Psychiatry Flashcards
Mneumonic for 1st rank schizophrenia symptoms
A - Auditory Hallucinations.
B - Broadcasting of Thought.
C - Controlled Thought (delusions of control).
D - Delusional Perception
Effect of mesolimbic dopamine pathway?
DA overactivity associated with positive symptoms.
Effect of mesocortical dopamine pathway?
DA underactivity associated with negative symptoms.
Effect of nigrostriatal dopamine pathway?
D2 blockade by antipsychotic Px associated with Parkinsonian side-effects.
Effect of tuberoinfundibular dopamine pathway?
D2 blockade by antipsychotic Px leads to increased Prolactin levels and Hyperprolactinaemia.
Clinical features of serotonin syndrome
Rpid onset
Mental status change
Autonomic dysfunction- Dilated pupils, diaphoresis, tachycardia, hyperthermia, hypertension, D and V
Neuromuscular dysfunction- Tremor, hyperreflexia and myooclonus
Pathophysiology of neuroepleptic malignant syndrome
Causes of neuroleptic malignant syndrome
Antipsychotic drugs
Dopaminergic drugs
Clinical features of neuroeptic malignant syndrome
Gradual onset
Mental state change
Autonomic dysfunction
Neuromuscular dysfunction- severe rigitidy, tremor, hyperreflexia
What is conversion disorder?
Involves loss of motor function
What is Charles- Bonnett syndrome?
characterised by persistent or recurrent complex hallucinations (usually visual or auditory), occurring in clear consciousness. This is generally against a background of visual impairment (although visual impairment is not mandatory for a diagnosis). Insight is usually preserved. This must occur in the absence of any other significant neuropsychiatric disturbance.
Most common opthalmic condition associated with Charles Bonett?
Age related macular degeneration
How to treat schizophrenia if severe functional impairment
Refer to secondary care
Offer CBT and SSRI while waiitng
How many months does insomnia have to last to be chronic?
3 months or longer
What medication can be used to reduce alcohol cravings?
What medication can be used to reduce pleasurable effects of alcohol
What medication can be used to increase sensitivity to alcohol?
What is the peak incidence of delerium tremens following alcohol withdrawl?
72 hours
TCA side effects
Dry mouth
Blurred vision
Worsening of QT interval
What is akasthia?
Inner restlessness and inability to keep still
SSRI of choice in children and adolescents
Which atypical antipsychotics has the best side effect profile, particularly for prolactin elevation?
Adverse side effects of clozapine?
Reduced seizure threshold
Side effects of mirtazapine that can be helpful in older people?
Sedation and an increased appetite