O&T SC045: My Granny Broke Her Hip: Management Of Osteoporotic Fractures Flashcards
Anatomy of Hip
Hip: Misnomer —> Correct name: Proximal femur
Anatomy of femur:
1. Head
2. Neck
3. Trochanter
4. Subtrochanteric region
Blood supply to femoral head:
1. Retinaculum vessels (majority)
- from **Medial (> Lateral) femoral circumflex artery (MFCA)
—> extra-capsular arterial ring (form an arterial anastomosis at base of femoral neck)
—> ascending cervical capsular branches (retinacular arteries) (within hip capsule)
—> **epiphyseal arteries that penetrate femoral head
- Ligamentum teres artery
- from obturator artery / medial femoral circumflex artery (MFCA)
- not effective in adults - Intramedullary vessel (Nutrient artery)
- small contribution
Clinical features of Hip fracture
- Shortened leg
- Externally rotated
Risk factors for Hip fracture
- Increased risk of falls
- Concurrent medical illness
- Drugs - tranquillisers, alcohol
- Dementia / Sarcopenia / Visual impairment - Reduction in protective responses
- Loss of local shock absorbers
- Loss of bone strength
- Drugs - corticosteroids, anticonvulsants, thyroxine, alcohol
- Smoking
- Vit D deficiency
- Ca deficiency
- Physical inactivity
Investigations in Hip pain with normal X-ray
- Repeat X-ray (not sensitive but specific)
- CT (not sensitive but specific)
- MRI (Most sensitive + specific)
- Bone Scan (sensitive but not specific) (Tc-99m taken up by osteoblast)
***Classification of Hip fracture
This classification have different management!!!
- Extracapsular (Stable vs Unstable (Calcar comminution, Lateral wall fracture))
- **Trochanteric (TOF)
—> Intertrochanteric (line of fracture between 2 trochanter)
—> Peritrochanteric (line of fracture going through 2 trochanter)
- **Subtrochanteric
- Only nutrient artery is disrupted, capsule remain intact —> blood supply from MFCA intact
- Intracapsular (**Garden’s classification: Displaced vs Undisplaced)
- **Neck of femur (NOF)
—> Subcapital
—> Transcervical
—> Basicervical
- Blood supply to femoral head is jeopardised
- Accumulation of haematoma within capsule —> build up pressure —> reduce blood supply to femoral head
—> End result: ***Avascular necrosis of femoral head
Considerations in Fracture NOF
- ***Age
- ***Displacement
- Save the femoral head in young age / undisplaced
- Time of presentation: AVN ( 6hr)
- Patient’s general health
- Risk factors for internal fixation failure
- Old age
- Osteoporosis
- Too comminuted
- Sepsis
- Vertical fracture pattern (∵ larger shear stress)
- Delayed presentation
***Surgical treatment of Hip fracture + Garden’s classification
- Stable —> **Reduction + Fixation: Dynamic hip screw / Proximal femoral nail
- Unstable —> **Reduction + Fixation: Proximal femoral nail (Dynamic hip screw not sufficient)
Garden’s classification:
- Undisplaced:
Class 1: **valgus impacted, undisplaced fracture
Class 2: **complete but undisplaced fracture
—> Avascular necrosis 5-10%, Non-union 5-10%
—> ***Reduction + Fixation: Cannulated screws / Femoral neck system (FNS)
(Reduction may not even be needed (i.e. In-situ))
- Displaced:
Class 3: complete fracture, **partial displacement indicated by **change in angle of trabeculae
Class 4: complete fracture, **complete displacement leading to **parallel orientation of trabeculae (no more soft tissue connection between head and trochanter —> head will align with acetabulum)
—> Avascular necrosis 10-20%, Non-union 20-30%
—> **Young (<65): Urgent Reduction (open / close) + Fixation: Femoral neck system (FNS)
—> **Geriatric (>65): Replacement: Hemiarthroplasty / Total hip replacement (NOT save the femoral head ∵ destined to fail)
Stable vs Unstable extracapsular fracture
1. Oblique pattern
2. Minimal comminution
—> Repair with DHS
1. Calcar comminution —> after reduction —> very little support on posteromedial side —> proximal femur prone to displacement + collapse
2. Lateral wall fracture —> cannot prevent proximal femur from sliding
3. Reverse obliquity
Posteromedial cortex of trochanter
—> Thick bone
—> Important for support of proximal femur
Dynamic hip screw, Proximal femoral nail
Dynamic hip screw (aka Sliding hip screw)
- an **extramedullary device
- **dynamic: more than 1 component —> provide controlled subsidence
- Cheap ~$1000
- Technically easier
- Less risk of iatrogenic fracture
- Requires more simple fracture patterns
Proximal femoral nail (aka Cephalomedullary device)
- an ***intramedullary device
- also dynamic that can slide —> provide controlled subsidence
- much stronger implant than DHS
- Expensive ~$7000
- Technically difficult
- Intramedullary fixation is mechanically stronger
- Less change for excessive collapse
Complications of Hip fracture (SpC Revision)
- Non-union
- Avascular necrosis
- Secondary OA
- Implant related complication (e.g. failure, infection)
- Immobility —> Contracture, Pneumonia, Bed sores, UTI, DVT
Fragility fracture
- A fracture caused by injury that would be insufficient to fracture a normal bone, that occurs as a result of a ***minimal trauma e.g. fall from standing height or less, or no identifiable trauma
—> osteoporosis until proven otherwise
Common sites:
1. Distal radius (Wrist)
2. Olecranon
3. Proximal humerus
4. Vertebral collapse
5. Proximal femur
6. Distal femur
7. Pelvic insufficiency fracture
Disease characterised by loss of bone mass, reduction in bone quality by microarchitectural deterioration of bone tissue, reduced ability of bone to withstand loading
—> Consequently, susceptible to fragility fracture
Epidemiology of Fragility fracture
- 1 in 3 women / 1 in 5 men >50 yo will sustain an osteoporosis-related fracture
- 2 in 10 will die in first year
- 1 in 5 will have a history of previous fracture (frequent relapse) (Progression: Wrist fracture —> Vertebral fracture —> Hip fracture)
- 4 in 10 will not return to house / independent living
- 8 in 10 cannot carry out independent ADL
- 2 in 10 will be re-admitted within 60 days (frequent hospitalisation)
- 8 in 10 will not be investigated / treated for osteoporosis
- Risk higher in CA breast / uterus / ovarian / prostate
Incidence in HK:
- 14000 fragility fracture in 2014 (1 fragility fracture every 37 mins)
- Personal suffering
- Economic cost
***Principles of fracture treatment
- Reduction if necessary
- Immobilisation if necessary
- Rehabilitation always
Principles of ***Fragility fracture treatment:
- Goes beyond fracture fixation
4. Keep patient alive —> Medical optimisation (Optimise physiology, may need geriatric consultation)
5. Pain control
6. Fix fracture —> Surgical challenges
7. Keep patient mobile —> Multidisciplinary rehabilitation
8. Keep patient from coming back —> Osteoporosis management + Secondary prevention
Typical patient presentation in Fragility fracture
- Abnormal bones (very porotic)
- Comorbidities (ASA (American Society of Anesthesiology) class)
- cause / complicate fall - Polypharmacy
- Impaired physiological reserve (e.g. poor cardiopulmonary function)
- Impaired cognitive function
- Unable to unload injured extremity due to general weakness / poor balance —> must bear full weight
- Marginally independent ADL +/- live alone
Timing of surgery
Balance: Time spent for medical optimisation (risk of morbidity / mortality of delayed surgery) vs Benefit of prompt surgery (risk of inadequate optimisation —> medical complications)
- **As early as possible (<48 hours)
- **Quick optimisation —> Early surgery
- Patient should be optimised if there are measures to lower risk of surgery
- But if risk of surgery cannot be altered —> surgery should be performed without further delay
Pre-op quick workup:
1. CBC
3. ECG
4. CXR
5. Medication: Anticoagulant, Antiplatelet (may need stop for 1-2 days)
Conditions that need optimisation:
1. Anaemia
2. Anticoagulation
3. Volume depletion
4. Electrolyte imbalance
5. Uncontrolled DM
6. Uncontrolled heart failure
7. Correctable cardiac arrhythmia + ischaemia
8. Acute chest infection
9. Exacerbation of chronic chest condition (e.g. COPD)
Surgical challenges in fixing fractures
- Osteoporotic bone
- Impaired ability to hold screw in place —> pullout of screw
- Bone void (bone defect) after disimpaction / close reduction —> alignment difficult to be maintained with cast
- Iatrogenic comminution - Fragile soft tissue
- Surgical trauma - Existing metal implant
- Limited fixation options
- Osteoporotic bone: Solutions
- Improve fixation implants for osteoporotic bone
- Alternative fixation / replacement implants
- Surgical technique advancement
- Bone void management
Screw design:
- Locking screw (screw and plate locked together to become one angle-stable construct —> stronger)
- Blade
- Cement augmentation
Plate design:
- Fixed angle plate / Locking plate
- Long plate (spanning whole long bone)
Intramedullary device:
- Load sharing implant
—> Mechanically more advantagious than Extramedullary device —> less affected by osteoporosis than plate and screws
Arthroplasty (Joint replacement):
- No fracture fixation —> Avoid complication from fixation failure
- Allow early mobilisation
Surgical technique advancement:
- Use of soft tissue attachment (suture soft tissue to screw) to improve fixation
- Fragile soft tissue: Solution
- Minimally invasive surgery
- Gentle retraction + manipulation
- Indirect reduction
- Intramedullary device (rather than long plates: longer wound)
Summary: Surgical intervention for elderly
- As early as possible
- Aim: Pain free, Stable, Mobile
- “Single-shot” surgery
- As short as possible, minimise blood loss
- Minimally invasive / Biologically friendly technique
- Optimal implant for osteoporotic bone
- Must allow immediate full weight-bearing —> by Rigid fixation
- ***Early mobilisation + Restoration of function MORE important than perfect anatomy —> in elderly some degree of deviation / minor loss of reduction is accepted (against traditional principles of immobilisation in younger adults)
Paradigm shift:
- Conservative
- 3rd class priority
- Low precision surgery
- Prompt attention + priority
- Elderly specifically benefits from surgical stabilisation of fracture for early mobilisation
- Pain relief, prevent functional decline, maintain independence, prevent complication of immobilisation
Multidisciplinary rehabilitation
- Return patient to pre-fracture capabilities
- Prevent recurrent falls + fracture
- Geriatric Fracture Hip Pathway (in HA —> more standardised treatment)
- Multidisciplinary: cognition, depression, mobility, fall risk, nutrition, continence, vision
- Sustainable rehabilitation services in the community post-discharge
Address 2 tissues:
1. Bone fragility
2. Tendency to fall
Secondary prevention
Determined attempt to prevent another one after 1 fragility fracture
1. Identify (capture the fracture)
2. Investigate
- Blood tests
- DEXA scan
- FRAX score (calculate risk of future fracture)
3. Initiate treatment
4. Discharge with bone protection medication
- Ca, Vit D, Bisphosphonate
—> pharmacological intervention can substantially attenuate risk of second fracture, improve QoL, reduce mortality
Fracture Liaison Service:
- A nurse coordinator-based service
- For secondary fracture prevention + sustained rehabilitation in the community
- By systemically identifying all eligible patients at the time of acute fracture
- Providing them easy access to osteopororis + multidisciplinary care
- Orthopaedic ward / Fracture clinic / General orthopaedic clinic —> Fracture Liaison Service —>
1. Osteoporosis assessment + treatment
2. Fall risk assessment
3. Exercise programme
4. Education programme
1. Coordinator (leader)
2. Patient
3. Orthopaedic team
4. Family physician
5. Fall service
6. Osteoporosis service
Fall prevention
- Review +/- Adjust patient’s medication
- Anti-HT
- Psychoactive drugs
- Anticonvulsants - Evaluation of gait
- Evaluation of vision
- Evaluation of cognitive function
- Home assessment (rails, lighting, loose rugs / carpets, pets)
- Proper footwear
Standards for Fragility hip fracture care
- Admission to orthopaedic ward in 4 hours
- Surgery in 48 hours
- Prevent pressure ulcer
- Pre-op assessment by ortho-geriatrician
- Optimal surgical + non-surgical management
- Short stay in acute hospital
- Speedy discharge home
- Multidisciplinary sustainable rehabilitation service in community
- Discharged on bone protection medication
- Receive a fall assessment
- Prevention of secondary fracture
- Fragility fracture is a serious challenge: Medical, Surgical, Logistic complexity
- Treatment of fragility fracture goes beyond fracture fixation
- Multidisciplinary work is crucial
- Surgical intervention tailored to elderly physiology + anatomy
- Absolute necessity to deliver secondary prevention to prevent further fractures + save lives
SpC O/T Seminar: Osteoporotic Related Fractures
Other bones prone to AVN
Scaphoid, Talus (∵ retrograde bloodflow)
- Systemic skeletal disorder
- Characterised by low **bone mass
- Micro-architectural deterioration of **bone tissue
- Leading to bone fragility
End result:
- Consequent increase in fracture risk
1. Exercise
2. Sunlight
3. Nutritional (Vitamin D + Calcium)
4. Risk factor modification
1. Bisphosphonates (Alendronate)
2. Teriparatide (PTH analogue)
3. Denosumab (RANKL inhibitor)
4. Strontium ranelate
5. SERMs (Raloxifene)
6. HRT
Upper vs Lower limb fracture
Lower limb
- For locomotion
- **Difficulty pain control with weight bearing
- **Significant morbidity with displacement / delayed union
Upper limb
- For self care function
- Better managed by ***immobilisation
- Usually recovers with time and rehabilitative training
Atypical femoral fractures related to Bisphosphonates
- Reduced bone turnover
- Microfractures accumulation
- Stress fracture
- Eventual displacement with minimal trauma
**“Beak” sign on X-ray and **“Dreaded black line”
- osteoclast cannot remove bone but osteoblast keep forming new bone - Relation with ***bisphosphonate use >3 years
- Benefit of bisphosphonates still > risks
Distal radial fractures
- Patient’s functional demand
- ***Neurological exam (median nerve)
- Fluoroscopy
- CT assessment
A: Extraarticular (within width of joint) —> **Colles’ / Smith Fracture (Dorsal angulation, Dorsal displacement, Radial angulation, Radial displacement, Radial shortening)
B: “Partial” articular —> **Barton fracture
C: “Complete” articular
- Changes in wrist mechanics may lead to arthrosis especially with intraarticular steps
Problems with acute displacement:
- Pain
- Unstable
- Nerve impingement (Median nerve)
- Loss of reduction
- Skin impingement
- **Tendon impingement (*EPL)
(From SpC O/T 10 common ortho problems)
1. Neurology
- **Carpal tunnel syndrome
- **EPL (due to decreased in nutrient supply after injury)
1. X-ray
Normal alignment:
- Coronal plane: **Radial Angle (RA) (Ulnar slant) 22o
- Sagittal plane: **Palmar Tilt (PT) (Volar inclination) 11o
Look for:
- **Malalignment (Dorsal angulation, Dorsal displacement, Radial angulation, Radial displacement)
- **Radial shortening
- ***Intra-articular fracture: step-off and gap (acceptable < 2mm)
Factors for treatment:
1. Fracture characteristics
2. Age
1. ***CR + POP
- if alignment not acceptable + immobilisation
—> Intra-articular fracture: long arm POP x3 weeks then short arm x3 weeks
—> Old patient: slab x 4-6 weeks
—> May need change of POP if decrease swelling
—> F/U X-ray
- ***OR + IF
- poor alignment / sign of Intra-articular step/gap
Late complication of Distal radial fracture (SpC Revision)
- Median nerve palsy
- related to malunion - EPL rupture
- fracture abrasion / blood supply disruption
- usually 4-8 weeks after fracture (delayed rupture)
- treatment: Tendon transfer - Compartment syndrome / Pressure ulcers
- cast too tight - Stiffness
- immobilise for too long / lack of rehabilitation
- cast not kept >6 weeks
Treatment of Distal radial fractures
1. CR + Immobilisation
—> Anaesthesia (Haematoma block with 1% Lidocaine)
—> Longitudinal traction
—> Disimpact fracture by exaggerate angulation
—> 3 point fixation with cast
Indications: (Most do NOT need an operation)
- Non-displaced fractures
- Well reduced stable fractures
- Very low demand patients
- Geriatric
- Bad cast: too tight (compartment syndrome) / too loose
- Loss of reduction
- Cast immobilization
- Bone Healing after 4 weeks
- Physiotherapy / Occupational therapy
- ROM exercise and strengthening
- Surgery
- Evaluate patient’s functional demand
- Do a neurological exam (median nerve)
- Fluoroscopy
- CT assessment
- High grade open fracture
- Acute (progressing) median nerve palsy
- Associated carpal dislocation
- Immediate stability
- Early mobilisation
- Strengthening after 4-6 weeks
Healing time for fractures
Prerequisite for fracture healing:
1. Good blood supply
2. Strength of bone
3. Fracture site not under stress (lower limb > upper limb, shaft > joint area)
Upper limb (48484 rule):
Distal radius: 4 weeks
Radial shaft: 8 weeks
Elbow: 4 weeks
Humeral shaft: 8 weeks
Shoulder: 4 weeks
Lower limb (8168168 rule):
Hip: 8 weeks
Femoral shaft: 16 weeks
Knee: 8 weeks
Tibial shaft: 16 weeks
Ankle: 8 weeks