PS 230 EXAM 3 Practice Flashcards
What is cooperation?
- ) Cooperation is not equivalent to harmony
- ) Harmony requires complete identity of interests
- ) but cooperation can only take place when there are situations that contain a mixture of conflicting and complementary interests
- ) cooperation occurs when actors adjust their behavior to the actual or anticipated preferences of others
Why do states have such a difficult time achieving cooperation under conditions of anarchy in the neoliberal analysis?
States often have common interests but the existence of such interests is only a necessary not sufficient condition for cooperation
What kind of image theorists are neoliberalism?
Third kind
What is the point of diversion for neoliberals and neorealists?
Point at which diverge is when talking about the question of whether they can achieve cooperation
Since neoliberals argue that while difficult cooperation can be achieve
What are Hans Morgenthalw 5 principle of political realism?
- ) politics are governed by objective laws, root in human nature, hasn’t change since the days of ancient China, India, and Greece
- ) the main signpost that helps political realism find its way through the landscape of international politics. Concept of interest defined in terms of power
- ) objective category which is universally valid
- ) political realism aware of the moral insignificance of political action
- ) refuses to identify the moral aspirations of a particular nation with laws that govern the universe
What is power?
Anything that establishes or maintains control over a man. From physical violence to most psychological lies.
What is political realism?
Aware of the moral insignificance of political action
What is a game in game theory?
Formal model of a strategic situation.
What is a strategic situation in a game?
Situation in which a players best move depends on the player herself and to a certain degree on the others players best move.
What does self-interested mean?
Means to primarily interested in obtaining the highest utility possible. Hence utility maximizers.
Why is it important to analyze prisoners dilemma?
Because neoliberals argue that the international system resembles a game of prisoners dilemma.
What is Tanya’s prefer outcome? What is Tanya’s least prefer outcome?
Cooperate- remain silent, and defect-talk
1.) (D, C)
2,) (C, D)
What is 1 year in jail?
(C, C) cooperate cooperate
What is Tanya’s prefer outcome?
(D,C)>(C,C)> (D,D)>(C,D)
What are the payoff numbers? 5>3>2>1
These numbers are payoff and not years. They are meaningless. Highest payoff 0 years is 5.
What is complete and transitive?
Tanya’s preferences are complete (Tanya’s has preferences for every outcome) she prefers 0 to 1. and transitive if Tanya prefers D,D. Tanya’s preference greater number be prefer.
What is Clinique’s prefer outcome?
(C,D)>(C,C)>(D,D)>(D,C) inverse of Tanya last two.
What does it mean to solve or ends or settle the game of prisoners dilemma?
Nash equilibrium.
How to solve prisoners dilemma?
Ask we solve the game by asking what is a players best reply given strategy of the other player.
How to denote Tanya’s best move?
Place a hash mark _ under the number of 5 of Clinique cooperates: stays quite.
What is cooperate? What is defect?
The dominated strategy because is not rational. Defect is Tanya’s dominant strategy.
Why is Tanya’s better defecting?
Because she will always get a higher payoff. If she snitches. Instrumentally rational utility maximizers never play dominated strategies.
How do we indicated a dominated strategy?
We draw a line across the first row. ————————————————
Deleting it out.
What about Cinque?
It’s the same as Tanya. Defect