: line will miss CFE
***Causes of Hip pain in Adults
- ***OA (2nd common)
- Femoro-Acetabular impingement (FAI)
- Labral tear - ***Inflammatory arthritis
- RA
- Ankylosing spondylitis - ***Avascular necrosis of femoral head (most common)
- ***Primary / Secondary bone tumours
- ***Osteoporotic fracture of proximal femur
- Bursitis, Tendinitis, Muscle sprain
(Other DDx:
- Hip fracture
- Pubic rami fracture)
- Osteoarthritis
1. Primary (uncommon in Chinese)
2. Secondary
- **Trauma
- **Infection
- ***Inflammatory
- Crystal deposition
- Neuropathic (e.g. Charcot joint)
- Metabolic / Endocrine
- Congenital
- Femoro-Acetabular impingement (FAI)
Pathological changes (**Kellgren + Lawrence scoring system):
1. **Narrowing of joint space
2. **Marginal osteophytes
3. **Subchondral sclerosis
4. ***Subchondral cyst
Femoro-Acetabular impingement (FAI):
- Young adults
- Hip joint not well formed —> Extra bone grows along femur / acetabulum / both —> irregular shape of hip joint
—> Too much bone in Acetabulum (Pincer type) —> entry of acetabulum too tight —> damage cartilage of femoral head
—> Too much bony lump in femoral head / neck (Cam type) —> impingement on periphery of acetabulum
Labral tears:
- Labrum: a band of tough cartilage and connective tissue that line acetabular ***rim
- A lot may not be clinically important —> no need treatment
- Idiopathic
- Degenerative
- Traumatic
- Asymptomatic
- Groin pain
1. Education + Lifestyle modification
- ***Weight loss
- Walking aids
- Physiotherapy
- **Muscle strengthening
- **ROM exercise
- Cardiopulmonary function, endurance - Analgesic
- NOT affect natural history
- **Paracetamol (1st line)
- **NSAIDs (Non-selective vs Selective)
—> Pain relief + Anti-inflammatory (synovitis, bone marrow lesions, etc.)
- Tramadol: non-narcotic
—> Combine with paracetamol: synergistic
—> If CI to NSAIDs
- Opioids
—> CNS depression, addiction
—> No routine use - Glucosamine / Chondroitin
- Components of articular cartilage
—> Glucosamine: amino sugar
—> Chondroitin: proteoglycan
- Dietary supplement
- ?Cartilage regeneration, decrease degradation
- SE: uncommon, GI: increase GI gas, soft stool, nausea, diarrhoea, abdominal pain - Intraarticular hyaluronic acid
- Avoid (strong evidence against use) - Intraarticular steroid
- Anti-inflammatory effect
- Slight ↑ infection risk if surgery is performed within 3 months - Surgery
- ***Total hip replacement
Non-selective COX1 inhibitor vs Selective COX2 inhibitor
Non-selective COX1 inhibitor:
- GI toxicity (gastritis, ulceration)
- Nephrotoxicity (impair RFT)
Selective COX2 inhibitor:
- Reduced GI toxicity ~ 50%
- Cardiovascular toxicity
—> Inhibit vasodilation —> hypertension —> heart attack
—> Reduce anti-platelet function of Aspirin
- in HK: only Celebrex (Celecoxib), Arcoxia (Etoricoxib) available
- COX1 contraindication: GI bleeding
- Warfarin
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Synovitis (uncontrolled inflammation)
- Multiple joints affected (peripheral joints vs axial joints in AS)
Pathological changes:
- Osteopenia (∵ increased in blood supply washing away Ca content)
- Periarticular erosion (erosion in margin of joint where synovium is attached)
- Joint space narrowing
- Soft tissue swelling
- Joint subluxation / deformity
- End stage: Secondary OA
- Larsen’s classification: 0-5
- Ankylosing spondylitis
- Male predominant
- Axial skeleton
—> “Bamboo” spine
—> SI joint
—> Hip joint - HLA-B27 positive
- Avascular necrosis of femoral head (股骨頭壞死 / 骨枯)
Most common cause for hip surgery
1. Primary (Idiopathic)
2. Secondary (STARS: Steroid, Trauma, Alcohol, Radiation, Scuba / Sickle cell disease)
- **Trauma (Displaced femoral neck fracture / Fracture dislocation of hip —> disruption of circumflex artery (esp. medial femoral circumflex artery (MFCA)))
- **Steroid (∵ lipid metabolism affected —> abnormally large lipocytes within bone marrow —> intramedullary pressure too high —> shut off microcirculation)
- **Chronic alcoholism (∵ lipid metabolism affected —> abnormally large lipocytes within bone marrow —> intramedullary pressure too high —> shut off microcirculation)
- **Caisson disease (Decompression sickness)
- **Sickle cell disease
- Gaucher disease
- **Vasculitis
- Infection
Clinical features:
- Reduced ROM
- Difficulty flexion of hip (walking upstairs with good hip first then walking downstairs with bad hip first (好人上天堂, 壞人落地獄))
- Hip pain
1. **Cyst
- resorption of dead bone + replacement with fibrous + granulation tissue
2. **Sclerosis
- thickened trabeculae due to direct deposition of new bone onto dead bone
3. ***Crescent sign
- subchondral collapse of the necrotic segment
(4. Flattening of femoral head
5. Preservation of joint space (i.e. not OA)
6. Preservation of acetabulum)
- 99% sensitivity + specificity
- Early (Femoral head still round)
- Intermediate (***Crescent sign —> indicate Subchondral fracture ∵ no blood supply)
- Late (Femoral head collapse)
**Ficat classification:
Stage 1:
- **Pre-radiological on X-ray, **only changes on MRI
- MRI of contralateral hip
- Regeneration of bone, very slow
—> **Avoid risk factors, heavy weight bearing, Walking aids (prevent AVN in contralateral side)
—> **Bisphosphate (treat osteoporosis, lack evidence)
—> **Core decompression (increased intra-medullary pressure, re-vascularisation, bone regeneration)
Stage 2:
- X-ray changes
- **Sclerotic + Cystic changes
- **Crescent sign (subchondral radiolucency)
—> **Core decompression / **Vascularised bone graft (debridement of necrotic bone, autograft, allograft, artificial bone graft)
Stage 3:
- **Femoral head collapse
- Normal joint space
—> **Vascularised bone graft / ***Total hip replacement (quick + reliable procedure, improving implant survivorship) (hemiarthroplasty less favourable long term outcome due to risk of revision in the future)
Stage 4:
- **Secondary OA
—> **Total hip replacement
- Primary / Secondary bone tumours
- Primary / Secondary
- Benign / Malignant
- Osteoporotic fracture of proximal femur
Fragility fracture of proximal femur
1. **Femoral neck fracture
2. **Intertrochanteric fracture
- Bursitis, Tendinitis, Muscle sprain
Bursa in hip:
- around Iliopsoas tendon
- adjacent to greater trochanter
—> Iliotibial band rub over bony prominence —> bursitis
- e.g. Avulsion of hamstring tendon from ischium
- e.g. Avulsion fracture of lesser trochanter due to pull of Iliopsoas tendon
History taking in Hip pain
Confirm Diagnosis:
1. Location + Character
2. Onset, Progress
- ***“Diagnostic calendar” (e.g. Perthes’ disease: 4-8 yo, SCFE: 14-16 yo with special body habitus, elderly: degenerative / malignancy)
3. Aggravating / Relieving factors
4. History of injury —> Traumatic
5. Fever, constitutional upsets —> Infection, Malignancy
6. Involvement of other joints —> Inflammmatory
7. Specific questions
- Drug history (e.g. Steroid —> Avascular necrosis of femoral head)
- Alcoholism
- Occupation (e.g. deep sea divers)
Assess Extent:
1. Functional limitation
- Walking distance
- Stairs climbing
- Walking aids
- Shopping
- Change of job
- Cut toenail (Hip stiffness)
- Drugs history
- Regular use of analgesic
P/E of Hip pain
See CFB Practical: O/T: Lower Limb
Investigations of Hip pain
- Blood
- Rheumatoid factor, HLA-B27 - Synovial fluid analysis
- Microscopy
- C/S - Imaging
- X-ray
- Bone scan
- CT (for bony abnormalities)
- MRI (for soft tissue / marrow abnormalities)
Treatment of Hip pain
Depends on diagnosis
Aim: Pain free, Stable, Mobile
1. Exercise
2. Medication
- Analgesic
- Surgery
- Fracture: Internal fixation / Arthroplasty
- Infection: Drainage, Debridement
- Tumour: Excision
- Labral tear / FAI: Hip arthroscopy
- Mechanical: Osteotomy, Arthrodesis, Arthroplasty
Osteotomy vs Arthrodesis vs Arthroplasty
- Break bones to realignment of acetabulum / proximal femur —> redistribute the stress
- Fusion
- 20-30o flexion, 0-5o adduction, 5-10o external rotation
- NOT for bilateral hip involvement
- Will increase stress to low back, contralateral hip + knee —> earlier degeneration
Arthroplasty (Total hip replacement):
- Remove damaged joint surfaces
- Replaced by metal, plastic, ceramics
- Fixation by cemented / cementless techniques
SpC O/T Seminar: Common Hip Disorders
Adult Dysplasia of the Hip
Underdevelopment of hip joint
- Shallow acetabulum
- Reduced coverage of femoral neck
- **Center-edge angle (CEA) of Wiberg (angle between vertical line through centre of femoral head and line between centre of femoral head and lateral acetabular border): Normal >25o, Dysplastic <20o
- **Tonnis angle (~ Acetabular index in children: angle between teardrop line and line tangentially connecting inferior margin of iliac bone and superolateral part of acetabular bony rim): Normal <10o, Dysplastic >10o
- Coxa valga (increased neck shaft angle): Normal 125o
Hartofilakidis classification:
- Dysplasia
- Low dislocation
- High dislocation
Crowe classification:
- Assuming femoral head height is 20% of pelvic height
- Percentage of proximal migration medial neck junction from the inferior margin of acetabulum (tear drop)
—> Crowe I < 50%
—> Crowe II 50-75%
—> Crowe III 75-100%
—> Crowe IV >100%
1. Joint
- Restore pain free stable joint
2. Bone
- Acetabular side: Restore anatomical hip centre
- Femoral side: Correct femoral side deformity
3. Soft tissue
- Contracted muscles, ligaments and joint capsule
- Sciatic nerve (beware of stretching after correction of LLD)
- Femoral shortening
1. Periacetabular osteotomy
- Symptomatic dysplasia in young adult with concentrically reduced hip + congruent joint space
- Before OA changes
- Total hip replacement
- Secondary OA changes
- Hip subluxation
OA vs AVN (From Edward Lau)
- Joint space: Narrowed
- Femoral head: Preserved
- Involvement: Femoral head + Acetabulum
- Osteophyte: Present
- Joint space: Preserved
- Femoral head: Collapsed
- Involvement: Only Femoral head
- Osteophyte: Only in Ficat stage 4