Lesson 1&2 Flashcards
why study evolution?
1) to understand the natural world
2) to understand ourselves
3) to inform our understanding
Famous quote
- Nothing in biology makes sense without biology
What is evolutionary Theory?
- the adaptive value of within-species variability.
what is theory?
- Everyday language
- Hunch with little evidential support
- Group of logically-consistent and falsifiable explanations strongly supported by different lines of evidence.
Important criterion for evaluating theories
We never probe anything in biology we…..
- we only probe in mathematics solutions and law.
- we test gravity- replication is essential
Younger rock (shallower strate)
- contains more complex/derived forms
Older rock(deeper strata)
Contains simpler/ancestral forms
use currently available evidence to……
reconstruct historical process
- descent with modification
- Change in heritable characteristics in a population over time.
All organism are?
1) related by common ancestry(descent from ancestors)
2) Adopted to their local environment (modification) by natural selection
Unit of evolution=
We all share
- A common ancestor
Natural selection…..
Individual level
Charles Darwin
- Origin of species 1859
- known for natural selection
- share features among species are the result of common ancestry
- Organized complexity and apparent design in nature are the result of natural selection.
Decent with modification:
All life forms are related by common ancestry
Natural selection:
Process that explains diversity, complexity and “fit” between form, function and environment.
Aristotle (384-322BC)
- Scala naturae, had a latter structure
- Species unchanging.
- Species ordained by a supernatural power
- each spice design for a particular purpose
Carl Linnaeus
- Ancient view when classifying diversity
- founder of taxonomy
- branch of biology classifying organism
- binomial nomenclature
- Similarities among organism didn’t imply anything about kinship but a particular pattern of creation.
George cuvier
- found evidence of change over time by looking at fossils in sedimentary rock.
- propose theory of catastrophism
- Hutton and Lyell; gradual change or gradualism
Jean Baptiste Lamarck
- Evolution occurs by inheritance of acquired characteristics( wrong mechanism)
Before c.1750
- Each species created separately by a supernatural agent. Species do not change (evolve) overtime
before c.1859
- Fossil record indicates species evolve, but no mechanism(yet) to explain evolution
After 1859
Different lines of evidence demonstrate that species evolve, and natural selection is the mechanism that explains evolution