Others.... Flashcards
True or False? In Tertiary prevention, actions to screen before disease is manifested by symptoms or signs are done.
FALSE!! This happens in Secondary Prevention
‘ S for Secondary- S for Screening ‘
At wha age is your 1st Polio & Hep b vaccination given?
6 weeks
At what age is your second and third Polio & Hp B?/DPT/vaccine given?
Second- Three months ( After 2 comes three)
Third - Six months
True or False? The first MMR vaccine is given at 12 months while the second MMR vaccine is given at 18 months?
What are the major Infant illnesses?
Diarrhoeal Illness
Respiratory Illness
Sickle Cell
What are major Newborn diseases?
Respiratory distress
Congenital anomalies
What are the major diseases in Children?
- Poisonings
- Accidents & injuries
- Infections
- Nutritional problems
- Asthma
- Diabetes - Type 1
- Sickle Cell Anemia
What are the major diseases in Adolescents?
- Accidents & injuries
- Teenage pregnancy
- Depression – suicide
- Substance abuse
- Asthma
- Diabetes - Types 1, 2
- Sickle Cell Anemia
What are Prevention Strategies in childhood illnesses?
- Provide safe environment- control vectors, safe water
- Promote a healthy lifestyle- balanced diet, exercise
- Maintain good nutrition- breastfeed
- Enhance immunity- vaccines
- Have well born children - antenatal care, take folic acid
- Provide easily accessible, quality healthcare - history , school performance, dental care.
What is the normal recommendation for Breast feeding?
1st to 6 months
In what stage does secondary prevention occur?
Pre-clinical stage
In what stage does tertiary prevention occur?
Clinical stage
What is a Family of Affinity/Choice?
These families are people without legal or blood ties who feel they belong together and wish to define themselves as family.
What is a horizontally extended Family?
Two or more brothers live in the same household with their respective wives and children.
What is a vertically extended family?
Daughter who lives with her husband in the household or a daughter and a son with their respective families in the household.
What type of Family exists as a distinct and strongly functional group in every known society?
Nuclear Family
What is Polygyny?
The name given to a marriage where a man is married to two or more wives at the same time.
What is Polyandry?
The marriage of a woman to two or more husbands at the same time.
In which countries, are Polyandry marriages present ?
Todas of India, some people of Tibet and the Marquesan Islanders.
Fill in the blanks .” ________ is marriage to a person within the same social category while ____ mandates marriage between people of different social categories. “
Endogamy - Same social category
Exogamy - Different social category
What is role dissonance?
Illnesses cause a ripple effect on families, creating instability. All family members therefore have to play a part in stabilizing the family.
Which commission declared Caribbean family life then, to be “dwelt on evident disorganization and increased promiscuity?
Moyne Commission in 1938/9
What are reasons for Matrifocality?
*Economic activities
*Process of modernization- economic development and policies
*Migration (internal and external)
*Female longevity
*Age of marriage (longevity combined with the fact that women tend to marry older men)
*Low re-marriage rates among widows
*Increased level of union dissolution and divorce.
What is the time period for one to be given the status of a Companionate union?
3 years
A Disintegrate family consists of?
Women , children and grandchildren
What are threats to Caribbean family continuity ?
*The shrinking economic base of families
*Inefficiency of the educational system:
*Inappropriate societal images/role models
*Adolescent parenting:
*Family violence
True or False? A sociological understanding of health considers structural and social factors, instead of simply biological explanations of health and disease.
True or False? Roman Catholics are averse to fertility treatment such as in vitro fertilization.
Which religious group do not accept blood transfusion, but non-blood alternatives instead>
Jehovah Witnesses
What is cultural awareness?
A DELIBERATE RECOGNITION of cultural beliefs, practices and values as a necessary part of the approach health care providers need to possess, in order to be more sensitive to their patients
What is Cultural Knowledge?
A RESPONSIBILITY to develop a culturally sensitive approach to patient care interactions, and to take measures to educate self about the worldview of various cultures
What is Cultural skills?
The ABILITY to collect data and perform physical histories that are both thorough and culturally sensitive.
DIRECT INTERACTIONS between the provider and patient, despite their different cultural backgrounds. The more providers interact with patients of different cultures, the more they get the opportunities to refine their approaches to these groups.
Cultural encounter
True or False? Simply asking about religious affiliation is sufficient in achieiving cultural competence?
FALSE!! It is NOT sufficient