psych 2ap3- biological bases and evolution (week1) Flashcards
How many molecules of dna does 1 chromosome carry?
Each chromosome (46) carry’s one dna molecule
What is a gene
the smallest unit of biochemical instructions in DNA
From the 46 chromosomes humans have, how many genes are encoded for?
25,000 genes
What percentage accounts for individual differences in humans?
less then 1%
Which chromosome dictates whether the fetus is male or female
chromosome 23
How many base pairs of the 3 billion do 2 people (humans) differ by
2-3 million (only 0.1% of dna difference)
What is the dna difference between humans and chimpanzees?
Only 1%
Why doesn’t genetic studies align with the contract of race?
Of the 0.1% difference between humans, 85-90% is found within old continents such as Asia, Africa, and Europe and 10-15% is found between continents
Is geographic region a dictator for how similar genes will be amongst a population?
No, although sometimes individuals will cluster based on their regions, this is not always the case
Provide an example of a gene in which people from different continents are more similar to each other than different continents
Angiotensionegen (AGT gene involved in regulating blood pressure)
What does the similarities in AGT gene amongst different different regions raise question about?
brings into question medical practices based on the race of patients
What is sickle-cell disease
when red-blood cells are sickle shaped
What is the effect of sickle-shaped cells
the cells cannot pass through capillaries and blocks passage of white blood cells
What are symptoms of sickle-cell disease
fatigue, prone to infection, acute pain
is sickle cell disease recessive or dominant
If sickle-cell disease is recessive, why is it still passed through generations?
In regions where the risk of malaria is high, a heterozygous individual with an allele for sickle-cell disease will have higher survival rate
What are the characteristics of Down syndrome?
- distinct facial features
- mental and motor delays
Which chromosome in Down syndrome is there an extra of?
chromosome 21
What is evolution
The process of change in gene frequencies over many generations
What is natural selection
environmental conditions allow some members of the species to survive and pass on their genes to future generations, while others do not
What is an example of evolution
peppered moth example
pre-industrial revolution: mostly white
post-industrial revolution: mostly black
What is the correlation between genes and the environment?
genes selected by evolutionary pressures depend on the environment in which our ancestors were living
What type of distribution does polygenetic inheritance cause?
Normal distribution
Examples of being maximally adaptive at a stage of development?
- infants poor visual acquity
- toddlers clinigness
- risky behaviours from adolescents
Heritability/inherentence dependant on?
Genetics only, not environment