Psychiatry Flashcards
What are Signs?
Objective findings elicited by clinician.
What are symptoms?
Subjective experiences reported by the patient.
What is described as a combination of signs and symptoms?
What is the major psychotic disorder?
What are examples of mood disorders?
Depression and Bipolar Disorder
What is Affect?
It is an observed expression of emotion
Fill in the blanks. “ In a warm affect , expressed emotion is _____ while in a ______ expressed emotion is reduced.
Warm affect - expressed emotion is appropriate
Blunted affect - expressed emotion is reduced.
A normal mood can be described as?
An elated mood can be described as ?
What is perception?
This is a process by which sensory stimuli brought to awareness.
What are examples of disorders of perception?
What is the most common form of Hallucination in Schizophrenia?
Auditory ( hearing voices)
True or False? A hypnogogic hallucination occurs when one is awakening while a hypnopompic hallucination occurs while sleeping.
FALSE!!! Hypnogogic - sleeping
‘ I go to sleep’
Hypnopompic - awake
‘I wake up PrOMPtly ‘
What is an illusion?
Misperception of stimulus
What are subdivisions of disorders of thought?
Thought form
Thought content- Delusions
What are examples of disorders of thought form?
*Neologism- new words
*Word salad: Incoherent mixture of words
*Loosening of association: Ideas shift from one subject to another
What is Delusion?
Fixed, False Belief, inappropriate to socio-cultural background.
ex: Rojay lol
A belief that you one has more power, wealth, smarts, or other grand traits than is true is an example of what delusion.
Delusion of Grandeur
A belief that a partner is being unfaithful to another is a example of what delusion?
Delusion of Jealousy
Fill in the blanks.” ______ is the belief that un-related occurrences in the external world have a special significance for the person who is being diagnosed.”
A delusion of reference
True or False? A Somatic delusion, occurs when the individual believes something is wrong with part or all of their body.
What are examples of psychotic disorders?
Disorder in Thought form
Fill in the Blanks . In depression , your mood is _____ while in _____ your mood is elevated.”
Depression - mood is depressed
Bipolar disorder - mood is elated
In order for one to be diagnosed with major depression , what is the criteria?
Patient must present with 5 symptoms in 2 weeks
What are the symptoms of Major Depression?
S- Sleep—insomnia or hypersomnia
I- Interest—loss of interest in pleasurable activities (anhedonia)
G- Guilt—feelings of guilt or worthlessness
E- Energy—fatigue or loss of energy
C- Concentration—diminished ability to concentrate or focus
A- Appetite—increase or decrease in appetite or weight
P - Psychomotor retardation or agitation
S- Suicidality or thoughts of self-harm (active or passive)
“sig e caps”
What is Patient depressive disorder( Dysthmia)?
Dysthymia can be thought of as a milder form of depression that is more chronic (lasting at least 2 years, or 1 year in children and adolescents).
What are examples of Anxiety Disorders?
P- Phobias
P- Panic disorder
G- Generalised Anxiety Disorder
In OCD ( Obsessive - Compulsive disorders) , What are Obsessions and what are compulsions?
Obsessions -recurrent thoughts that cause distress to the patient.
Compulsions- Compulsions are compensatory actions that the patient does to relieve the anxiety caused by the obsessions
What are symptoms experienced by PTSD patients?
*Trauma Exposure: (disaster, MVA, rape etc) Witness it, Experience it, Told about it
* Re-experience trauma- (recollections, flashbacks, nightmares, bad dreams)
* Avoidance (thoughts, people, places, things)
* Memory activated
* Arousal increased: (Hypervigilance,emotional outburst, sleep disturbances, exaggerated startle response)
What is the time period to be diagnosed with PTSD?
Patients must have symptoms for at least one month .
*If shorter they are diagnosed with Acute Stress Disorder (ASD)
Delirium, Demtentia and Amnestic Disorders are examples of what kind of disorders?
Neuroognitive disorders
What is Delirium?
This is a disorder which causes changes in consciousness ,changes in cognition ( memory, orientation, language) perceptual disturbance,acute onset, fluctuating course
True or False? Dementia is Irreversible while Delirium is reversible.
What are characteristics of Dementia?
M - Memory impairment
A- Aphasia (language disturbance)
A-Apraxia (inability to carry out motor activity despite intact motor function)
A- Agnosia (failure to recognize objects despite intact sensory function)
E- Executive function impaired (SOAP)
” Dementia patients MAAAE have these symptoms’
True or False? They psychiatric history is best performed with multiple informants and must be approached with a high level of sensitivity.
What does demographics of the psychiatric patient include?
Patient’s name
Marital status
Circumstances of referral