Pseudocoelomates: Phylum Nematoda Rotifera Flashcards
Phylum Platyhelminthes
Characteristics of the flatworm
- Includes planarians, fluke worms, tapeworms
- Bilateral symmetry
- Dorso-ventrally flatterned
- “Organ” level of organization
- Acoelomate body organization
- Digestive system (but mouth only, no anus: cannot feed, digest, and eliminate food simultaneously)
- Primitive excretory system
- Absence of circulation system
Clasification of the flatworms
Class Tubellaria: free living planarians
- significance of flatness; feeding structure of the gut; sexual reproduction and asexual fragmentation; regenerative abilities
Clasification of flatworms
Class trematoda:
- Flukes
- all parasitic; feeding structure of the gut; attachment suckers; sexual (and asexual) reproduction ; simultaneous hermaphrodites; complex life cycle often involving multiple hosts; primary and intermediate hosts
class cestoda
- Attachment suckers & hooks at head end; segments produced behind head; sexual mature segments; gravid segments containing fertilized eggs; complex life cycle, often involving multiple hosts; primary and intermediate hosts
The Pseudocoelomates
- Pseudocoelomate body organization:
- false: body cavity “simple” body cavity
- coelomic body cavity partially lined with mesodermal tissue (parietal periotoneum only)
- we developed organs, digestive system (mouth and anus), but no circulatory system
- phylum Nematoda (round worms)- now in Ecdysozoa
The Pseudocoelomates
- Body organization:
- “False” body cavity, “ simple” body cavity
- coelomic body cavity partially lined with mesodermal tissue ( parietal peritoneum only)
- well developed organs, digestive system (mouth and anus), no circulatory system
- Phylum Rotifera and Phylum Nematoda
Phylum Rotifera (ehrrl animals)
Clasification of arthopods
Phylum Arthtopoda
- Subphylum Trilobitomorpha: trilobites
Subphylum Chelicerata:
- Class Eurypterida: Eurypterids (extint)
- Class Merostna
Phylum Arthropoda: Subphylum Chelicerata
- Class Eurypterida(eurypterid Extinct)
- Class Merostomata (horseshoe crabs, extant)
- class Arachnida: spiders, scorpions, mites & ticks
- class phycnogonida; sea spiders
Phylum Arthropoda: Subphylum Chelicerata: Class Arachnida
- ## Spiders: Daddy long legs, Scorpions, Ticks and mites
Subphylum Mandibula
Class Crustacea
- Order Decapoda: Lobsters, crabs, shrimp
- many other orders
Class Myriapoda
- Order chilopoda: Centipedes
- order diploda: Millipedes
Class insecta(hexapoda):
- Insects
- many orders of insect; we will explore a few
Phylum Arthtopoda: appendages
- Chelicerae: mouthparts of chelicerates
- mandibles: mouthparts of mandibulates (crustanceans and insects)
- Biramous: appendages of crustaceans and chelicerates
- Uniramous: appendages of insects
Class crustacea
- Order Decapoda
- order cirripedia
- order isopoda
- order copepoda
Class Myriapodia
- Order Chilopoda (centipedes)
- ## order diplopoda (millipedes)