Learning Flashcards
What is Habituation?
Habituation (also called desensitization) happens when repeated stimulation results in a decreased response (e.g., a child who receives weekly allergy injections cries less and less with each injection)
What is sensitization?
In sensitization, repeated stimulation results in an increased response (e.g., a child who is afraid of spiders feels more anxiety each time he encounters a spider).
What is classical conditioning?
In classical conditioning, a natural or reflexive response (behavior) is elicited by a learned stimulus (a cue from an internal or external event). This type of learning is called associative learning.
What is another name for classical conditioning?
Pavlov conditioning
Who was the first researcher to discover Classical conditioning?
Ivan Pavlov
What animal was used to prove this study?
A dog.
Dog was were strapped to harness and salivation levels were measured .
What part of the brain is associated with Associative learning?
What part of the brain is associated with Classical conditioning?
The cerebellum
C- classical c- for cerebellum
What are the stages of Classical conditioning?
2. Extinction
3.Spontaneous Recovery
True or False? In classical conditioning, learning occurs when a neutral stimulus( doesn’t illicit a response yet) is paired with an unconditioned stimulus.
True or False ? In classical conditioning the Neutral stimulus becomes the Conditioned stimulus , now eliciting a conditioned response.
Which researcher discovered classical conditioned in response to fear?
Watson and Raynor
“ rat and Little Albert experience”
What is the Acquisiton phase in Classical conditioning?
In this stage, we gradually learn or acquire the condition response (CR).
What happens in the Extinction phase in Classical conditioning ?
This occurs when the conditioned response decreases in magnitude and eventually disappears when the conditioned stimulus is repeatedly presented alone – i.e not paired with the unconditioned stimulus.
What happens in the Spontaneous recovery stage?
The extinct conditioned response (re-appears in a weaker form) if we present the conditioned stimulus again after some time .
Which researcher proposed that fears can be counter conditioned through the use of Flooding And systematic desensitization?
Mary Jones
What is Flooding?
In flooding, the patient is exposed to the fear evoking object until fear is extinguished.
‘patient is flooded with fear’
What is Systematic desensitization?
In systematic desensitization, the patient is gradually exposed to fear evoking object under circumstances where he/she remains relaxed.
What is Operant conditioning?
This is the process by which behaviour becomes more or less likely to occur depending on the CONSEQUENCES.
What are the two consequences of behaviour in Operant learning?
Fill in the blanks. “ Behaviors that are reinforced (lead to satisfying consequences) will be ______.”
Strengthened - more likely to recur
Fill in the blanks. “Behaviors that are punished (lead to unsatisfying consequences) will be _____”
Weakened- less likely to recur
What is Thorndike’s Law of Effect?
Any behavior that results in satisfying consequences tends to be repeated while any behavior that results in unsatisfying consequences tends not be repeated.
Which researcher discovered learning through punishment and reinforcement( Operant Learning)?
Burrhus Frederic Skinner
What is Positive Reinforcement?
In positive reinforcement, an appetitive ( pleasant ) stimulus is presented and response is likely to recur. Ex You get good grades and are awarded with money so you continue to get good grades.
What is Negative Reinforcement?
In negative stimulus an aversive stimulus is removed. Ex You get good grades to avoid cussing from your parents so you continue to get good grades to avoid cussing.
What is Positive punishment?
In positive punishment ,an aversive (unpleasant) stimulus is presented making the response less likely to recur. ex. parents are gonna beat you , if you do smn bad.
What is negative reinforcement?
In negative punishment, an appetitive (pleasant) stimulus is removed making the response less likely to recur.ex parents are gonna take away your phone if you do smn bad.
What are the mental processes associated with learning?
Perception, Memory and Thinking
What is latent learning?
This is learning that occurs but not demonstrated until there is incentive to do so.
ex Employee more likely to perform task if a raise is presented to them.
What is Observational learning (modeling)?
Learning by observing others and imitating their behaviour.
“ monkey see , monkey do”
What is Cognitive learning?
In cognitive learning, the individual learns by listening, watching, touching, reading, or experiencing and then processing and remembering the information.
ex - med students lol
What mental processes are evaluated in Cognitive learning?
Problem Solving