PSY 203 - CHP 8 Flashcards
______ refers to the characteristics of people as males and females.
Who do young children identify with most during the initiative-versus-guilt stage?
After developing self-awareness, children around the age of 15 to 18 months begin experiencing what type of emotions?
What type of development involves thoughts, feelings, and behaviors regarding rules and conventions about what people should do in their interaction with other people?
The ability to discern another’s inner psychological state is referred to as
perspective taking
Select all that apply
Which of the following statements about gender are true? (More than one option may be correct.)
Gender is one of the most important influences on our identity and relationships.
Gender refers to the characteristics of being a male or a female.
Heteronomous moralists judge the righteousness or goodness of behavior by
considering its consequences
According to Erikson, as a young child’s conscience governs initiative, feelings of guilt negatively impact
Select all that apply
A person’s conscience involves an integration of which of the following?
moral thought
moral behavior
moral feeling
Around what age do most children develop self-conscious emotions?
15 to 18 months
Gender ______ involves a sense of one’s own gender, including knowledge, understanding, and acceptance of being male or female.
___ development involves changes in thoughts, feelings, and behaviors regarding rules and conventions about what people should do when interacting with others.
A gender ___ is a set of expectations that prescribes how females or males should think, act, and feel.
______ involves responding to another person’s feelings with an emotion that echoes the other’s feelings.
______ refers to acquisition of a traditional masculine or feminine role.
gender typing
Heteronomous thinkers believe that rules are
The qualities that researchers have used to evaluate children’s development of conscience include:
whether a child experiences guilt
whether a child has awareness of right and wrong
whether a child experiences discomfort after a transgression
whether a child is sensitive to rule violations
Biology does influence gender development. Biological factors such as hormones and genetics play a role in shaping an individual’s gender identity and expression.
By what age do most children acquire a sense of whether they are a girl or a boy?
2 1/2
The typical chromosomal pair for a male is:
Which of the following provides males and females with a framework of how they should think, act, and feel?
gender roles
The three proposed social theories of gender are:
social role theory
social cognitive theory
psychoanalytic theory
Naamah belongs to a traditional family that believes women should work as caretakers in the home and men should work as providers outside the home. This is an example of
gender typing
According to social role theory, gender differences result from the blanks roles of women and men.
Heteronomous moralists judge the righteousness or goodness of behavior by:
considering the consequences
Among the possible biological influences in gender development are:
The psychoanalytic theory proposes that gender typing occurs
Observation, imitation, and rewards and punishment are facets of which gender theory?
social cognitive
Which of the following is not one of the three major social theories regarding gender differences?
social biological theory
According to social role theory, the important causes of gender differences in power, assertiveness, and nurturing are:
Division of labor
Social hierarchy
The developmental theory that states that gender typing happens when children understand what their culture considers appropriate and inappropriate behavior for each gender is:
gender schema theory
Young children believe that when a rule is broken, punishment will inevitably follow. This represents a belief in
immanent justice.
Baumrind argued that parents should not:
Be aloof
Be punitive
Freud believed preschool children developed a Blank______ the opposite-sex parent.
sexual attraction to
According to Baumrind, the type of parents who place firm limits and controls on their child, allow little verbal exchange, and might show rage toward their child are:
Which of the following is not an example of a social cognitive influence on gender development?
the level of sex hormones in a child’s body
Baumrind describes children raised by Blank______ parents as often unhappy, fearful, and anxious about comparing themselves to others.
The three proposed social theories of gender are:
social role theory
social cognitive theory
psychoanalytic theory
Gender typing is fueled by gender schemas.
What parenting style encourages children to be independent but still places limits and controls on their actions?
authoritative parenting
Diana Baumrind has described Blank______ of parenting based on various levels of warmth and involvement.
four types
Children raised by authoritative parents are likely to display:
cheerfulness and self-control
friendliness with peers
self-reliance and achievement orientation
Authoritarian parenting lacks which of the following?
dialogue between parent and child
According to Baumrind, the ___ style of parenting characterized by a lack of involvement in the child’s life is:
The likely characteristics for children of authoritarian parents include:
unhappiness and fear
weak communication skills
failure to initiate activity
anxiety about comparing themselves with others
Which of the following is not one of the three major social theories regarding gender differences?
social biological theory
The characteristics of children whose parents are neglectful include:
Low self-esteem
Inability to handle independence
Social incompetence
The characteristic that most characterizes authoritative parenting is:
verbal give-and-take
According to Baumrind, the ___ parenting style places few demands or controls on the child and is characterized by overly involved parents.
According to Baumrind, children whose parents are ____ are often cheerful, self-controlled, self-reliant, and achievement oriented.
The characteristic that is not typically associated with children raised by indulgent parents is:
fear and low self-esteem
According to Baumrind, Yvonne and Gregory’s parenting style would be classified as:
The parenting style associated with the best outcomes in children’s social competence is:
Baumrind describes children raised by Blank______ parents as often unhappy, fearful, and anxious about comparing themselves to others.
Ruth Chao suggests that the method of control Asian American parents exert over their children is best conceptualized as a type of:
The support that parents provide one another in raising a child together is referred to as:
According to Baumrind, parents who are highly involved in their child’s life but place few demands or controls on the child are classified as:
Using the term child maltreatment in place of child abuse acknowledges the fact that maltreatment includes:
diverse conditions
Children of indulgent parents often:
have difficulty controlling their own behavior.
Counter to Baumrind’s theories, the Blank______ parenting approach has shown positive outcomes for some ethnic groups.
A recent study revealed that coparenting influenced young children’s effortful control above and beyond maternal and paternal parenting alone.
The term that developmentalists increasingly use to refer to both child abuse and neglect and the diverse conditions under which they occur is:
Baumrind’s four styles of parenting balance the following dimensions:
With few exceptions, Blank______ parenting has been associated with child competence in research across a wide range of ethnic groups, social strata, cultures, and family structures.
Which type of child maltreatment is characterized by the infliction of physical injury as result of punching, beating, kicking, biting, burning, shaking, or otherwise harming a child?
physical abuse
Using the term child maltreatment in place of child abuse acknowledges the fact that maltreatment includes
diverse conditions
The characteristic that is not typically associated with children raised by indulgent parents is:
fear and low self-esteem
Child ___ abuse includes the fondling of a child’s genitals, intercourse, incest, rape, sodomy, exhibitionism, and commercial exploitation through prostitution or production of pornographic materials.
In all types of child maltreatment, which of the following is almost always present?
On average, siblings between the ages of 2 and 4 have a conflict once every:
10 mins
What is the most frequent parental reaction to sibling conflict between the ages of 2 and 5?
doing nothing at all
The four parenting styles involve the dimensions of:
acceptance; demand
responsiveness; control
The important characteristics of sibling relationships include:
emotional quality, familiarity and intimacy, variation
The type of child maltreatment that involves fondling a child’s genitals, intercourse, incest, rape, sodomy, exhibitionism, and commercial exploitation through prostitution or the production of pornographic materials is:
sexual abuse
With the rate of employment for mothers on the rise in the United States, statistics show that one of every:
four mothers with children under the age of two is in the labor force.
Direct emotional abuse includes:
mental injury
psychological abuse
verbal abuse
Sibling conflicts tend to decrease in frequency between the ages of:
5 to 7 years of age
Common parental reactions to siblings having a verbal or physical confrontation can include:
admonishing or threatening
intervening and helping resolve
doing nothing
Children who exhibit the poorest adjustment to parental divorce are those who have been involved in:
multiple parental divorces
The characteristic that is not typically associated with sibling relationships is:
Research suggests that children of working mothers actually tend to hold more egalitarian views and engage in less gender stereotyping compared to children of mothers who stay at home.
Research has shown that some children from divorced families are more likely to experience:
Academic problems
Drug issues
The theory that states that children appraise marital conflict in terms of their sense of security and safety in the family is:
emotion security theory
Key elements important to improving the adjustment of children of divorce include:
The use of the authoritative parenting style
A harmonious relationship between the divorced parents
Direct emotional abuse includes:
Verbal abuse
Psychological abuse
Mental injury
Negative consequences of divorce are more likely to occur in which of the following?
Children who are not socially mature
Children who do not have an easy temperament
The true statement about the problems seen in children from divorced homes is:
Their problems may be the result of the marital conflict that led to the divorce.
Custodial mothers experience the loss of about:
25 to 50 percent of their predivorce income.
The characteristic that is not typically associated with sibling relationships is:
The mother’s involvement with children drops off more than the father’s involvement following a divorce.
Children raised by gay or lesbian parents or couples are:
no more likely
The factor that does not help children adjust better to divorce is:
a difficult temperament.
According to research by Hetherington and Stanley-Hagen (2002), possible reasons that parents should stay in unhappy, conflicted marriages include:
if conflict between the couple would increase after the divorce
if conflict among family members would increase after the divorce
if parenting would become more inept after the divorce
The cultural trends affecting families include:
Greater family mobility
Fewer extended-family households
Migration to urban areas
Recent research has shown that gender differences have a:
less; less
Divorce can be advantageous when the stresses and disruptions in family relationships can be reduced as a result of the move to a divorced, single-parent family.
African Americans and Latinos interact:
The characteristic that is not typically associated with sibling relationships is:
The following have resulted from the trend toward smaller families and fewer extended family living situations:
There are fewer resources available to children.
There is more openness and communication between parents and children.
As compared to non-immigrant adolescents, adolescents from immigrant families:
assume higher levels of responsibility.
The factor that does not typically help children adjust better to divorce is:
difficult temperament
Two friends who are about the same age and maturity level are typically considered:
Compared to non-Latino white Americans, the following ethnic groups have higher rates of single-parent families:
Latino Americans
African Americans
Important functions of peer relationships include:
to provide children with a source of comparison and feedback about their abilities
to provide a source of information and comparison about the world outside the family
___ therapy allows children to work off frustrations, analyze conflicts, and learn how to cope better.
Which of the following is true about ethnic minority adolescents in the United States?
They handle their challenges and stresses far better than was previously thought.